
Herzlich willkommen auf meiner Website!

Passfoto von Dieter Steffmann, Breite 150 PixelIch heiße Dieter Steffmann, bin gelernter Schriftsetzer, übe den Beruf aber seit 1966 nicht mehr aus. 1986 erwarb ich einen Commodore Amiga 2000 mit 6 MB RAM, einer 50 MB großen SCSI-Festplatte und einem Multitasking-Betriebssystem. Das hört sich aus heutiger Sicht für Unwissende vielleicht immer noch nach „Spielzeug-Computer“ an, aber damals hatte ein MS-DOS-Rechner maximal 640 KB RAM und eine Festplatte von höchstens 20 MB; von Multitasking, Sound, 4096 Farben etc. gar nicht zu reden. Das Betriebssystem des Amiga passte auf 4 Disketten – und das sehr ausführliche Handbuch umfasste ca. 500 Seiten in einem Schuber.

Der Amiga hatte bereits eine graphische Bedieneroberfläche („Workbench“) mit Maus-Bedienung, und das zu Zeiten, als PC-User ihre Kommando-Kürzel noch per Tastatur eingeben mussten und der PC-Monitor höchstens 16 Farben darstellen konnte. Die Disketten waren damals übrigens bereits im 3,5-Zoll-Format. Von den Grafikfähigkeiten konnten die MS-DOS-User also nur träumen. Es gab 1987 auch bereits ein sehr professionelles Desktop Publishing Programm aus St. Louis namens „Pagestream“, welches bereits WYSIWYG-fähig war: Preis 130 Dollar. Das Amiga-Betriebssystem arbeitete bereits mit Vektor-Fonts der Firma Agfa („Intellifonts“), kam aber auch mit Adobe Postscriptfonts zurecht. Eine Schriftdiskette mit 4 Fonts kostete ca. 100 DM und war – wenn überhaupt – nur in einem Großstadtwarenhaus erhältlich.

Wer aber glaubt, er könne heute – wie früher in Bleisatzzeiten – eine Schrift kaufen und hätte dann das Eigentum erworben, der irrt gewaltig: Die Schrifthäuser vergeben lediglich „Lizenzen“ für eine Datei aus lauter „Nullen und Einsen“, die keinen realen Materialwert hat, und der Käufer wird in der Regel  mitnichten Eigentümer sondern lediglich Lizenznehmer!

Seit Oktober 2012 bin ich im Ruhestand und habe nun ausreichend Zeit für mein „Fototagebuch“. Mein Sehvermögen hat jedoch infolge einer Diabetes-Erkrankung trotz Laserung und regelmäßiger Spritzen in beide Augen stark nachgelassen. Und zur Fortbewegung bin ich nach einer Nervenschädigung in beiden Beinen auf Trekkingstöcke angewiesen. Trotzdem habe ich nun nach zahlreichen Wanderungen im Bergischen Land, Siegerland und Sauerland den Hansaweg (X9) zwischen Herford und Hameln durch das Lippische Bergland hinter mich gebracht und 5 Etappen durch Lippe und danach auf dem Sigwardsweg von Minden nach Idensen „gepilgert“. Auch der Werra-Burgen-Steig Hessen liegt nun hinter mir. Nun kann der Frühling wieder kommen …

718 Antworten auf Startseite

  1. lawrence hynes sagt:

    Mr Steffmann, does your free fonts mean that they are completely free or are there limitations? Thank you.

    • Dieter sagt:

      The fonts are free for private use only.

      • Raymond Vuong sagt:

        Hello Mr. Steffmann, I really like your Old London font. I was wondering if it would be okay to use for commercial purposes. It would be for the purpose some wording on a label for e-liquid that I’m trying to start up. I did read your answer to Mr. Hynes comment stating it is free for private use, but is there anyway I can use it for commercial use or is that out of the question? Hope to hear from you soon Mr. Steffmann.


        • Bryce Reece sagt:

          Good Afternoon:

          We are starting a small (very small) niche t-shirt company and would like to use your Saddlebag font for our logo and designs. Would it be possible to receive permission to use this?

          Thank you from Wyoming, USA!!

        • Monique Castillo sagt:

          Hello Mr. Steffmann, I really like your Old London font , and Olde English font . I came across them on the website called I was wondering if it would be okay to use for commercial purposes. I would love your permission to use these fonts , they are beautiful. It would be for the purpose of wording on Cups and shirts I want to make. I would want to know to how would one go about getting a License to use these fonts or what the steps are to use them. I’m new to the craft world , Im just a mom trying to make some extra income.

          I truly appreciate your time and consideration to my request

          Hope to hear from you soon Mr. Steffmann.

        • Justin Lim sagt:

          Hello, I’m Justin Lim.

          I have been making the short film. So I was wondering if it was be okay to use Morris Roman font for commercial purpose. I did read your answer. Is there using only font for private use?
          If I use your font in the short film, How will I do something?
          I hope that you approve using your font in our short film and I wanna put your corporate name and font name in film credits. You will give me your corporate name.
          Thank you for reading and I’ll look forward your answer.


          Justin Lim

      • Hallo Dieter
        Ich habe die frage ob ich ihrem Honet script gebrauchen darf. Ich war ein textiel Künstler aber durch eine Krankheit habe ich seit 2 Jahren nichts mehr machen können. Jetzt mache ich machmal foto’s und wollte ihrem Handschrift brauchen für meine name darunter zu zetzen. Ist das erlaubt?
        Ich höre gerne von ihnem
        viele grusse José Middelhuis
        Die Niederlanden

      • I downloaded two of your fonts from 1001 Fonts. On the download page it said they were free for commerical use. But on your personal page it said not for professional use, and here you say for private use only. The two fonts I downloaded I want to use for headings in ebooks, which would be for publication and sale. If they are not free for that use, how would one go about getting a license?

        • Racheal Palmer sagt:

          Hello Mr. Steffmann,

          I too purchased a package of over 10k fonts to use for commercial use, so to see this question concerns me. I went to your site today to inquire on a few other fonts you have created, you create magnificent fonts :), to see if they were available for commercial use. I am opening an Etsy shop using some typography for Art pieces to sell. There would not be significant publications, just a mom trying to make some extra income to assist with our 1 income family since we just had another child…. So can you please confirm if the fonts I have already purchased through are indeed available to be used commercially? I am also interested in using some of your other fonts, Gabrielle, Old Englishe, Honeyscript, Arabella, Deutsche Zierschrift, Medici Cert, Forwelle, Circus Ornate, Sans Plate Caps, Trocadero and Toskanische Egyptienne Initialen. I apologize for asking so much of you, but I absolutely love your work!! I truly appreciate your time and consideration to my request and the clarification of using the fonts that I have purchased.

          Warm regards,

          Racheal Palmer

        • AB sagt:

          Hallo Herr Steffmann,

          wir würden gerne Ihre Schriftart PRISMA für einen Weihnachtskatalog verwenden (Firma Schneider).
          Der Katalog wird in Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich versendet. Die Verwendung wäre somit „einmalig“. Derzeit sind wir uns etwas unsicher über die Rechte bzw. freie Verwendung. Laut ist die Typo kostenfrei, wir hoffen das richtig verstanden zu haben. Vielen Dank für Ihre Rückmeldung und Grüße aus Wedel

      • Dear Mr. Steffmann,

        I would appreciate to know if I could use of one of your formidable fonts (Honey Script) in a Brazilian book.

        Thanks a lot.

        Best regards,
        Mauricio Negro

      • mindi Stucks sagt:

        I found your font Augusta on DaFont and would like to use it on a book cover I am designing for a friend.
        I cannot find this font anywhere to purchase for commercial use. Is that an option?

        Thank You
        Mindi Stucks

      • Valère sagt:

        Hi Mr Steffmann

        i would like use free with your permission, your incredible font „Washington“ for my futur web serie on youtube (Title by episode and small text)

        your website and your name as title in Closing credits.

        bonjour Mr Dieter je suis un tres jeune realisateur français, je souhaiterais pouvoir utiliser gratuitement avec votre permission la police d’ecriture (fonts) Washington pour ma futur web serie sur youtube. je compte utiliser la plateforme tipeee pour proposer un financement participatif sans pouvoir savoir si je serais financé ou pas.

        Thomas. V

      • Denis sagt:

        Hello Mr. Steffmann. I am a graphic designer from Russia. Do you have permission to use your gorgeous DS HermannGotisch font to create a graphic logo for a commercial organization? Can I modify this font and make it Cyrillic?
        Thank You

      • Dawn Parra sagt:

        I came across your fonts on and there are a few I’m interested in. I noticed that you have them listed as free for personal use only, but do you sell them for commercial use? I’m not sure if I would be using them for client design, as I’m just starting out and don’t have any clients yet, but if I downloaded them, I’d like to know I could use them for any project.
        Please let me know.
        Thanks in advance.

      • Leonardo sagt:

        Hello sir, would it be okay for me to use this font for a non comercial movie I am making?

      • elizabeth sagt:

        Hi Dieter,

        What is the cost of your Titania font for commercial purposes? I should let you know that the font is on DaFont as 100% free which is wrong if you don’t want people to use it commercially. Can you also let me know how long the commercial license lasts and how i can pay for it?


      • marcos duran sagt:

        A fonte Blackletter, estou pensando em utiliza-la como fonte de uma nome musical para minha banda (nome da banda). Será que voce me daria a licença para uso dela comercialmente.

      • Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

        ich möchte ein Mittelalter PC Spiel programmieren. Bitte lassen Sie mich die Schrift „Old London“ kommerziell nutzen. Das wäre sehr sehr freundlich.

        Mit freundlichen Grüßen

      • Josh Aquino sagt:

        Hey Mr. Steffmann, hope all is well with you.

        I love your Olde English font and would love to get permission for commercial use. I would love to use it on these hats that I’ve designed for my small clothing brand here in New Zealand!

    • Colton sagt:

      Hey I was gonna create some graphics using you old english five font that I found on 1001Fonts. Im currently in school trying to make some extra cash and was gonna do so by selling graphic shirts possibly. Just wondering if this would be ok with you?

      Thanks for your time

    • Peggy sagt:

      Hello Mr. Steffmann, I would like to use one of your typography for the creation of my logo. Are you selling?

  2. Ja der gute alte Amiga – ich muss mich grad dran erinnern, wie ich selbst in den 90igern noch mit einem schönen Commodore „gespielt“ habe und wie groß der Hype war, als dann die Revolution begann mit WIN 95 – ach das waren noch Zeiten.

  3. elisa sagt:

    Hartelijk dank voor deze gratis te gebruike lettertypen , ik maakte er al veel zieke en oudere mensen blij mee !!!

    zusterlijke groet elisa

  4. Lieber Herr Steffmann,
    ich versende den Link auf Ihre Schriftenseite bis heute an jeden, der nach PC-SChriften fragt, und bin sehr dankbar für die Mühe, die Sie sich gegeben haben. Ich wünsche Ihnen ein wunderbares Jahr 2013 ff!
    Wenn Sie mal ins Sauerland kommen, und vielleicht Arnsberg besuchen, sagen Sie Bescheid, Sie bekommen eine Gratisführung zu den schönsten Plätzchen in der Stadt!
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Susanne Ulmke

  5. Biep sagt:

    Lieber Herr Stefmann,

    Thank you very much for making your fonts available for personal use!

    Is there a link to download all fonts in one package?

    • Dieter sagt:

      There is no link to download all fonts in one package. Normally, You may download each font at „Schriften/typeoasis“.

      • mike sagt:

        hey I am looking for a fraktur typefont, particularly kock fraktur which contains the compound consanants like tz ts sch ect…

      • mike sagt:

        im not that great with computers, I downloaded the fettedeutscheschrift of yours but I couldn’t figure out what to do with it or how to use it?

        • Dieter sagt:

          Hello Mike,
          most of my fraktur have ligatures like ch, ck and a long s. To get access of them use windows’s charmap.exe or in Adobe Illustrator choose „glyphs“ in the font menu.

          • mike sagt:

            hey thanks, by the way, I got your fettedeutscheschrift to work and now I find myself looking for the site where I downloaded it from as it had explanations for how to get the long s and such ect… and also, how do I get öäü and ß? thanks a lot your work is much appreciated

          • mike sagt:

            dieter are there any fraktur language packs? for windows?

          • Dieter sagt:

            Hello Mike,
            i am very sorry, but there are not any fraktur language packs for windows.
            With best regards

      • Egil Brendsdal sagt:

        I was also looking for a link in order to download all the fonts. When that’s not an option, using wget and standard *NIX commands is more efficient than downloading the fonts one by one… The following Bourne shell script downloads all the zip files:


        wget "$URL" -o /dev/null -O - \
        | \
        tr \" \\n | grep '^samples' \
        | \
        wget -B "$URL/" -i - -o /dev/null -O - \
        | \
        tr \" \\n | grep '[.]zip$' \
        | \
        wget -B "$URL/samples/xx/" -i -

  6. Père Martin sagt:

    Nous avons en provenance de votre site de belles lettrines que nous souhaiterions utiliser pour l’édition d’un livre en français intitulé l’Imitation de Jésus-Christ. Auriez-vous la bonté de nous en donner l’autorisation.
    P Martin
    Traditions Monastiques
    21150 Flavigny-sur-Ozerain

    Wir von Ihrer schönen Website, möchten wir die Initialen für die Veröffentlichung eines Buches in Französisch zu verwenden mit dem Titel l’Imitation de Jésus-Christ. Möchten Sie bitte geben Sie uns die Erlaubnis.
    P Martin
    Traditions Monastiques
    21150 Flavigny-sur-Ozerain

  7. roux sagt:

    votre écriture est magnifique, je voudrais écrire un accostiche pour mon petit fils, mais je ne sais pas comment faire, pour faire ce texte

    Merci de bien vouloir me répondre

  8. Dwight sagt:

    I have been browsing on-line greater than 3 hours as of late, yet I by no means found any interesting article like yours. It is beautiful value enough for me. In my view, if all webmasters and bloggers made just right content material as you probably did, the web shall be a lot more helpful than ever before.

  9. Bill Roach sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Steffmann. I am an artist (non-professional), and I have been looking all over the internet for fonts to use in my publications and designs. I am a low income (budgeted) person – and free fonts that I can use that are ok for commercial projects (electronic and print publications, games, etc.), are very important to me.

    I discovered your font page at Typeoasis – and in my opinion – both yourself and Paul Lloyd are the only two typeologists / typographers that offer excellent quality letter types that seem to cover such an immensely wide range of historical eras and design periods. I am – however – very saddened sir – to find that such a fabulous artistic tool collection as yours, is relegated to only private uses. Your font packages do not seem to include a specific license agreement text file or document – and on many free font sites – they are listed as „COMMERCIAL USE ALLOWED“. This could cause others to mistakenly use your fonts in desgn projects that are commercial – resulting in serious legal consequences for them. Is there any way that you could somehow work with cybapee / Miss Heidorn at Typoasis to correct this situation?

    Thank you sir – Bill Roach, U.S.A…

    P.S. – I have made a few fonts myself – and the are free for all uses private and commercial. My fonts can be found at:

    • Dieter sagt:

      Hello Mr. Roach,

      generally, all of the fonts are free for non commercial uses only to protect commercial font shops (Linotype, Fontshop etc.).
      But many of the fonts are not present by the commercials, in these cases i give the permission after single request.

      With friendly regards
      Dieter Steffmann

      • Alec sagt:

        Hello I make dice and have a a person wanting to use your font on their custom dice. May I use the „old English“ font for this?

        thank you! You do amazing typeface work!

      • Robin sagt:

        Hallo Herr Steffmann,
        großes Lob zu Ihren vielen ausgefeilten Schriftarten mit Liebe zum Detail! wir verkaufen etwas außergewöhnlichen Schmuck und haben uns kürzlich eine Gravurmaschine angeschafft. Nun würden wir gerne Ihre Saddlebag-Schriftart den Kunden für individuelle Gravuren auf Armbändern, Anhänger, Ringen usw. anbieten. Wie können wir Sie dafür entlohnen? Wir würden uns sehr über eine Rückmeldung von Ihnen freuen! Ich wünsche Ihnen trotz der außergewöhnlichen Zeit schöne Feiertage!

        Viele Grüße aus dem Schwabenländle,
        Robin Stuhler

  10. Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a teacher of engineering technology at a high school in Georgia, USA. One of my students would like to use your font „Prism“ in a promotional graphic design competition. The competition is administered by the nonprofit Technology Student Association. There are no cash r monetary awards. May we please have your permission to use this font?


    Michael Goltzer

    • Dieter sagt:

      Hello Mr. Goltzer,
      Your studends may use all of the fonts for free.
      Greetings to Georgia from a little village near Cologne in Germany.
      Dieter Steffmann

  11. I just like the valuable info you provide for your articles.
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  12. Katharina Sachs sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    ich habe Sie soeben über Fontspace entdeckt. Da ich augenblicklich an einem Kinderbuch arbeite und leider das Budget einer alleinerziehenden Mutter habe, suche ich nach kostenlosen Schriften. Bis vor kurzem dachte ich noch, mehr als einige zig gäbe es nicht an Schriftarten…Ich lerne in Sachen Schriften täglich dazu. Bei Fontspace habe ich mein Häkchen bei „commercial use only“ gesetzt, so dass ich nur Schriften vorgeschlagen bekomme, die ich auch kommerziell nutzen darf. So dachte ich. Jetzt bin ich auf Ihre Homepage gegangen und lese, Sie geben nur ausnahmsweise Ihre Schriften gratis frei. Möglicherweise interessiert es Sie, dass ich nicht weniger als 9 Seiten Ihrer Schrifarten als kommerziell nutzbar ohne Kosten vorgeschlagen bekam. Es würde mich interessieren, was Sie dazu sagen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

    Katharina Sachs
    Autorin von „Scent of Rainbow“

    • Dieter sagt:

      Sehr geehrte Frau Sachs,
      Sie dürfen natürlich alle Schriften frei verwenden. Ich wünsche Ihnen bei Ihrer Arbeit viel Erfolg.
      Mit freundliche Grüßen
      Dieter Steffmann

  13. Dawn Marshallsay sagt:

    Dear Mr Steff man,

    I am a young writer trying to publish my first fantasy novel as an ebook with little money to spend on publishing. I’ve fallen in love with your Benjamin Franklin font and can’t find anything else like it. Would it be possible to use your font for my front cover?

    Many thanks,
    Dawn Marshallsay

  14. Seán Ó Séaghdha sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman,

    Like so many others here I’m writing to ask permission to use your fonts, but in the form of an electronic book (ePub). To do this the fonts themselves are included in the file which is actually a ZIP archive. It is possible to use font obfuscation to prevent readers from extracting and using the fonts, but unfortunately there are two competing standards which would require two different editions. In short, I would like to avoid it, but if you prefer to have the fonts obfuscated I’ll certainly do it.

    A second issue: the standard only mentions OpenType fonts and my reader only works with them. So, I would also need to convert TTF to OTF.

    A third issue: I would like to add some kerning to Goudy Medieval.

    The book would include a colophon listing the fonts included and crediting you as their creator. The text of the book is in the public domain and the book itself will be made available free of charge.

    Thanks for reading this rather wordy request.

    Seán Ó Séaghdha

  15. Iris Barnes sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman,

    Thank you for the permission to use all of your fonts for the Hays-Heighe House at Harford Community College (I apologize for the repeat, but the college needs your response to my request to come to this, my work e-mail address.) Just to refresh your memory: Although you already granted Harford Community College the full use of all of your fonts for an exhibit and its related pieces, I am making another formal request using my work e-mail address so that your response is sent to
    Again, thank you so much.
    –Iris Barnes
    Coordinator, Hays-Heighe House

  16. Herr Steffmann,

    Hallo! I am Loren Dempsey, a young writer working on self-publishing a series of fantasy books. At this current moment, I am making a map of the lands in the book that I plan to use in the published version of the book once I get to that point. I humbly request the use of your Rosemary font to that end. Coincidentally, this font shares its name with the main character.

    Thank you for creating such a beautiful font.

    -Loren J Dempsey

  17. Christine Gerdvall sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann
    I would like to ask if I could use your font Cloister Black or Old London for a christmasconcert in our church in december. I will make a concert poster and your font should be perfect for it.
    Christine Gerdvall, Sweden

  18. Tuncay Celik sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    ich arbeite an einem Online- Produkt-Konfigurator, für den ich Fonts benötige. Für diese Art der Anwendung geben die größeren Hersteller, ihre Fonts nur gegen Webserver-Lizenzen heraus, die jedes Jahr eine sehr hohe Gebühr kosten. Auf Grund meines eher kleinen Budgets kommen diese Lizenzen für mich nicht in Betracht und ich bin auf der Suche nach Fonts, welche ich auch für kommerzielle Anwendungen kostenlos verwenden kann. Meine Frage an Sie ist, ob ich Ihre Fonts für dieses Projekt verwenden kann.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Tuncay Celik

  19. Jessica sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a homemaker, personal blogger, graphic designer, and Young Living Essentail Oils Independent Distributor. I am requesting your permission to use your fonts to create graphics, flyers, digital downloads, and other such items that may help me to earn a small income for my family. Any time I would use them for something that may directly bring income, I will be sure to credit you as the source for the font design. You have created some very unique and beautiful fonts and I would greatly appreciate you allowing me to use them. The main fonts I am interested in using are: Quentin Caps, Marketing Script, Roman Antique, Forelle, and Honey Script. Thank you so much for creating these fonts and for considering my request.
    Jessica Pugh

  20. Misael sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffemann,

    Ich bin der Vorsitzende einer gemeinnützigen Gesellschafts in einen kleinen Stadt in Südamerika, das aus Welsch-Südtiroler am 19. Jahrhundert gegründet war. Das Ziel unserer Gesellschafts ist der Erhaltung der Tiroler Kultur in unseren Dorf. Mit Ihrer Erlaubnis möchte ich Ihre Schrift „Grusskarten Gotisch“ in unserer Website und Dokumente verwenden.

    Herzlichen Gruss,

  21. Matthew sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann

    I am a sole trader metal artist (blacksmith). I really love two of your fonts (Cardinal and Moderne Fraktur) and am wondering if you would permit me to use them for my new ‚front of shop‘ sign (hand made by me) and possibly for the headings on: my new website, quotes and invoices. Of course, I am more than happy to credit your fine font designs on my website with a link back to your website. Please let me know what is possible with regard to using your fonts for these purposes.

    Best regards,
    Matthew St George

    • Dieter sagt:


      You may use all fonts for free.
      Best regards
      Dieter Steffmann

      • Matthew sagt:

        Thank you so much Mr Steffmann – this is very generous of you.

        I apologise for having to write my message in English. I don’t speak German and I now see that the Google translation was a little odd in places. Never mind – thanks again!

        All the best,
        Matthew St George

  22. Megan sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a new mother trying to start a photography studio out of my home in order to stay home with my new baby and still have a small income. I absolutely love your Honey Script font, and would like to request permission to use it on my business cards, thank you notes, website and other documents.

    With thankfulness,
    Megan McKenzie

  23. Hello. Thank you for the Schwabacher font. We are trying to reproduce a look similar to an old (1679) document printed in Wein. Your font is very close to it. We do not have much experience with „Gothic“ fonts, but I think I have discovered that if I type „\“, that we get the tall (long?) „S“ symbol. The problem is that the space after that character is too much. We can laboriously re-kern each pair, but before we so, I will ask: Perhaps we are doing something wrong?

  24. Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a freelance book designer working on a series of poetry books aimed at 7-11 year olds, for a UK educational publisher. Would it be possible please to feature your lovely font ‚Cardinal‘ for a poem title within one of the books? The poetry books will be used in primary schools.

    Kind regards,

  25. Francesca sagt:

    Hallo Mr. Steffmann,
    I’m a young archaeologist and recently I have been interested in photography of landscapes and historical monuments. I discovered your fonts and I do really like them, in particular the one named Honey. I would like to request your permission to use your font in some of my creations, like greeting cards and other documents with my photos. Now this is not my job, but I hope maybe one day it will be more than a hobby.
    Thank you for your attention and your work,
    Best regards

  26. Dukom sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann

    First of all, I would like to say thank you for huge and admirable font collection.
    It has been inspiration and help to many people.
    I am somehow starting freelance work of designing art and logos,
    and would like to ask for your permission on using some of the fonts for this purpose.
    Thanks for all your work, and all the best in life.


  27. Tobias sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    Als erstes mochte ich für diese vielen wunderbaren Schriften danken und Ihnen ein frohes neues Jahr 2014 wünschen.
    Als zweites würde ich gerne für ein Theaterprojekt meiner Schulklasse im Namen meiner Mitschüler um die Erlaubnis fragen ihre Schrift Iglesia auf einem Plakat zu verwenden.

    Herzliche Grüsse
    Tobias Margiani

    • Dieter sagt:

      Hallo Herr Margiani,

      vielen Dank für Ihre Neujahrsgrüße und für ihr feedback. Natürlich dürfen Sie alle schriften frei verwenden.
      Mit freundlichen Grüßen
      Dieter Steffmann

  28. NemanjaZ sagt:

    Hallo Mr. Steffmann,
    I am (Nemanja Zdravkovic) photographer and i start with stock photography, i like your fonts and i want to use one of your font (Honey screept) on my (few stock photos), just to put on photo (some txt), and would like to ask for your permission on using (Honey script) for this purpose.
    PS: I apologize for the bad English.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
    All the best
    Nemanja Zdravkovic

  29. Andrea Bosiger sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Steff,

    I am working on a vintage t-shirt design that uses Campanile font. It’s for a company that produces t-shirts for non-profit organizations. In which case 25% of the sales of the shirt goes back to the non-profit organization. May I use Campanile for this project?

    Thanks so much,
    Andrea Bosiger

  30. Andy sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    Greetings from California! I am a recent college graduate with a degree in graphic design. I am new to the work force, and as such free fonts are my bread and butter.

    I discovered your „Campanile“ font a year or so ago and have used it in a few class and personal projects, but now I have a client who fell in love with it when I presented it with my design for her new logo. She is a psychiatrist who runs her practice out of her home. My logo joined with your font would feature most prominently on her business cards (as well as greeting cards and CD covers that only current clients receive). I would say that she qualifies as a small business, which leads me to consider her a commercial client.

    Since your fonts are technically only free for personal use, I was wondering how I would go about receiving permission to use „Campanile“ for this commercial project. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

  31. Shelley Aakjaer sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffman,

    Greetings from New Zealand. I am a stay at home Mother, who designs one off fabric items such as cushion covers to earn a little money in my spare time. I was wondering if I might have permission to use your lovely Honey Script font for the main word on the front of my personalised cushion panels, which I print to fabric?

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I do appreciate it.

    Kind regards
    Shelley Aakjaer

  32. F.B. sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    Your fonts are absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for all this brilliant work!

  33. Amy Scullion sagt:

    Dear Mr.Steffman,

    I have a small little business creating papercuts and love your beautiful fonts. How would I go about getting permission to use a couple of these commercially please? It is only me and currently not making much profit at all.

    How much also would it cost to use them?

    Many thanks for your time

    Amy Scullion

  34. Brett sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman:

    I am producing posters and apparel for commercial use and would love to use your great PRSIMA font. Would you give me permission or grant me a license to do so? I am happy to credit you for your fine work.

    Best regards,

  35. Lucia Garcia M. sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman:
    I am a housewife and a graphic design student about to graduate. I request your permission to use your beautiful fonts for my portfolio, business card, website, and related items that will help me to promote my work and earn an income. I would like to use: Marketing Script, Roman Antique, Forelle, and Honey Script if possible. Thank you so much for your help.
    Lucia Garcia M.

    • Dorretha sagt:

      Hi Mr. Steffmann,
      I’m a beginning designer and helping a friend create personalized signatures for her company’s mascots that will be placed etched onto her products and marketing materials, etc. We’d like to use your ‚Honey Script‘ and have just two questions:
      1) Is it free for commercial use, for us to use in this way?
      2) Can I modify just the letter „i“ by dotting it with a heart.
      Cheers! Thanks in advance for your response,

  36. Omar sagt:

    Hi Mr Steffman!

    Greetings from Mexico! It is an honor to write. I wanted to ask if its possible to use typography „Honey Scrip“ to the realization of a logo of a Civil Association nonprofit?

    a hug

  37. Silvia Bechtl sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,

    ich würde gerne die Schrift „Forelle“ für ein Logo meines Kosmetikstudios verwenden.
    Dieses Logo würde auf sämtlichen Werbematerial verwendet werden, auch auf meiner Homepadge.
    Sind Sie damit einverstanden?
    Finde leider keine Schrift die mir gefällt außer Ihrer und mein Budget ist leider begrenzt um eine Schrift zu kaufen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Silvia Bechtl

  38. Blake Taylor sagt:

    Dear Dieter Steffmann,

    Thank you so much for creating the wonderful Old London font. This has been an inspiration and a gift to find. I have used it on a project I am currently working on. A digital newspaper, with the goal of bringing advancements to digital typography and distribution of media and more diverse and accessible journalism.

    You can find a screenshot of the font’s use here,, and I would like to request your permission to use the font in a commercial capacity, should the need arise.

    Currently, all the use is open and free for anyone to take from, but I do plan on forming a humble business or non-profit to help push things along, and for that I seek your permission.

    Thanks in advance for your consideration and time.

    Your’s truly,

    Blake Sebastian Taylor

  39. Elisa sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I am a young Italian graphic that recently, and with some difficulty, started this business for passion and to help her family. I love your font „Sesame“ and I would use it for the web site I am preparing for a friend of mine for a vacation home here in Florence. Can I do this? If so, I specify that I will mention you in the credits (the site, still under construction, is
    Thanks anyway for your attention and good luck with your beautiful fonts!
    Greetings from Florence,

  40. Rebecca Ligtenberg sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    Thank you for sharing your fonts! I would like to request permission to use your fonts in my business, creating displays using words and images which people may use for home decor or as greeting cards, etc. My intention is to sell finished designs through my blog and a shop on May I use your fonts for this purpose?

    Thank you very much for considering my request!


  41. Tobias Jakob sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,
    in Anbetracht der vielen Anfragen zu Ihrer Schriftsammlung traue ich mich kaum ebenso nach „kommerzieller Nutzung“ ihrer Schriften zu bitten.
    Wir sind Glasgraveure mit einem kleinen Webshop und möchten unser Sortiment um
    Gläser mit gravierten Initialen erweitern.
    Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen,
    viele Grüße,
    Tobias Jakob

  42. Liliane G sagt:

    Hi Sir,
    I work for a non-profit organisation that promote local artists and i’d like to use your „Gabrielle“ font inside the annual diary we produce. Is it possible? I’m a little confused about the limitations. Thank you!

    Continu your inspiring work! :)

  43. Shaunna Heinbach sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    Thank you for sharing your fonts! I would like to request permission to use your fonts in my business, I make finished home décor items to sell on I would love permission to use your fonts for this purpose.
    Thanks Shaunna

    Thank you very much for considering my request

  44. Greetings from Hong Kong!

    Thank you very much for making the fonts available for personal use. I am self-employed trying to write a mathematics typesetting app for mobile phone using android. The beta-testing and first public release will most likely be free of charge. I am considering bundling the app with fonts other than those typically used in mathematics to make it look more interesting. As the app is free and I am having a very tight budget, could I have your permission to use your font free of charge. If permission is kindly granted, I will notify you about the app’s release.

    If the app is not free and your fonts are included, I need, of course, to seek your permission again.

    With best wishes,
    Kwanleung Tse

  45. Nicole Lyons sagt:

    Mr Steffmann,

    I absolutely love this font and was hoping you would permit me to use it on my website as a header. The website is a local information website and will be monetized through advertising. I would be happy to include a link to the font in my footer in exchange for your permission to use it throughout the site.

    Thank you for letting me know!

  46. Guillermina sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I would appreciate if you could send me your conditions for use of one of your fonts (Honey Script) in a logo for a local business.

    Thanks again and awaiting your reply.

    Best regards,

  47. Orna Loughnane sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann,
    I wish to use your font Nougat in a variety of platforms/mediums including embedding your font into ebooks. Can you send me any information re permission/costings for the relevant commercial licence or equivalent?
    Many thanks
    Orna Loughnane

  48. Johnny sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I love your work! I was wondering if could use one of your fonts as the font for my clothing line logo? Is it possible to purchase that legal right??

    Best Regards


  49. Pontus Gustafsson sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Steffmann,

    I am currently writing my bachelor thesis about atmospherics online and are therefor writing about fonts. I have also created a mock-website through and found your font Holla there. Is it okey if I use it for my thesis project? Furthermore, would you say it is a script font or an antiqua?

  50. Serena Shiel sagt:

    Would I be able to use your ‚Cardinal‘ font for a book I’m writing? I want to use it as the title font for the front cover. I would be selling the book (though probably not more than 20 copies or so). Thank you!

  51. Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    Ich habe Ihre Schrift „Gotenburg A“ über das Buch „Fraktur mon Amour“ erhalten und für meine typografische Bachelor Arbeit am Prague college verwendet, da es sich zunächst einmal nur um ein privates Projekt handelte. Nun möchte ich aber meine Arbeit beim diesjährigen ISTD Wettbewerb einreichen und möchte daher noch vorher abklären ob Sie damit einverstanden sind. Das ganze Projekt ist nicht im kommerziellen Sinne konzipiert. Einen Geldpreis gibt es nicht und Sie werden selbstverständlich namentlich als Urheber der Schrift erwähnt.


    Markus Fabich

    • Dieter sagt:

      Sehr geehrter Herr Fabich,
      Urheber der Gotenburg bin nicht ich sondern Friedrich Heinrichsen, der die Entwürfe zum Schnitt für die Schtiftgießerei D. Stempel AG, Frankfurt am Main, geliefert hat. Ich habe den Font lediglich digitalisiert und den PC-Zeichensatz erstellt.
      Mit freundlichen Grüßen
      Dieter Steffmann

  52. Guilherme sagt:

    Hi there! What an amazing font designer you are. I don’t speak german, so i hope you understand. Your jobs are really nice. My favorite by now is „honey script“, so i was wondering if you could kindly give me commercial permission to use it to design a new logo for a friend of mine. The font is perfect for what she wants. Plus, i would like if i can make little changes in some parts. To be honest, i want only to use honey script as inspiration to make her logo. If that can’t be done, at least can i use it to design the logo? Thanks a lot and congratulations from Brazil for your works.

  53. yousif alqattan sagt:

    please I need to know what can I do for you after using your font for commercial use, because I did it already.

    with my regards

  54. Lisa Q. sagt:

    I work at the ad agency, and we’d like to use your Fenwick Woodtype font and your Beckett font for commercial use on posters and prints ads for one of our clients who specializes in sports entertainment and news. Please let me know if we can use these fonts with your permission for free, or if not, how much would it be to license these fonts. Can you confirm that these fonts do not infringe upon anyone else’s copyrights or trademarks?


  55. Hello Dieter,

    Can I please use one letter (the D) of your font Olde English for my logo? To be used in the header of my site and some promotional materials like bookmarks and postcards for my first self-published novel.

    Beautiful work!

    Thank you,

    Dayana Stockdale

  56. Mai sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    Thanks for your beautiful fonts to share.
    I’m a quite new web designer from JAPAN.
    I would like to request permission to use your fonts „Campanile“ in my banner design
    which is a competition.
    Your fonts are really beautiful! So If you allow me to use yours,
    it will help me so much to promote my work.
    Thanks for reading.

  57. Marion de Lauzun sagt:

    Good Afternoon Mr Steffmann,

    Thank you so much for your work. I love your fonts, especially Fancy Card Text.
    I’m a young french self-taught graphic designer.
    I would like to use some of your fonts for typographic illustrations that I will (try to) sell. I will use more than 50 different fonts on each poster so your fonts will only represent a small part of the poster.
    Will that be okay? Otherwise I will be happy to pay for a commercial licence.

    Best regards from Paris,

  58. Dennis Christie sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am an Illusionist and wanted to use your fonts on my business cards as well as some other material I wanted to see if I could get permission from you as it would be for business purposes. Thanks so much.
    Dennis Christie

  59. steven zane sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,

    First, thank you for your beautiful collection of type fonts. As a long time book collector & student of typography I was excited to run across your work on the internet. With a world now awash in type faces it’s truly refreshing to see a professional such as yourself at work creating carefully crafted type. The fact that your fonts are „free“ is truly a blessing. With that said, as a professional designer I feel your work is well worth paying for.

    My brother-in-law asked me to design a card for his band. It’s called Diving Buffalo and I found and used your font Circus Ornate. First I would like to ask your permission to use this font for his business card and promotional material. Second I would like to ask for a little help as to why I cannot print your font. When I go do distill my design as a PDF I get an error message telling me the font did not embed properly. I’ve downloaded several versions of Circus Ornate and get the same message each time. I’m on a Mac running OS 10.6.8. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Best regards,

    Steve Zane

  60. Mr Steffmann,

    I’ve come across one of your fonts on that would be beautiful in a logo I’m creating. I was wondering if there is a price I can pay you so I can have this font available for professional use. The specific font I’m looking at is Gabrielle. Thank you!

    Christina Pesendorfer

  61. Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I am doing layout for a reprint collection of Lovecraft’s favorite stories. The original printing used Goudy Initialen at the beginning of each story. I am having to recreate the original .pdfs in InDesign and the font will not embed: I wondered if you have any suggestions. I also see on your site that the font is not free for commercial use as I had been informed. May we have permission to use the Goudy Initialen font?

  62. Frank sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,

    Danke. Es ist fein, dass Sie Ihre Arbeiten zur Verfügung stellen

    Für kleine Firmen, Verwandte/Freunde, Schule und Vereine erstelle ich gerne Webseiten/Flyer. Für ein Dankeschön, zB Tausch gegen ein Mittagessen oder falls es sein muss, damit sich niemand weiter verpflichtet fühlt, kleine Spende.
    Nun möchte ich Sie darum bitten, dass ich auch dabei Ihre Schriften usw. kostenlos nutzen darf. So oder so setze ich selbstverständlich Links zu Ihrer Webseite und das tolles Angebot.

    Viele Grüße von der Küste

    • Jenni sagt:

      Dear Mr. Steffmann,

      I am a graphic designer in a small office in a finnish advertising company. May I use your wonderful Marketing Script font for free to advertise a company that sell books, paper items, pencils ect? I am going to make a school-themed magazine, posters and some illustration for web. Your font would be just perfect!

      With best regards

  63. David sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I had a logo design for my small online business and after doing some research and finding this site I see that the 100% license is for personal use only. I would love to use the Old London font for my Logo name as it is the exact font I was looking for and was hoping to get your permission as I do not want to use it without your ok.

  64. Jewel Pease sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I love your fonts and have used them in my personal scrapbooking pages for some time.

    I am now starting a business to design and sell scrapbook kits for people who create their own memory scrapbooks digitally. These kits include titles, words, phrases and alphabets for them to use to create their scrapbook pages.

    I was wondering if it would be acceptable to use your fonts for this purpose or what arrangements would be needed.

    Thank you,

    Jewel Pease

  65. Herr Steffmann, Wie gehts! I would like to use Goudy Initialen in the Mass program for a priestly ordination. This qualifies as a private use, no? Nothing sold. May I have your permission to use it on the cover only, one time only, and if so, then, how shall I create a pdf so that I might print the programs? I have designed the Mass program in InDesign. Vielen dank!

  66. Emily Sucherman sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I work for a music/entertainment/dining/nightlife magazine called Where Y’at. We are located in New Orleans, Louisiana. I am a graphic designer and am working on redoing part of the magazine layout. Your font named Louisianne is absolutely perfect for this upcoming issue and is also one of my favorites. May I have your permission to use it? This would be for commercial use. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

    Thank you,

  67. Renate Snipes sagt:

    Mr. Steffman,

    I am creating a personal planner to you and love your Marketing Script. I would like to use it in my planner. It would be for commercial use ….could I have permission to use it? Whether I just need permission or a place that I can send you a fee for the use of this font…. Thank you so much…..Renate Snipes

  68. Jordan Lagana sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I am in the midst of starting up a production company that is focused on creating content for the web, audiobooks, and other forms of media. We were hoping that we could use your Royal Initialen font for the capital letters of our name- „Royal We Company“- which would appear in our videos, on our website, and so on. What steps can we take to use the font commercially?

    Thank you for your time,
    Jordan Lagana

  69. Sean sagt:

    Hi Sir,

    I really love your Titania font and would love to use it on my book cover design I am working on. The book will be published at the end of the year. What are your terms regarding this matter. Thanks

  70. Cörd Iger sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    wie in unserem E-Mail-Verkehr erklärt, schäme ich mich immer ein bisschen, wenn ich etwas kostenlos bekomme, obwohl ich im Designbereich selbst sehr oft auf diese Art und Weise arbeiten muss und dies auch für Personen mache, die sich eine Agentur einfach nicht leisten können; und von denen gibt es leider zunehmend mehr. Ich denke, die meisten Leute wissen, weshalb das so ist. Wenn nicht wirklich, dann wenigstens instinktiv.

    In diesem Zusammenhang danke ich Ihnen nochmals für die so zur Verfügung gestellte Eigenleistung und die Freigabe der von Ihnen digitalisierten Fonts, die sonst langsam verloren gehen würden. Somit ist Ihre Leistung auch eine kulturelle.

    Immerhin habe ich einige dieser Fonts schon käuflich erworben und feststellen müssen, dass es bei Überprüfung der Fonts immer wieder Probleme mit der einen oder anderen Tabelle gegeben hat. Die Fonts, die ich von Ihnen hier downgeloadet habe, haben allerdings alle mit Bravour bestanden. Gratulation auch dazu!

    Weil es offensichtlich große Unterschiede bezüglich des Aussehens von Buchstabenausführungen bei besonders der professionellen Umsetzung gibt und diese im kommerziellen Bereich hier von einigen Postern schriftlich angesprochen worden ist, hoffe ich zur Aufklärung folgenden Link setzen zu dürfen: TYPOLEXIKON: Bitte klicken!

    Hier wird zwar Abhilfe geschaffen, viele Fragen bleiben trotzdem, wie zum Beispiel: Betrifft die Bezeichnung T1, die bei einigen Ihrer Fonts anzutreffen ist eine otf-Datei oder handelt es sich auch dabei um tt-Schriften? Oder: Manchmal wird auf einigen Seiten erklärt, dass tt-Schriften od, otf-Ausgaben den persönlichen Geschmack betreffen, wie jemand gerne arbeitet. Beim oben angeführten Link erklärt man uns aber, dass tt-Fonts nur für den Bürogebrauch gut genug sind und für Druckereien nur otf-Ausgaben verwendbar seien. Im Fontblog habe ich das allerdings wieder anders wahr genommen.

    Vielleicht erklären Sie ihren Lesern, wie es vonseiten eines echten, gelernten Schriftsetzers beurteilt wird: Sind Ihre Schriften dann auch für Offset-Maschinen anwendbar oder nur für den Officegebrauch in Verbindung mit nur digitalen Druckern?

    Vielen Dank nochmals für Ihre Leistungen am Allgemeinwohl bezüglich der schriftkulturellen Gestaltung

    Cörd Iger

    • Dieter sagt:

      Bei T1-Fonts handelt es sich um „Postscript Type One Fonts“. Die Postscript Type One Fonts waren noch vor den True Type Fonts der Standard für Mac, O/2, Unix, Amiga, (hier eigentlich die Intellifonts) und plattformübergreifend für graphische Anwendungen allgemein. Microsoft versuchte dann mit den True Type Fonts ein eigenes Format zu etablieren. Später einigte man sich wohl auf einen neuen gemeinsamen Standard, das Open Type Format. Für Windowsbenutzer ist es eigentlich ziemlich schwierig, T1-Schriften (2 Endungen: .pfm und .pbf) zu installieren. In der Regel benötigte man bis zu Windows 7 eine spezielle Software von Adobe, den ATM (Adobe Type Manager).

      Aus meiner Sicht bestehen heute keine qualitativen Unterschiede, ob man TTF oder OTF verwendet. Meine Druckerei vor Ort arbeitet seit Jahren ausschließlich mit TTF und verwendet heute in der Regel das PDF-Format. Dafür müssen die jeweiligen Fonts aber „einbettbar“ (embedded) sein. Diese Einstellung kann beim Erstellen der Fontdateien vorgenommen werden. Probleme tauchen dann auf, wenn andere „Fontverteiler“ Fonts z.b. von T1 nach TTF konvertieren und das Embedding nicht implementieren. Diese User wenden sich dann in der Regel an mich, weil sie meinen, die Fonts seien kopiergeschützt.
      Daher besser bei den hier im Blog angegebenen Links runterladen.

  71. Cörd Iger sagt:

    Vielen Dank für Ihre schnelle Antwort, die nicht nur Aufschlussreich (gewesen) ist, sondern auch noch ermutigt. Diese Problematik hat mir schon fast den Spaß verdorben, zumal es mir so vorgekommen ist, als ob mit dem Computer alles noch komplizierter geworden wäre. Der Link oben – in meinem ersten Text – hat mich in diese Meinungsrichtung geleitet.

    PS: Korrektur einiger Kleinigkeiten in meinem ersten Anschreiben:

    Das Eigenzitat werde zur besseren Verständlichkeit um ein Komma erweitert: …ung T1, die bei einigen Ihrer Fonts anzutreffen ist, eine …


    ändere man in: … Schriften od. otf-Ausgaben …

    PPS: Das hat man davon, wenn man direkt ins Eingabefeld schreibt und sofort sendet.

    • Cörd Iger sagt:

      Ist ja klar gewesen: HTML 5. Deshalb sind beim Zitieren wieder Teile verschwunden, die ich aber nicht korrigiere (Spam!). Ich schreibe ja noch blockquote und schließe mit einem slash und blockquote. Hier habe ich offensichtlich den Abschluss nicht verstanden. Werde mich mal um die neueren Befehle kümmern müssen. Muss auch da mit neuerlichen „cite“ in der Klammer geschlossen werden?

      Egal, zum Thema: Wie im Mail geschrieben, gibt es mit der „DSFetteThannhaeuser“ einige Probleme. Da ich mehrere Versionen dieser Schrift in Blogs gefunden habe, die mit Ihnen in Verbindung zu stehen scheinen oder dies auch tun, stelle ich mir die Frage, ob beim 2012er-Modell dadurch ein Unterschied zu den früheren erkennbar ist, dass, drückt man die Space-Taste, in der Vorschau rechts neben den Buchstaben einige Punkte festzustellen sind. Was bedeuten diese? Nicht einzubetten in ein PDF sind schließlich alle Versionen.

      • Dieter sagt:

        Da mich die Anfragen von usern, die konvertierte Fonts bei DAFONT oder sonstwo heruntergeladen habe, und sich dann bei mir regelmäßig über einen angeblichen „Kopierschutz“ beschwerten, habe ich die Fonts alle einzeln nochmals überprüft. Bei allen Fonts mit dem Prefix DS ist „Embedding allowed“. Sollten bei bestimmten Anwendungen trotzdem Probleme auftreten, bitte im Zweifelsfall den True Type Font installieren und den Open Type Font deinstallieren.
        Die DS-Fonts haben in der Regel auch einen erweiterten Zeichensatz (Freefont) mit zahlreichen Ligaturen.
        Bitte verschonen Sie mich bitte mit Anfragen, warum einzelne Fonts Probleme bereiten. In diesem Fall empfehle ich Ihnen, auf gewerbliche Fonts zurückzugreifen. Alle bei mir vorhandenen Fonts sind für eine Fontgröße zwischen 6 (ggf. 5) Punkt und 72 Punkt optimiert! Wenn man Fonts über diesen Bereich hinaus vergrößert oder verkleinert, können sich naturgemäß Darstellungsprobleme ergeben. Das hat aber ausschließlich mathematische Gründe. Erwarten Sie jezt von mir aber keine wissenschaftlich Erklärung sondern belegen ggf. einen Leistungskurs Mathematik.

  72. Vicky sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann

    I am a graphic designer and your font Honey Script is PERFECT and would really like to use it for a showcard I am designing. It is for a fashion company and it is a showcard for trousers shapes for commercial use. Please can I have your permission to use this font?

    If you could get back to me as soon as possible that would be great.

    Thank you very much


  73. kwithy kat sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    Your fonts are absolutely beautiful, evocative of ancient times. I’d love to use your „Becker“ font for a (commercial) t-shirt design, with your permission of course. I’d also like to know your price if it is not free. Thank you, I’m very inspired by your work.

    Best wishes,

  74. Kelly sagt:

    Good evenng Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a personal blogger and small business owner. With your permission, I would love to use your lovely font, Honey Script, to create graphics, flyers, digital downloads, and other similar items. I would be sure to credit you as the source for the font design any time I would use them for something that may directly bring income. You have created beautiful fonts, and are certainly talented.

    Thank you,

  75. Hello Sir,
    We are a French association aiming at promoting the ecology and we would like to use your typo Benjamin Franklin for one of our publications. We work non-profit. Could you give us the authorization to use this typo?…
    Thank you for your answer, very cordially,
    Corinne Soustiel

    Guten Tag sehr geehrter Herr,
    Wir sind ein französischer Verein, der zum Ziel hat, die Ökologie zu befördern und wir benutzten Ihren typo Benjamin Franklin für einen unserer Veröffentlichungen gern. Wir arbeiten an nicht erträglichem Ziel. Könnten Sie uns die Genehmigung geben, diesen typo zu benutzen?…
    Danke für Ihre Antwort, sehr herzlich,
    Corinne Soustiel

  76. Cinnamon Bair sagt:


    I work with Civilizations in Contact, a small UK-based charity. We recently did an immersive education project about Britain’s Viking heritage with 300 local schoolchildren, and we’re now creating a website that we hope will inspire teachers to try the same immersive techniques in their classrooms.

    We found your Viking typeface on 1001Fonts, and we were hoping to use it on our website. May we convert the original True Type font file into .eot, .svg and .woff versions for the website?

    Many thanks for your talents!

  77. Ane Ava sagt:

    Mr Steffman, Hope your well.

    I’m a first time publisher of a childrens book online ( Amazon/kindle e.t.c), and having seen your variety of fonts which are all so lovely ( I can’t decide).
    I would like to ask if I could please use them in my book and mostly for the use of the ‚Chapter‘ headings.
    It would be much appreciated.
    Kind regards
    Ane Ava

  78. Miles Harrison sagt:

    Dear Dieter,

    I would like to use your font for a product label I am doing. Is there a price I may use the font commercially for, or do you only want it to be used for private uses only?

    If you can please let me know by email,

    Thank you,


  79. Olga sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a jewellery designer and I absolutely adore your Romantiques font. I have found link on where it states ‚commercial use allowed‘ however I would like to ask your permission personally. I am planning to make series of necklaces cut in acrylic using this font. I would give credit to your designs in every listing as frankly I think there are worth shouting about!
    Please let me know if you are happy for me to use the font.
    With kind regards,

    Olga , missJdesigns

  80. Hello Mr. Steffman,
    I am an independent hand draped couture clothing designer.
    I work one on one with clients to hand drape and sew wedding dresses and special occasion dresses for them.
    I am just launching my second website, with which I hope to elevate my web presence and brand identity a bit from what people know me as, which is a designer who works almost exclusively with repurposed vintage materials, (which you could see on my old website: to a new site which I am building under my name: .
    I ran across your free fonts while looking for typography to adapt into my name for my site (and for a local fashion show that was asking for my logo…which of course I don’t have, as I’ve never needed one) that I thought associated with the feel of where I hope to take the clothing. ( I don’t currently have labels or other collateral since everything is hand made and I don’t have plans to mass produce)
    I ran across your Morgan font, which I really like quite a bit.
    It’s strong, and graphically satisfying, yet lyrical.
    I found out after laying out the typography that although its free, its not for commercial use. Is there any possible way to allow its use for commercial use?
    I dont really have a source for funds, which is why I was looking for free fonts to adapt….
    Please feel free to take a look at my two sites, see what you think, and let me know if that would be possible.
    Best regards,
    Sonia Kasparian

  81. Suzanna Wittpenn sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I discovered your lovely font Honey Script on
    Is it permissible to use the font for titles in a catalog that I am designing for a client?
    The catalogs are for promotional use only and not for sale. I would be happy to provide a credit/attribution for the use of the font. May I have your permission to download and use the font for this project?
    Thank you,

  82. Suzanna Wittpenn sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I adore your Honey Script that I found on
    I’m currently working on a 24 page catalog for a client and I wanted to ask your permission to download and use Honey Script for some titles in the catalog. The catalog is a sales tools for a jewelry line and not something that will be for sale. Is it OK to use your font for this purpose? We would be happy to provide your name in the catalog as well for proper attribution. Can you email me and let me know?
    Thanks kindly,

  83. Cörd Iger sagt:

    Ich hoffe, Sie haben nichts dagegen, wenn ich Ihnen mitteile, das bei allen Verve-Schnitten die Nachbreite des i sowie des z nicht in Ordnung sind. So wird der dem I folgende Buchstabe auf das I draufgelegt was beim Z ähnlich ist, aber dann doch nicht so arg ausfällt.

  84. Wade Lewellyn sagt:

    Greetings, Mr. Steffmann,

    I’m nearing completion of my first novel and plan to sell it without a formal publisher as an ebook in October. As I was looking for inspiring fonts for the cover art, I found your Cardinal and Cardinal Alternate fonts on I love both of them! May I have your permission to use them for the title and by line?


    Wade Lewellyn

  85. Hi,

    I work for a non-profit company that engages in educational, social and charitable activities in Australia.

    I wanted to know if you allow usage of your font for non-profit purposes?

    sincere regards,

  86. Melanie Van sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I am apart of CREATE, a youth-run non-profit art organization. CREATE works closely with my town’s cultural plan to promote and unify youth through various forms of art.

    I am requesting your permission to use your fonts to create logos, graphics, and flyers that will be used to promote the events we will have throughout the year.

    I would greatly appreciate you allowing us to use them. Thank you so much for considering my request!

    Melanie Van

  87. Vanessa Donaghy sagt:


    I’m a student and trying to create a startup for my sewing. I would like to use your Honeyscript font as part of my logo. How much would it be to use this font?


  88. Dear Mr Steffman,

    Firstly, apologies, I have no German, only English. Like everyone else I’ve fallen a bit in love with your work and am seeking your permission to use it – in my case, your Romantiques type :).

    I am hoping to build a career in illustration and have recently finished my first ebook. Your Romantiques type works beautifully with my aesthetic and story themes. I found it on ‚1001 fonts‘ where it is marked as ‚free for commercial use‘ and the licence information indicates that it is ok to use in a commercial context, however when I read about you, you state clearly that your work is not intended for commercial purposes.

    It is because of this discrepancy that I write to seek your clarification/permission on the use of Romantiques for a commercial purpose and if permission is granted, your advice on how I may credit your work :)

    Kind regards
    Kate Churchward
    Melbourne, Australia.

  89. Sinise A. Woods sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman,

    I’ve seen your work on and all sites similar to it and they say the fonts can be used privately. I would like to use the honey script font for a logo that I’m designing. I wanted ask before I used it. So if you can get back to me as soon as possible that would be great.


    Thanks in Advance!

  90. Derek Plumb sagt:

    Hello Mr. Dieter Steffmann –

    Greetings from the US! I teach at a small University here, and was hoping I might be able to get your permission to use your English Town for a project that I’m working on with some students. It’s a non-commercial project.



  91. Willi Franzen sagt:

    Hallo, ich würde gerne für ein Firmenlogo die Schriftart Augusta Regular verwenden. Ist dieses möglich, bzw. besitzen Sie die entsprechenden Rechte dafür um mit die Lizenz weiter zu geben? Was kostet die Lizenzweitergabe?

    W. Franzen

  92. Mercedes sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann.
    I admire his work a lot. I am a graphic design student from Argentina. I want to start a personal project of handmade notebooks. For the logo itself, I would like to use their typographic font „Louisianne“.
    I am requesting your permission to use your font. I would appreciate to let me use it.


  93. Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    ich bin eine Illustratorin und Malerin aus Polen. Ich würde sehr gerne Ihre Schriften Packard Antique und Powell Antique für den Umschlag eines Fantasy-Buches sowie ein Webseiten-Header (für eine Gitarrenschule) benutzen. Wären Sie damit einverstanden?
    Vielen Dank und freundliche Grüße aus Polen,

    Dagmara Matuszak

  94. Jindrich Spilka sagt:

    Hello Mr.Steffmann,
    we are underground dark ritual ambient project from czech mountains, although we have published our music via english label. We really very like Your Canterbury font, it could be used for graphics for our music ?
    Greetings Respectfully !
    Jindrich & Lucie

  95. Stephane sagt:

    Hello M. Steffmann ,

    I’m currently trying to create the design of the main sign of a friend restaurant (a small restaurant, almost a diner) and I’d like to use your Celtic Hand font which is very appropriate for his restaurant.
    I was wondering if you could allow a commercial use in this context ?

    Kind regards,


  96. Kurt Sigmon sagt:

    I am the adviser of a public high school yearbook in the USA. We are interested in using your Coaster font for the cover of our 2015 yearbook. This is a school publication that will have a very limited (less than 500 copies) run. We are not seeking to make a profit off of your font, and have no intentions of using it beyond this year’s book or for any promotional or for-profit enterprises.

    Can you grant us permission to use the font in this context?


    Kurt Sigmon

  97. Emake U. sagt:

    Good day sir!
    Your font collection is extraordinary, especially your „Kaiserzeit Gotisch“ font. It is super! I wish to use some of your fonts for a children’s book series which is in progress. Do I have your permission sir?

    Thank you.

    Emake U.

  98. Mike Ellis sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,
    Could you let me know if it would be possible to use one of your fonts for a commercial project and if so what the license fee would be.

    many thanks


  99. Constance Eisele sagt:

    I would like to use your font Fette Egyptienne in a poster an event for a non-profit organization in Richmond, Virginia. Would that be possible?

  100. Constance Eisele sagt:

    I emailed earlier to request use of Fette Egyptienne. I wanted to give you a little more information. It would be used for a poster and email promoting an event for a local nonprofit, Greater Richmond SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now) —

    Thank you for your consideration.

  101. Marco sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    at first, I would like to congratulate you for your fine aesthetical work and research on fonts, and thank you very much for that.
    As the others.. I’ve some problems with license for commercial use, because I’d like use your fonts for my logo creation purposes. So I’d like to ask your permission to use someone of them (especially „Chelsea“ I like it). I think it would be a good thing if people can reading and appreciate „Chelsea“, for exemple on a brand label, instead of usual and boring „Sans“ or „Arial“. Obviusly I would be careful to credit you as the source of the font design.
    Best regards,

  102. Jennifer Wiley sagt:

    Hallo, ich bin eine Mutter zu Hause und ich machen handgemachte Seife, dass ich hoffe, zu verkaufen.
    Ich möchte Ihre Erlaubnis bitten, Ihre Schrift „Napoli Initialen“ auf den Etiketten zu verwenden, weil es so schön ist. Könnte das sein, in Ordnung?
    Ich sehe, dass Sie die Erlaubnis, einige auf einer Eins-zu-eins-Basis gegeben haben, so dass ich mich auch gefragt. Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und leid, Sie zu stören!

    (Sorry for my terrible German.)

  103. Tony sagt:


    Your fonts are just wonderful, they are the best collection I have seen and all the more remarkable thay they are all from one man.

    I have just spent three days downloading all of them to decide which I would keep. I did notice that perhaps 1 in 10 seems incomplete though? Such as this one:

    Where the front page shows a complete alphabet, but the downloaded fonts are missing some letters. Please could you tell me if that is correct, or is there a problem with the uploaded files? I only ask as one of the fonts will open as ttf, but the otf says the file is corrupted, even though I downloaded it twice to ensure there was a problem in the file and not just a corrupted download.

    Thank you again for the most magical fonts I’ve ever seen!

    • Dieter sagt:

      I am very sorry, but some fonts have not had a complete alphabet.

      • Tony sagt:

        Dear Dieter,

        That is perfectly OK, I just wanted to make sure there was no problems with the downloads, your work is so beautiful, that I wanted to make sure the copies I had were as they were meant to be.

        I have now downloaded them all and kept most of them, you must be incredibly talented to be able to make so many fonts and to be able to make them look so good. I have been collecting fonts for over 15 years now and almost half of the fonts I have kept on my computer are done by you!

        Will you be making any more in the future? I do hope that you will!

  104. Aide Elguezabal sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    May I ask how much is the extended license for your Honey Script font?

    Please contact me @
    Thank you,


  105. Val Garland sagt:

    Hi, It says that Hoedown regular is a free font. We just want to make sure it’s free for commercial use today if possible.

    Thanks, Val

  106. Petra sagt:

    Hallo I would like information about font Buldur Regular. How much cost this font for commerciall using? Thank you for your soon answer.

    Petra Pátková

  107. Alexandra sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    Ich designe gerade ein Logo für enge Freunde, die sich mit einem kleinen bayerischen Gewerbe im Bereich Veranstaltungstechnik selbständig machen wollen. Wir haben uns dabei in Ihre Schrift Plakat Fraktur verliebt und wollten nun fragen ob wir diese in dem Logo verwenden dürfen.

    Über eine positive Antwort würden wir uns sehr sehr freuen.

    Alexandra F.

  108. ana sagt:

    Hello, Mr. Steffman,

    I was able to find your font Louisianne and I just love it.
    I am working on some branding and this font would perfectly fit the composition. I was wondering if I could use it for commercial purposes. Unfortunately, being a student limits your budget, so I would greatly appreciate your support.


  109. Krista sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffman,

    Unter Ihren vielen Fans, auch ich freue mich auf eine Schriftart für kommerzielle Zwecke zu verwenden. Ich schreibe ein Comic, Grundgesetze, dass ich hoffe, eines Tages zu veröffentlichen lehrt. Eines der Gesetze über das Urheberrecht sein. Wenn Sie sein zugänglich wäre, würde Ich mag, um Ihre Germania Schrift für meinen Titel / Logo zu verwenden. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie irgendwelche Fragen oder Bedenken haben.

    Ich entschuldige mich, dass ich mit Google übersetzen, Ihnen zu schreiben. Ich war zehn, als ich aufgehört, Deutsch zu lernen und jetzt Portugiesisch und Englisch sprechen statt.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
    Krista Krahn

  110. Franz Huber sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    zuerst finde ich es fantastisch, dass jemand soviel Arbeit und Energie verwendet, um auch alte Schriften zu erhalten. Ich möchte mich heute persönlich an Sie wenden, um zu verstehen, unter welchen Voraussetzungen ich Ihre Schriftart Königsberger Gotisch für den Druck von Schmuckurkunden verwenden darf. Bisher wurden die Urkunden von einem Graphiker von Hand erstellt, der aber nun in Ruhestand geht und die jüngeren Kollegen möchten diese Urkunden aus handgeschöpften Papier nicht übernehmen. Die o.g. Schriftart kommt der Originalschrift sehr nahe, weshalb ich diese gerne verwenden würde.

    Vielen Dank und herzliche Grüße
    Franz Huber

  111. Parth sagt:

    hi i am parth,i used this font for design contest & i am going to win the contest then costumer will use this for a logo please help me to use it commercially, i spend 4-5 day on the design.i am new in design field i am also not rich please help,understand my problem and answer it quick as possible i am having only 9 hours then i will be selected as winner of contest and i only earning 200USD that is pricious for me.

  112. Hillary Batliner sagt:

    Mr Steffmann,
    I am doing a project for my graphic design class. We are making a beer label for a client and I have used your Herkules font. If my label is chosen, would the client be able to sell his beer with my label on it? I will not be profitting from the beer sales but if mine gets chosen, I would like to make sure he and I are given permission to use it freely.

    Thanks so much!
    Hillary Batliner

  113. Yoshikazu sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am selling original paper products in Japan .
    I would like to ask if I could use your font “Koch-Antiqua Zier” for my product label.
    I really like your font.
    Could I have you give me the permission for that?
    If I use , do I need to pay?

    Best regards,

  114. Louise sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I’m working with a restaurant- concept with a Steampunk style. And I absolutely love your font „Cardinal font“ for that steampunk look on the menus. Is it ok for me to use it? Its only one local restaurant, and not a big chain or something. It would look really beautiful!

    Thank you,

  115. Natali Pino sagt:

    Estimado Sr. Steffmann,
    Soy diseñadora gráfica y trabajo en una agencia de publicidad en Santiago de Chile, me encantó la tipografía HONEY SCRIPT, por lo que quisiera utilizarla para un logo donde se compra alimentos a través de internet, le pido su autorización para esto, se lo agradecería mucho.
    Desde ya agradecida por su tiempo.

    Natali Pino

  116. Carolin sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    ich habe auf dieser Homepage: die Schriftart „Adine Kirnberg“ von Ihnen entdeckt. Leider kann man sich ja nicht immer auf die Angaben der Anbieter bezüglich der Lizenzen verlassen.
    Deshalb habe ich noch ein wenig nachgeforscht und bin nun auf Ihre Homepage gestossen.
    Dürfte ich Ihre Schriftart zur Erstellung eines Logos für unser kleines Familienunternehmen verwenden?

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort und freundliche Grüße

  117. Sara Maureen sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I have been asked to create a logo design for a web company here in Washington, US. The company will use a vintage plane as their branding theme. May I use your font „Marketing Script“ as the logo font for commercial use? It looks so beautiful with the vintage plane image…other fonts pale in comparison. I will credit your work. Thank you for your talents and beautiful fonts! They are such a treat to look at.



  118. Chicri sagt:

    Good Afternoon Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a young artist trying to become independent and I have been looking all over for fonts to use in my designs. I’ve fallen in love with your Gabrielle font. I was hoping to get your permission, would it be possible to use your font for my designs?

    Many many thanks,

  119. Vincent sagt:

    Hello Mr. Dieter .
    I allow myself to send you a post about your work .
    Well , I am a young French student ( hence my very bad English level !) And I wanted in parrallel of my studies realize one of my dreams : Create a clothing brand to offer my creations !

    Therefore , I would like to use “ Honey Script “ to Develop a logo because I ‚ m completely Call a fan of this typography .

    Since I did not want to do it secretly , I wonder if I Could -have your permission or not . Of course I Understand your purpose Refusal But I Would Be really happy if you accept .

    Thank you very much for reading my post and again sorry for my English

  120. Brian sagt:

    Hello, I would like to use your MiddleSaxonyText font for a commercial project. Would this be ok?


  121. Elizabeth sagt:

    I am just starting a home-based card and graphic design business and would like to use Honey Script as the font on my logo and some of the others as fonts on some holiday cards and wedding announcements. Would this be ok? I love all of your fonts so much!

  122. Bev Wills sagt:

    Hi. I run a small crafting company making bespoke gift items. I would love to be able to use a few of your fonts in my work. I understand i would need a commercial licence to use them as i will be selling the products made using them. I am more than happy to pay for the rights. Please email me direct asap to arrange payment and licence terms. Many thanks

  123. Dave sagt:

    Greetings from Vancouver, BC, Canada!

    I would like to use your Marketing Script font for a logo for my small media transfer company, which converts old tapes to digital. Would this be possible?



  124. Patrick R. Saucer sagt:


    Is it permissible to use your Tanch font in conjunction with the BST Font to create niqqud under the Tenach consonants. No modifications were made to either font pursuant to the licensing agreements? The combination of the two fonts creates an interesting Yinglish looking output,

    Patrick R. Saucer

  125. Casey Graham sagt:

    Hi, I really like the „Deutsche Zierschrift“ and I am looking to use it on a t shirt, if possible, I would be selling these t shirts, so I am happy to pay you for the rights to make the font, thank you for your time,

    Casey Graham

  126. Karin Gruber sagt:

    Liebe Grüße aus Odenthal Neschen

    Ich wollte ihnen erstmal zu den tollen Schriften gratulieren, da ich grade an einem neuen Shop -mit Produkt Designer – arbeite und mich in dem Rahmen auch mit den Lizenzen beschäftigte bin ich nun zum ersten mal auf ihrer Seite gelandet. Zu meiner Schande muss ich gestehen, das ich mich was das anging bisher mit „100% Kostenlos“ „zufrieden gegeben“ und nicht weiter recherchiert habe wo die Schriften herkommen, oder ob es doch Einschränkungen gibt.
    So habe ich heute festgestellt, das viele meiner Lieblingsschriften aus ihrer Feder stammen.Tannenberg, Titania, Nougat, Subway, Plakat Fraktur, die grobe Gotische… wunderschöne Schriften, auch die English Towne -Imho eine der besten „Englischen“ zum plotten (Technisch wg. der kräftigen Linienstärken, aber auch vom harmonischen Gesamteindruck her) So habe ich mir letzte Woche die Buchstaben z.T geglättet und zu einem schneidbaren Font gepuzzelt und da ich das zum ersten mal gemacht habe, ist mir nochmal klar geworden, was das für eine komplexe Arbeit ist.

    Die ich ihre Schriften bisher sehr gerne benutzt habe und auch gerne weiter für meinen kleinen Aufklebershop (Hundeaufkleber) nutzen würde, wollte ich sie fragen ob sie mir das gestatten würden ?

    VG Karin Gruber

    PS die Große Dhünntalsperre ist ebenfalls wunderschön zum wandern.

    • Dieter sagt:

      Hallo Frau Gruber,

      die Schriften stammen nicht aus meiner Feder, insofern bin ich nicht der Urheber. Ich habe die Schriften lediglich teilweise digitalisiert bzw. um den vollständigen Zeichensatz ergänzt und als PC-Zeichensatz zusammengestellt. Die Urheber sind alle bereits länger als 75 Jahre tot oder unbekannt. Insofern sind die Schriften alle frei verwendbar. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß und bedanke mich für Ihren Beitrag.
      P.S.: Im Laufe des Jahres werde ich die Bergischen Streifzüge 5 Burscheid/Wermelskirchen – Eifgenbachweg und 6 Odenthal – Grafen- und Mönchsweg angehen. Ich warte nur noch auf den Frühling! Und natürlich werde ich den bereits erkundeten Feuer- und Flamme-Weg in Bergneustadt angehen, sobald das Wetter es zulässt.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen

      Dieter Steffmann
      Marburger Str. 93a
      57223 Kreuztal

  127. Rebecca sagt:

    Hello Dieter

    I would like to discuss using your font Quentin Caps on some of our products. Please could you email me at your earliest convenience.

    Kind regards

  128. Lauren sagt:

    Hello Dieter

    I am designing a shirt for an environmental organization at my college and am interested in the Coaster font, is there anyway I can use it? The shirts would only be going to the officers, so about 5 people. Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing back.

    Lauren Rangel

  129. sherry sagt:

    I am interested in using your Hoedown font for use in digital scrapbook products and wonder if there is a charge for this? Thank you in advance.

  130. Monika Skuza sagt:

    Dear Dieter,
    I am running a small home-based card and graphic design business and would like to use Honey Script as the font on one postcard and one graphic print and of course I would be happy to pay you for your permission to use it. Would this be ok?
    Thank you very much in advance.
    I really appreciate all your fonts, they are just beautiful
    Best regards,

  131. Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a physics student who has created an iPhone/iPad app for kids to learn math from baseball. If you are willing, I would like your permission to use your Marker Felt font on this app and future apps in the same series.

    Thank you for your response either way.

    Allison Boley

  132. Anna Schmidt sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,

    heute fand ich Ihre Schriften auf 1001Fonts und war sofort begeistert. Schon als Kind verschlang ich alles was ich zum Lesen fand, und die ersten Ausflüge waren Bücher in altdeutscher Schrift. Da kamen nun viele Erinnerungen hoch.

    Im Leben bin ich – auch gesundheitlich – nun an einem Punkt angelangt, wo ich beruflich nur noch das machen will was mir am Herzen liegt. Bislang war es nur ein Hobby und die Ergebnisse wurden verschenkt. Es sind Karten mit kurzen Texten und Zitaten. Geplant sind zudem auch kleine Geschenke-Bücher mit Fotos und Text sowie eine Webseite, wo man dies auch ansehen kann.

    Auf der Seite des Fontsanbieter waren Ihre Schriften als frei für den kommerziellen Gebrauch angegeben, jedoch las ich eben auf Ihrer Webseite, dass dem nicht so ist.

    Nach Durchsicht der anderen Kommentare ist meine Frage nun, ob Sie es mir dennoch gestatten, einige Ihrer Schriften zu verwenden? Das würde mir sehr viel bedeuten!

    Vielen Dank und schöne Grüße
    Anna Schmidt

  133. Tamra Armistead Sawyer sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a professor at a small university in Dallas, Texas, instructing graphic design and art classes. I am also a freelance graphic designer earning a modest income for my family. I am requesting your permission to use your fonts to create logos, visual identity, and other graphic designs. You will be credited in any of my work where I have used your font designs. Currently, I am designing a logo in which I would like to use Goudy Initialen. Thank you in advance for considering my request.

    Kind regards,
    Tamra Armistead Sawyer

  134. Mario Rippberger sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,

    ich möchte Ihre Schrift „Cloister Black“ kommerziell nutzen. Die Schrift soll auf T-Shirts gedruckt werden, welche ich online zum Kauf anbiete. Wie viel würde das kosten? Ich bitte Sie um eine Antwort über E-Mail.


    Mario Rippberger

  135. Edwin sagt:

    Hello, I am a student and was looking to use your Honey Script font to print myself and friends t-shirts. May I have your permission in doing so?

  136. Shanna Lee sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am an artist/knitter/ and indie yarn dyer. I am in the first stages of starting a home based yarn dyeing and knitwear design business. I have fallen in love with your Honey Script font and I am in awe of how perfectly it lends itself to the image of my small business, fancy and eye catching, yet soft and modest. It resembles my own handwritting, yet much cleaner of course.
    I would like to ask your permission for commercial use of the Honey script font as inspiration for my business logo, and while I have modified it slightly to suit my products main logo, the original font will appear on business cards, yarn labels, and website. I would of course, be more than happy to credit you with the font design on my website as well as online store.
    Thank you for considering my request,
    Shanna Lee Felice
    Lambstrings Yarn

  137. margit hanke sagt:

    sehr geehrter herr steffmann,

    meine kollegen haben ihre schrift entdeckt und würden sie gerne für einen foodkunden für ein loge einsetzen zum thema back to school.
    wir würden die schrift gerne auf 10 arbeitsplätzen instalieren.
    können sie mir bitte mitteilen wieviel die lizenzen kosten würden?

    sonnigen gruß aus münchen

  138. Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am an artist and photographer, currently in the beginning stages of starting my business. Recently, I’ve discovered the letter ‘o’ from your Prince Valiant font. It struck my eye because of its certain rebellious flavor and touch of elegance.

    I have modified it slightly, increasing its width to fit the identity of the business. I would like to request your permission to use the letter ‘o’ in my logo, business cards, and invoices.

    Warm regards,
    Ryan Ovsienko

  139. Marcelo Miguel Bazan sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann:

    I’d like to write this in German, but I’ve just been learning it for 5 months so I can’t write in German yet.
    I’ve downloaded your English Towne font from Dafont but I want to know if I can use it for the logo of a website I’m designing for a man in England who teaches English.
    In fact, the logo has another font (not yours) but it flips as if it was a card &, in the back side, it has a phrase. I want to use this font for that phrase.
    He does that for a living, so it’s a commercial website, that’s why I want to ask you if I can use it.

    Thank you & greetings from Argentina.

  140. Giuliano Cocchi sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffman,

    I am a new writer and i’m trying to publish only my ebook. Would it be possible to use your Gabriola and Gabrielle fonts for commercial purpose on my front cover?

    Many thanks,
    Giuliano Cocchi

  141. Phillip Donze sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffman,
    Greetings form St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
    Thank you for providing all of your amazing fonts. I would like to formally request the use of your fonts for commercial print purposes. I am starting a home-based T-shirt and media design company, focusing on free-thought, science, skepticism and human equality themes. I am particularly interested in the Due Date font. It will be perfect for my logo and many of my pending designs.
    Thank you for considering my request.

    Phillip Donze

  142. Dear Mr. Steffman,

    This is a request for approval to use your font for our new digital invitation service. We plan to compete with Paperless Post and your font would be seen by a large user group. We would of course list the name of your font on the platform. The font would be for commercial use and would be for web and app use. We would require your permission to use on the web and as an app.

    Could you kindly advise if we have permission?

    Thank you.

    Justin Felber
    Co-founder Connor

  143. Ally Beck sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman,

    I would like to ask your permission to use the font Saddlebag Black for a commercial trade show sign to be displayed in a private environment. Could you please let me know at your earliest convenience if I have permission to use the font?

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,
    Ally Beck

  144. Alexandra Martins sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman,
    I’m a young graphic designer and I love your fonts.
    Specialy Marketing Script! Can I use them for commercial use?
    Thank you so much for your beautiful work.
    Kind regards,
    Alexandra Martins

  145. Andrew Kingdom sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    May we please have your permission to use your ‚Goudy Mediaeval‘ font commercially?

    We are considering your excellent rendering of this font for the title of a brand of products for children.

    All the best in adding to your photo diary.

    Kind regards,
    Andrew Kingdom

  146. Siavash Ranjbar sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann, I’m a student about to head into college, and I’m developing an RPG video game as a side project in my free time. I found your font „Alpine“ via fontspace and I believe it will compliment the game greatly. I do plan to sell the game once it’s at a release stage, and I wanted to know if it was fine by you.

  147. Janet Taylor sagt:

    Hi Mr Steffmann,

    I am completely taken with your Honey Script font. I am starting a fine art print business and I would like your permission to use the font on some of my marketing materials, specifically some stationery, packaging, stickers, postcards and website graphics. I am more than happy to license them, but it seems from this site that perhaps permission is all that you require.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  148. kirstie sagt:

    Hi Mr Steffmann, I’m designing a logo…Can I use your font FetteEgyptienne for a logo design?

  149. Chutimon sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    First of all, I would like to say thank you for creating beautiful fonts.
    I am a freelance graphic designer and would like to ask for your permission to use your ‚Marketing Script‘ font in commercial works for my clients.

    Please let me know if I can use your font with your permission for free, or if not, how much would it be to license this font.

    Thank you for considering my request.


  150. Sini sagt:

    Hello dear sir! I fell in love with the minimalism and grooviness of the font Prisma. I would love to use it as a font for my lounge band. We are just starting out, but it really catches the essence we feel in our sound.

    Regards and best wishes.

  151. Danny sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann, ich bin ein Singer/Songwriter und bin dabei einen Tour Daten Titelbild anzufertigen. Ich bin auf Ihrer Schrift „Prisma“ gestoßen und würde diese gerne öffentlich für mein titelbild im Internet verwenden. Ist dies möglich?
    Würde mich sehr freuen, und finde diese Schrift einfach perfekt.

    Lieben Gruß,

  152. Mary-Ann sagt:


    I would like to know what the license is of your font Hoedown. Because on several sites it says that its free for commercial use. If it is not. What will the fee be?

    Best regards,


  153. Martin D. sagt:

    Herr Steffman,
    Vary nice collection of fonts.
    What I would like to know is what the font is at the top of this page:
    It’s the font in which your name is rendered.
    Kind regards,
    Martin D.

  154. Christina Cachie, USA sagt:

    Like the countless people before me, and the many more to come, I have fallen in love with your font collection. It’s the Prisma font in particular that I’d like to request permission to use for commercial and private purposes. My use would include, but wouldn’t be limited to, T-shirts, online, and print marketing materials, in support of an organization that empowers mothers. Relying on your previous online responses to requests for commercial permission on this site, requesting permission here is all that is required. I would like to use the font in the next 30 days. If you have any objections to my proposed use, I’d greatly appreciate it if you can notify me within this timeframe, so I can make alternate arrangements (although I really wouldn’t want to do that!), as your works are the best.

    Thanks so much for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Christina Cachie, U.S.A . . .

  155. Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a self taught 3d artist and aspiring to be a 3d animator. I currently work as a dishwasher at a restaurant and I also do freelance graphic design work on the side. I am designing a logo for the restaurant where I work and I would like to ask you if its okay if I use your font „quentin caps“ as part of the restaurant’s logo? I would be so grateful for it!

  156. Thank you kindly for creating such lovely fonts. I am very interested in using some of them to produce chalk drawings with inspirational messages. I would like to sell my drawings on Etsy. I am a stay-at-home mom of four and my husband does not have retirement saved. I would like to help him retire some day and also have enough to give to poor children and oppressed people groups living in poorer countries. I look forward to your response.

  157. Max sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,
    Ich habe mit einem Freund im Rahmen eines Schulprojekts ein Computerspiel entwickelt. Ich war für die Grafik verantwortlich und habe in einer Szene ihren Font AnglicanText verwendet da er mir sehr gut gefiel. Nun haben wir uns überlegt, dass wir vielleicht eine Website machen wollen, auf der man sich das Spiel herunterladen kann. Wir würden dort gerne auch einen Spenden-Button einfügen also wäre das dann ja eine kommerzielle Nutzung. Uns würde es sehr freuen wenn sie uns die Erlaubnis dazu geben. Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen!
    Viele Grüße Max

  158. Susan Pease sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I am an Australian children’s self publishing author and have noticed your design Goudy Initialen.
    Its perfect for my environmental children’s book. I would like to use one of your letters at the beginning of each chapter. I am asking for permission as I have noticed they are royalty free for personal use. Your artwork is beautiful and it would enhance my children’s book. My goal is to educate children about looking after our planet and each other. It would be an honour to use your beautiful fonts. And I would love to send you the book after publication. Please let me know if you will alow me the use.Otherwise I will search or design something. I am organising the printing of the book as we speak.
    Kind regards,
    Susan Pease.

  159. Ana Barreto sagt:

    Good Afternoon Mr Dieter Steffmann,

    I hope everything is good with you!
    My name is Ana Barreto and I’m a young portuguese graphic designer trying to initiate a freelance career. Currently i’m working on a project for a starting company based on traditional gifts that you can send to friends or family who are far away. I’ve found it very emotive and while i was searching for a font that could complement the image of the product i’ve met Cloister Black and now i can’t continue without it! Would you please be able to allow me to use it on this project?

    Thank You for the Attention.

    Kind Regards,
    Ana Barreto

  160. Mitch Gelman sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mitch Gelman and I am about to start my very first business. In searching the internet for a font to be used on my upcoming website, business cards, stationary, t-shirts, possible book etc… I came across your „Express“ Font. This is an absolutely „exquisite“ piece of artwork by you and one of the most attractive fonts I’ve ever seen. It would be an absolute honor to use it for my start-up consulting line of work. That being said, I am kindly asking for your permission to do so. If this is possible, I would be ever so grateful and will definitely send you nothing but positive energy in return. I look forward to your response at your convenience. Until then, I wish you the best of good health and good fortune, and I hope you have a wonderful day! Best Regards, Mitch Gelman

  161. Melissa Rott sagt:

    Hello! I am a graphic designer/web designer in Wisconsin in the USA. One of my clients found the Forelle font you created and would like to use it in her logo. She found the font at and absolutely loves it. Can we have permission to use this font commercially, and if so, is there a cost?

    Thanks and have a wonderful day!

  162. Nigel Tudgay sagt:

    Hi Dieter
    I am a sign maker who makes signs, banner, vehicle graphics, etc.
    I am in the process of building a web site where users can design their own signs online.
    We would then create the signs from their designs.
    I would like to include some of your fonts in the list of fonts they can use in their designs.
    They would not be able to download or copy the fonts.
    Would you allow me to use some in the web site.
    I can put an acknowledgement to you on the site.
    Thank you for you help


    Nigel Tudgay (England)

  163. Dan Schwalb sagt:

    Hello, I saw your font ‚yonkers‘ on a site that said free for commercial use, so i used it on a t shirt design, that I will be selling. However, I see that the font might not be commercial free after all. Is it ok if I use this font on the t shirts I will sell? I’ve already printed them out. It’s only one word on the t shirt, and the other words are in a different font. Please let me know, thanks!

  164. Adriana Rodríguez sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I work for an indie film making company based in Mexico. We just finished our first feature film. It’s a medieval story. We would like to ask permission to use the font „Goudy Medieval“ for an epigraph at the beginning and a legend at the end.

    To do so, I want to ask you if we can re-kern some symbols such as the interrogation marks (which in this particular case seem to be very close together with the first word of the question). And also, as spanish speakers, the dots in the „i“ tend to look like accent marks, could we substitute the dots in the „i“ with the regular dot from this font?

    We would properly credit you in the end credits.
    This movie is to be exhibited in film festivals and eventually have a theatrical release.

    Kind regards,

    Adriana Rodríguez (México)

  165. Jens Lambert sagt:

    Guten Tag Herr Steffman;
    I am a photographer and would like to be able to incorporate Honey Script in a few of my photographs, since it is much nicer than my handwriting. These images would be sold commercially and the font be superimposed on writing paper that has been photographed. How can go about licensing this particular font?

    Thank you for your time
    Jens Lambert

  166. Bhavesh Mehta sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a young entrepreneur and have recently started dealing in personal accessories like desk clocks, writing instruments, etc. I am in love with the Kaiserzeit Gotisch Font and want to request you to see if I can use this font for my logo. This logo will be carried on the website, products, etc. Please do let me know if it would possible to for me to use the font for these purposes.

    Best Regards,

  167. shar sagt:

    Mr. Steffman –

    Your fonts are absolutely beautiful and I would like to thank you for your generosity.

    All the best,
    South Carolina, USA

  168. Gabino sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffman oder Biss Gott,
    Konnen Sie bitte „Circus Ornate“ benuntzen. Ich will auf dem „Tshirt“ benuntzen fur Kaufen. Ich kann auch Kaufen aber wo fur „commercial license“. Es ist fur nur eine design. Ok, ich hatte Deutsche versuchen gespragt aber ich bin Americanish. Ich habe versucht:-)

    • Gabino sagt:

      Hello Herr Steffman,
      I would like to use your „Circus Ornate“ on shirt that I will be selling. Like the others on your site, I also saw it and was able to download it for free. I didn’t want to use your font without permission as I respect your work. I am willing to purchase it as well or send you a picture of how I am using it. It will only be in one design. Please advise how I can move forward with free use on this one design or purchase.
      Thank you,

  169. Jessica Herdman sagt:

    Your typeface „Honey script“ is listed as 100% free, is this for only personal use or for commercial as well?

    Best Regards,
    Jessica Herdman

  170. Thomas Lavergne sagt:

    Hi mr Steffman,
    I have found your „marketing script“ on a font website. And i love it !!
    I started my business and i would like to use it for the logotype and the communication.

    Please, can i used your font for my own business ?
    I hope you’ll be agree…

    Best regards.

  171. thomas lavergne sagt:

    Hello mr Steffmann,
    I found your font „marketing script“. I love it !
    I would like to use it for my small business created recently.
    Please, can i use it for my logo and for my communication tools ?

    I hope you’ll be agreed.
    Best regards

  172. Thomas Braun sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffman,

    I live in Milwaukee, WI. I am trying to translate the above referenced document for my pastor but I am unsure the best (and most affordable) way to render the text cleanly into English. The text appears to be some form of Fraktur–though I don’t know which.

    Would you happen to know which font type this is and perhaps how I might go about translating it per above?

    Thanks so much for any insight!

  173. Brady Turner sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Steffmann,

    I was inquiring if I would be able to ask permission for commercial use of the font „Prisma“ since I made an image for my friend as a random gesture of kindness, and they liked it so much they wanted to use it for a single they’re recording. I wanted to ask and make sure that it would be okay for I tell them yes.

    Best regards,
    Brady Turner

  174. carly rann sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffman,

    My name is Carly Rann and i live in the U.K. I make hand stamped jewellery and i am looking to have one custom (only for my use) metal font set made.
    I would like to ask your permission for commercial use of the Honey script font if at all possible. I would be happy to give you acknowledgement for the font on my website.

    Thank you in advance.

    Carly Rann

  175. Anthony Comulada sagt:


    I would like to ask permission to use the Rothenburg font for our groups demo cd, it was brought to my attention that this font was actually, not free, for commercial use (unlike what and claims that, it is) after we started using it in a few places. We will be having our own logo designed soon, however, we can only seem to agree on this particular font, at this time. The font will be used on demo cd’s and stickers as promotion, used as a basic logo on the web until we can raise enough to hire an artist to design a more permanent logo. Very little revenue will actually come from the logo at this point, however, we wanted to make sure we got your permission to use the font…

    Thank you,

  176. Steffen sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    wie bereits einige Personen in Beiträgen vor uns, würden wir die Schrift gerne für kommerzielle Zwecke nutzen, d.h. ein Logo daraus formen unter Verwendung der entsprechenden letters. Würden Sie uns bitten sagen, wie wir dies tun können?
    Vielen Dank.

  177. Kevin Fritz sagt:

    I have a small graphics business out of my home and love your font Campanile, as well as Titania, Honey Script and Benjamin Franklin. Your permission to use commercially for printed graphics including flyers, digital media and packaging would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your consideration!

    Kevin Fritz

  178. Richard Jackson sagt:

    Mr Steffmann
    I write a newsletter for the Daisy Mountain Rock and Mineral Club located in Anthem, AZ. It is a non-profit organization. We all agree it looks great. I am requesting your permission to use Quentin Caps font in our Logo and Newsletter. We would also like to print T-shirts with our club logo and your Quentin Caps font with your permission. In my opinion, non of these items would be considered “commercial”.
    Thank you very much,
    Rick Jackson
    Daisy Mountain Rock and Mineral Club Member

  179. Adam Greenberg sagt:


    I love your fonts! I have written an entirely fictional, surrealist novel based on the figure of Hildegard von Bingen, and I am wondering if I may use Goudy Initialen for drop caps at the beginning of some of the chapters. If so, how may I go about downloading a version that can be imbedded in a pdf file?

    Thank You for your consideration,


  180. Evelyn sagt:

    Herr Steffmann

    Ich bin selbständige Designerin und entwerfe soeben Turnbeutel für Italien Fussball Fans, diese werden zum Verkauf sein. Die Schrift Honey Script passt perfekt und ich wollte mich erkundigen, ob ich diese verwenden darf, oder wie viel die Lizenz kosten würde? Besten Dank und freundliche Grüsse

  181. Sehr geehrter Herr Steffenmann,

    meine Hobbymusiker und ich habe ein Band, spielen Akustik Rock mit deutschen Texten und haben sehr viel Spaß damit. Für unsere Web Seite haben wir Ihre Schrifttype Hansen verwendet. Sie passt genau zu uns. Nun lässt sich nicht vermeiden, das nach viel üben auch die ersten Auftritte anstehen für die wir auch Gage bekommen. Vielleicht nehmen wir auch mal eine CD auf, die wir bei der Gelegenheit verkaufen wollen.
    Unsere Bitte wäre, dass Sie uns die Genehmigung geben, die Schrifttype Hansen auch für kommerzielle Dinge anwenden zu dürfen.
    Es würde uns sehr freuen.
    Viele Grüße
    Roland Schönholz

    PS. Ich finde es immer wieder sehr beeindruckend, wenn man seinen Beruf zur Berufung machen kann.

  182. Jen sagt:


    I love the honeyscript font

    May I use it for my next tattoo?

    I absolutely love it.


  183. Nalini Bhutia sagt:


    Hope are you are well!

    My name is Nalini and I am a designer working for Star India Network in India.
    We are currently working for one our sports show packaging for online digital platform( and would appreciate if you could grant us the permission to use one of your font „Faktos Regular“ for our packaging purpose.

    Also, if its not free, please let us know if we can purchase it from any site.


  184. Debbie Dengler sagt:

    Hi I am getting stated on selling online scrapbooks. I was on and found fonts of yours that I may be able to use for my word art. The site has them under free. Can I use them in my art ? This would mean that I will have to add color and change them in other ways as well. So are they commercial free with no resections ? Hope to hear back from you. Deb

  185. Jerry sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffenman,
    I would like to use QuentinCaps in a sign for my high-end tailor shop. I hope this will be all right since it is exactly what I am looking for. Please let me know if this is possible.

    Best regards,

  186. Anthony D sagt:

    Hello Dieter,

    I am a graphic design student and I’m designing a book cover and one sheet for a client. Since I’m a student, I go on to very frequently for free fonts since I can’t afford to spend money on every font I like. This is where I came across your „Honey Script“ font and it’s practically perfect for my project. I saw it was 100% free so I downloaded it for use but noticed there was no license and realized you said that your fonts are only free for private use only. I also read that you provide permission to use for commercial use upon request? Is this correct? If so, that is very generous of you to do, and would love if I had your permission to use your font. If I do get your permission to use your font, do I need to document it in any way?

    Thank you for all your work,

  187. Julie sagt:

    Can you please email me costs to use the Germania font commercially?
    For a fast food restaurant’s campaign in the United States. I would say 6-8 users/computers that would have the font installed.

    Thank you much!

  188. Dillon sagt:

    I really love the Coaster Font, very 1960’s style. I am designing a wrist strap for Zox Straps and I absolutely love this font for it! I would love to ask permission to use this font in hopes my tie-dye design may be made and sold. I would be ever grateful if I could use your font and if so I would love to also send you a bracelet (if it is chosen and made) so you can enjoy it too! If you would like information on zox and what they are, please check out

    Thank you so much!

  189. Christiam Aedo sagt:

    My goodness what a a fantastic font collection, I really much appreciate the work that you have done. Thank you for sharing your talent.

    Gracias again

  190. Jordan Bender sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffenman,

    I used Powell Antique to make a logo for a friend. He wants to make business cards and yard signs for his landscaping company. Is this allowed?

    Thank you for your wonderful fonts and have a nice day!


  191. Hello Dieter,

    I would like to discuss a commercial license for the Kings Cross font for use in a university magazine for former students. This magazine has no advertising. I work at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts. Thank you,

    Emily Fitzsimmons

  192. J Bruce sagt:

    Hello Dieter.

    I am requesting your permission to use your font Augusta on an embroidered patch. The patch will be used for a Halloween party and given away as a party favor to approximately 50 guests. I will not be selling the patches or profiting in any way. If necessary, I’d be happy to send you a picture of the patch. Thank you so much for your time. J

  193. Dear Mr.Steffmann,

    I wanted to inquire about a license or permission to use your Old English Five font for a majority of the name of my business, mainly to be used at the top of the website. I would be using your letters for part of the name of my business. It’s possible the use of the font would be used for promotional purposes ( i.e. a large decal of the name of my business on my car) and possibly on some packaging, though unlikely. I would provide information about your font, and give credit to you as author on the website.

    The business is Chaos Chocolate Inc, located in NY, USA. This is a small, recently established (July, 2015) on-line based chocolate business.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Mallory Moebius

  194. Michael sagt:

    How does one acquire the rights for commercial use of one of your fonts?

  195. John Bearden sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am working on an open world sandbox game and we have decided that your Devinne Swash font works really well with the menu screen options. We would like to obtain a commercial license for this font with your permission.

    We would love to get you a copy of the game if you are interested!

    If you would like to learn more about our project or have any questions, please send me an e-mail and I will answer any concerns you might have.



  196. Shimada sagt:

    It is Shimada of LOWCAL Corporation.

    We are of the WEB site under development
    Marketing Script that you made to the font
    Please let use .

    Shimada Takaya

    Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Ebisunishi 1-9-6 Asuto ~ urubiru 5F

  197. Sam Campbell sagt:

    Hello, can I use the „Honeyscript“ font I downloaded for free from for my business logo?

  198. Dorretha sagt:

    Hi Mr. Steffmann,
    I’m a beginning designer and helping a friend create personalized signatures for her company’s mascots that will be placed etched onto her products and marketing materials, etc. We’d like to use your ‚Honey Script‘ and have just two questions:
    1) Is it free for commercial use, for us to use in this way?
    2) Can I modify just the letter „i“ by dotting it with a heart.
    Cheers! Thanks in advance for your response,

  199. Julia Gallagher sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I work for a children’s book publisher and we would like to use your font called HoneyScript in one of our picture books, in both print and e-book editions. When our designer downloaded the font from, there was a link to a license that did not prohibit commercial use as long as the font was not modified. Now that link is not available, nor is any information about a license for commercial use. Can you please let me know what the fee would be to use the font one time only for commercial use? Thank you very much for your help with this.
    Julia Gallagher

  200. Cindy Stanley sagt:

    I would like to say thank you for superb and admirable font collection you have created. You are a great inspiration to many people. I am attempting to do some freelance work designing logos and graphics, and would like to ask for your permission on using some of the fonts for this purpose. Your consideration to allow me to use your fonts will be greatly appreciated. I truly adore your talent! Thank you for all your work and for sharing with those less fortunate.
    Wishing you all the best in life,


    • Dieter sagt:

      Hi Cindy
      thank You very much for your feedback.

      • Cindy Stanley sagt:

        Hi Dieter,
        Would you consider for me to use any of your fonts to make sentimental quotes for vinyl transfers or iron-on transfers for home decor items that I make and sell part-time from my home? There would be no mass production nor production for other businesses. Just a one woman show that loves to do crafts in my spare time and share them with other women that like to decorate on a budget. I would proudly give credit on any of your fonts used and tag my completed projects with your name as the designer of the fonts. Would this be a possibility? Thank you kindly for your consideration.

        • Cindy Stanley sagt:

          Dear Mr. Steffmann,
          I have received your email. Many thanks for your reply! May life continue to fill your heart with inspiration and creativity in all your endeavors.
          Best Wishes in all you do,
          Cindy Stanley

  201. Jim sagt:

    Hello Sir –
    I like all of your fonts but really like one called Angel. But it’s not the one with the dots mixed in. It’s the one where the A,D,G,L,O,Q,V & Y all have hearts in the font. The other letters have stars & angel wings. I am not able to download it. Is there a way you can send it to me?
    Thank you

  202. Liam Ferreira sagt:

    What the lincense for you fonts, and i can use for comercial use in videos?
    – Mr. LIAM

  203. Marion sagt:

    Hi, Dieter,
    I am writing you concerning your font called „DIRECTION. I am interested in using it for a Business Logo. I am sure you get this question a lot since your fonts are amazing; can I freely use it in a logo? If it is not free to utilize, what steps must I go through to get permission?

  204. Linde sagt:

    Dear mister Steffmann,

    I am loving your font called Honey Script,
    It fits perfectly in my design for a window sticker in Antwerp, may I please use it freely.
    The sticker will be up there for a month. Till the opening early October.
    I am an intern at a jewelry store and I’m trying hard to impress everyone a bit, other font designers have already declined my request of using their font.
    You are my last hope..

    I hope to hear from u soon.


  205. Lili L sagt:

    Good afternoon,

    I was hoping to use some of your fonts on pictures I have taken and sell them. Inspirational words and phrases. I am trying to make a living of this and I find your fonts so beautiful.
    Thank you for your time.


  206. ophelie sagt:

    Bonjour monsieur,
    Je suis une jeune graphiste/illustratrice indépendante, dans la création de livres pour enfants en france. Serait-il possible s’il vous plaît d’utiliser votre magnifique police, le Plumscript »à des fins commercials?
    Je l’avais découverte sur le site à 100% gratuit.
    En vous remerciant.

  207. arter sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffman,

    I actually found many amazing fonts belong to you on 1001 fonts for free commercial use. So I just would like to make sure if I’m allowed to use any of them for printing t-shirts? Thanks.


  208. Shelby Haynes-Getschmann sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am the owner of a very small custom apparel and decal shop in Northern Colorado. I opened the business just over a year ago in my basement as a way to make extra money for my children’s sport activities and their college funds (ages 10, 6 and 2 year old twin boys). I have looked through your fonts and I really like several (53 to be exact). May I please have your written permission to use your fonts in my work? I specialize in Rhinestone designs, but occasionally customers want text or initials.

    On a side note – My Husband’s family is from Germany, I wish that I knew where they lived. My Husband visited Ramstein Germany back when he was a solider in the US Army, are you located near there?

    Thank you in advance for your consideration,
    Shelby Haynes-Getschmann

  209. Donna sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am designing a decorative tin can for a 100-year-old American company. Their logo is very compatible with Honey Script. I would like to add a phrase to their tin design using Honey Script. I have seen it listed as „free for commercial use“ on two sites. Please confirm or let me know if it is available for licensing for this purpose. It is the most exciting and beautiful font I’ve seen in a long time!

    Thank you in advance for your consideration. If you would like more information, please contact me.

  210. Dear Mr Steffmann,
    I was wondering if I could gain your permission to use your font Hoedown for commercial use ie. text on canvases for baby names. I am a graphic artist and illustrator.
    Kind regards,

  211. Beatrice sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I saw your marvelous fonts on I am from the UK and I want to start my own small business company. I saw your Titania font and it’s so beautiful and would match so perfect for my product idea. So I hopefully get your permission to use your font for commercial use. I’ll be also happy to buy the font from you, because I truly love it!
    I really appreciate your time and consideration to my request. Thanks a lot, Mr. Steffmann.

    Warm Regards,

  212. David Cubero sagt:

    Hello Steffmann, I would like permission to use your „Old England“ font for commercial use. Its for a graphic novel I’m making. The font will be used for the title of the book.

    If I need some kind of license for it than could you tell me where to get one ?

    I’m hope I get a message from you soon.

    Sincerely David Cubero.

  213. Megumi Matsumoto sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann

    I’m in the process of opening my own business of custom-made cookies (no shop, it will be made at home, I’m the only employee) and I really like your font “Campanile”. I was wondering if you could give me the authorization to use the font for my logo? I would only use it for the logo on my website and business cards. I would really appreciate your help and being able to use this great font! Looking forward to your reply. Greetings from Montreal! Regards.

    Megumi Matsumoto.

  214. Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I found your font „Driftwood“ on 1001 Freefonts, but I looked it up, to make sure whether it was free or not and I found your website because I did not see a .txt file in the download folder.

    My partner and I are trying to start an educational program for children which focuses on reducing the gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education for public school children.

    May we use your font for our logo? – As you can see on our website I had used it believing it was free, but I don’t want to have it there without your permission.

    Thank you for your consideration.
    Best regards,
    Ignacio Martinez & CREW

  215. Jonathan C Becker sagt:

    Mr Steffmann,

    I am interested in using your Humboldt fraktur font for the text of my small men’s shop’s logo. I hope to hear from you soon regarding my being able to incorporate one of your beautiful fonts into my little shop’s aesthetic.

    Best regards,


  216. Meghan Voyce sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    We are a small independent game studio from Canada that creates mobile phone games for all ages. We are interested in using your font „Blackwood Castle“ in a video game that we are creating. The font will only be used to introduce the game title, „The Lonely Archer“.

    May we have your permission to use your font for free as mentioned above?

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Meghan Voyce

  217. Kenneth Riggall sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffenman,
    I am beginning to take in some small graphic design commissions as a hobby and to support myself while unemployed. I wonder if i may have your permission to use your Tintoretto and Honey Script fonts in my work?
    Thank you for your consideration


  218. Allan Rabanales sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    My wife and I truly admire your work. We run a small (me and my wife) home based business selling handmade items for the wedding industry.
    We are asking you for commercial permission to use the font: flaemische-kanzleischrift to make laser cut table numbers and other items. It would be a true blessing for us.

    Thank you so much,
    Allan and Luisa Rabanales

  219. Emery Dingee sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,
    I am a freelance artist and found your font „Honeyscript“ on which says it is free. I would like to reach out and ask if you would be willing to give me permission to use your font for some website and print designs I have made for a client?
    Thank you so much,
    Emery Dingee

  220. Jacqueline sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I’m a Freelance Artist that makes Greeting Cards and I got your Augusta Font off of a free font website where it said it was free for commercial use as well as private. Regardless, I wanted to make sure to ask you if I’m allowed to use your Augusta Font for a client for her Program she wanted me to make on the back of her card.

    Thank you,

    Jacqueline T

  221. Hello Mr Steffmann!

    I’m Melissa and I’m an indie game developer from Brazil, and I really think your fonts are awesome! By the way nice to meet you! =)
    I’m currently developing a free game application and I would like to use the Augusta font if possible! In your font is stated as free for commercial use, but researching further I ended up here and got the feeling it really is free but for private use only.
    Well, we do not have the money to invest in this project now, so everyone is working for free on our free time… I would like to know if we could use it in our game for free and if we do make any success (fingers crossed) we’ll make sure to make up to everyone who could help us! =D

  222. Remo.D sagt:

    I see a lot of questions about licensing and I am confused myself. Too bad such wonderful work can’t be fully utilized for lack of clarity on the legal status.
    I wouold suggest that Mr. Steffmann to do one of these three things:

    1. Start selling commercial licences for his font (and notify the many font-sites that state they are 100% free)
    2. Make them 100% free (possibly with an attribution clause)

    Of course I would prefer the 2nd option :)

  223. loulou sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann

    Since I’ve seen your font „Goudy Initialen“, I wanted to ask you for permission of using it for my clothinglabel. It’s not necessarily for commercial use, but I welcome it to have your OK anyway.

    Thank you in advance!


  224. Stefan Vogl sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    ich arbeite gerade am Cover meines ersten Ebooks das die praktische Anwendung der ritterlichen Tugenden im Alltag behandelt. Auf der Suche nach einer passenden Schrift für den Titel bin ich auf Ihre Font „Gutenberg Textura“ gestoßen. Wie meine Vorgänger möchte auch ich Sie fragen ob diese kommerzielle Nutzung meinerseits für Sie in Ordnung ist. Auf Ihrer Website haben Sie angegeben dass Sie sich für Geschichte interessieren, wenn sie wollen schicke ich Ihnen gerne ein kostenloses Exemplar zu wenn ich die Arbeiten beendet habe.

    Ich bewundere Ihr Engagement und Ihre Großzügigkeit mit der Sie Ihre Schriften teilen.

    Freundliche Grüße aus Bayern
    Stefan Vogl

  225. Sandro Ribi sagt:

    Grüezi Herr Steffmann.

    Ich suchte ein Font nach einem Beispiel und fand, dass Ihr Berlin Squiggle Condensed (Regular) Font das ähnlichste ist. Kann es aber im Web nicht finden…

    Haben Sie eine Adresse wo ich es runterladen kann?

    Danke! Cordiali saluti
    Sandro Ribi

  226. RJ Babbit sagt:

    Greetings. I would LOVE to use the goudy medieval font for a cartoon I’m working on. Is there a way I can purchase it? Thank you.

  227. Pauline Thomet sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    Is it possible to have your email address because I have a question about your honeyscript typo, that i would like to buy for commercial purpose?
    Let me know, thank you

    Best regards
    Pauline Thomet

  228. Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    wir sind ein Druckwerkstatt für Siebdruck und Hochdruck und würden gerne für unsere Webseite Ihren Font Saddlebag verwenden. Wir sind auf eine Webseite gestossen, auf der angegeben wird das die Saddlebag auch für die kommerzielle Nutzung frei zu verfügung steht:
    Auf anderen Seiten ist die kommerzielle Nutzung aber nicht explizit angegeben. Uns würde es sehr freuen ihre Saddlebag für unsere Webseite verwenden zu dürfen.

    Beste Grüße
    Martin Grobecker, Thomas Wahle und Christoph Sander

  229. Hello Mr. Steffman,

    I’ve been using your beautiful Marketing Script font on a project for a broadcast television show (a one time special of BBC comedy outtakes for Christmas) and on double checking the license information have found your information here that your fonts are free for personal use. Would you be happy for me to use the font on this project? Thanks very much for your time and beautiful work.

    All the best,
    Jenny Anderson
    Motion graphic designer

  230. Ingo Rentsch sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    ich arbeite an der Website für den neuen Betrieb meines Bruders.
    Bei der Auswahl der Schriften dafür haben wir auf „“ nach 100% freien Schriften gesucht. Dabei haben wir Ihr „Kaiserzeit Gotisch“ gefunden, das uns direkt begeisterte und für die Seiten-Überschriften ausgewählt wurde.
    Bei der Zusammenstellung der Danksagungen habe ich beim Besuch Ihrer Webseite nun feststellen müssen, daß Ihre Schriften nur für den privaten Gebrauch frei verwendbar sind.
    Ich bitte Sie daher um Erlaubnis „Kaiserzeit Gotisch“ für die website der „Rentsch & Sichard Bildhauerkunst und Malerei GbR“ verwenden zu dürfen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
    Ingo Rentsch

  231. Stacey Cameron sagt:


    I am requesting your approval to use your „Cardinal“ font for my comic book store logo for my web store front as well as on business cards, posters, flyers. Thank you and have a great day.

  232. Colin Houck sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I recently came across your creation „Fancy Card Text,“ and have preliminarily used it to design a mock logo for a friends as-yet established business restoring vintage straight razors here in Eugene, Oregon. However, we both love this font so much that we would like to have it be the font for the permanent logo. It is truly a work of art, as is all of the work from you that I have seen so far. I cannot find this font for sale with a commercial license though, so I am here to ask your permission to use this font for the logo. My friend’s budget is non-existent at this point, and I am providing my services free of charge, so neither of us is in the position to pay a hefty licensing fee. Will you grant permission to use? And if so what are your conditions, if any. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration, and wish you the best.

    C. Colin Houck

  233. Silviu Codau sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I am working on a project for a friend as a kickstarter for what i love to do. I want to know if i have your permission to use „OldeEnglish v1.2“ for text purpose or i have to buy them .. and if it’s a must…how?

  234. Marcin sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I am working on Android application,
    I would love to include some of your fonts (Prince Valiant)
    into the app – it’s commercial app ($0.99)
    What should I do or how to get your permission.

    Thank you

  235. mindi Stucks sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann
    I downloaded your font „Augusta“ from DaFont to use on a book cover I am designing for a friend. I cannot find any font for commercial I like and Augusta is perfect for the cover. How do I go about obtaining the license to use this font for to sell her book and what are your conditions, if any.

    Thank you for your time,
    Mindi Stucks

  236. Anne Groff sagt:

    Herr Steffmann,
    I admire your work and that you are a true craftsman. Thank you for sharing your gift.

    Herzliche Grüße und vielen Dank!

    Anne Groff

  237. Steve Herrmann sagt:

    Lieber Herr Steffmann,
    Sie kann Englisch verstehen, und Englisch viel leichter für mich geht, so weiter auf Englisch schreibe ich. Untschuldegung aber Deutsch sehr langsam für mich geht.

    I like Flaemische Kanzeischrift a lot, but – if I may say so – the capital ‚L‘ is a bit lame next to the other capital letters. It is too plain. Would a curl as on the ‚D‘ or ‚M‘ give it the appropriate elegance for this font?
    – Steve

  238. Ryan sagt:

    Hi Dieter

    Please can I use your Olde English Regular Font for Commercial use. I will just be using the lowercase a for my logo for clothing company.

    I have checked out every font you have, I like Olde the best :)

    Kind regards,

  239. Magda Russell sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I really like your fonts! You have made some beautiful ones! May I have permission to use them? In particular at this time, I am interested in using Honey Script for a blog, and since I want to use it in the name, it may be used elsewhere as a logo in the future. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  240. Sascha sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    First of all, thank you for your admirable compilation of Fonts. I love it! I am working as freelance designer and seen your fonts on 1001fonts and must say that you are realy talented! I am interested in using Titania, Klarissa in my logo and graphic designs, but other Fonts to in a time. Can you please tell me that if I use your Fonts free for commercial use and modify some shape just a little (for example: change perspective of Fonts or use effect of Arch and such), use them as wordmark and add some dots or something in my designs… does the Fonts in that case needs to be purchased?

    I am asking because there it says „Modification not allowed“! I am only talking about Shapes of fonts in designs and not the Files itself. Besides the Licence offcorse you would be credited as designer of Fonts at the end!

    Thank you!
    Best Regards!

  241. AlexB sagt:

    Hello, mr Dieter Steffmann.
    Can I use Blackwood Castle font in my small flash game? Game is free for end players. Thx.

  242. Nickabooticus sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    Do you give me permission to use your Prisma font on a t-shirt? There is a possibility that the t-shirt will be sold.

  243. Mohamed BOUALAM sagt:


    I am very happy of all your york, it is so great.

    I have only one question, what do you mean by personnel use only? because i have a personnel WebSite for ideas and for informations and for photography only, and i want to use your fonts there. I sell nothing, i do not have even advertising.

    Can i use your fonts in this case?

    Waiting for your answer.


  244. Laura Morgenthaler sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,

    ich würde gerne die Schrift „Old London“ für kommerzielle Zwecke nutzen. Diverse Websites zeichnen die Schrift als lizenzfrei auch für kommerzielle Nutzung aus allerdings möchte ich mich lieber absichern. Deshalb meine Frage, darf ich die Schrift nutzen oder was würde die Schrift kosten?

    Es wäre dringend, über eine zeitnahe Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen.

    Liebe Grüße

  245. Hello Mr. Steffmann
    I love your font titled Kaiserzeit Gotisch and wanted to use it for a logo design, however, on trying to export the file, it says there are licensing restrictions. Would you be so kind as to give me permission to use this font?
    Kind regards

    Lottie N

  246. Thirapol Boonpok sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann
    I download a font from the web „“ font name „Easteregg“. I know that it can be used in a commercial for it. The use of the word „Happy easter“ in the image, which is sold in the form stockphoto. Ask to be sure. If put to commercial use?
    Best regard.

  247. Stephen Motzkeit sagt:

    Hello Herr Steffmann

    I am rewriting our technical publications. For the warning symbols there are are available graphics in the internet. However, this is very inconvienient as we will overload the documents with many copies of the same pictogram. My solution is to use your type face ‚Hazard signs‘.

    We are therefor requesting permission to use the typface in our documentation. In addition I would like permission to add one or two symbols that are not in your set. For this I would use TypeTool3.

    Yours sincerely

  248. Chihiro sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am working as a designer making catalogs and books.
    I found your font „Marketing Script“ and really love it!
    Then I would like to ask for your permission to use it for a catalog.

    Thank you for your attention and all of your nice fonts,

    Best regards,

  249. SCM sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    It was confusing how the font is free on DaFont but not really clear on the use on your site. I’d like to use it for my blog logo. Thank you for your time.

  250. Hello!

    I am writing to inquire about the availability of your font, Deutsche Zierschrift, for commercial purposes. We have developed an educational/inspirational app for creative writers and wish to use this font in the app only. How may I obtain permission to do so?

    Thank you, sir.

  251. Curt Nelson sagt:

    I’d love permission to use the storybook font for a free youtube video I’m sharing that tells a kid’s story.

  252. Emil Lukas sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    ich hätte folgende Frage an Sie. Darf ich die wirklich tollen Schriftarten Brock Script oder Chopin Script für den Aufdruck T-Shirts im kommerziellen Bereich frei verwenden? Bitte um kurze Info. Besten Dank!

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

  253. Andréa TANZER-HERCHUEL sagt:


    My hobby is digital scrapbooking .I participate to a few scrapbookingforums..In one of them we thank the members for their participation with little gifts ( digital scrapbookingkits) that we ( the administrators) make self…I would like to know if it is allowed to use your dingbats fonts for the confection of these kits…

    These kits ARE NOT SOLD.It would be a gift “freebie” for our very active members .

    I thank you for your attention and support for our litlle forum
    Andréa Tanzer-Herchuel

  254. Audrey sagt:

    I love your „Marketing Script“ font. Can it be used for logo design (I’d like to write a blog and it’s for its name) and eventually commercial purposes in the future?
    Please let me know. Thank you in advance!

  255. Joannis Rodon sagt:


    I’m looking into creating a recipe book, and I’ve just downloaded a few of your fonts. I hadn’t realized after it said they were free to use, that they could not be used for sale. Am I able to use a few of your fonts in my recipe book? I’d hate to lose them, but I don’t want to use your work if you don’t allow it. Thank you :)

  256. Jennifer Phillips sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    We are interested in using your font Saddlebag Black for our client.
    We will be using it for Snapchat filters during this years Stagecoach music festival in California, USA.

    Can you please let me know if we are able to license your font and what our cost will be for the usage.

    Jennifer Phillips

  257. Lawrence sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I’m a design student working on a school project invovling animated typeface with the aim of having this presented to animography (as a downloadable free animated set of letters) for other designers to use. I am writing to obtain your permission to use one of your fonts Quentin Caps for the project with credit to you as font designer.
    I hope to hear from you soon.



  258. Mariana sagt:

    Hello Sir Dieter Steffmann!

    I’m photographer and i’m starting a small company. I would love to use your font (prisma) to the logo and flyer. Can you give me the permission to used the font? If so, what’s the condition?

    Please reply to

    Best regards


  259. Jay Pechman sagt:

    I just discovered your fonts on 1001 Fonts. They are wonderful. ‚Danke‘ so very much. My German is a wee bit lax.

  260. Mehliqa sagt:

    hallo Herr Steffmann

    Ich würde gerne die Victorinas Initals für die einzelnen Kapitel für mein Märchenbuch benutzen. Ich möchte um eine Erlaubnis bitten oder was es mich ungefähr kosten würde.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß

  261. Ana sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann, first of all, your work is incredible. Thank you very much for your fonts. I love them. Absolutely.

    I’m a spanish writer, I’m ending my first saga (young adult, fantasy, sword and sorcery books) and I would like to use six of your fonts for the covers, maps and few sentences inside the book: these fonts are Becker, Cardinal, Tipographer Rotunda, Rosemary Roman, Steelplate Textura and Augusta. I am going to autoedit (Kindle, Createspace), but… it is commercial use. Can you give me the permission to use them? Obviously with credit to you as font designer. I began to use them two years ago because at 1001fonts said they were free for comercial use, but now I know they aren’t. I am about to finish my books (and autoedit them next year) and I would like to use your fonts because I love them and I can’t imagine some things with another font. I hope they are affordable for me. Please reply, and thank you very much.

    Best regards,


  262. Natalia Sandoval sagt:

    Hello, Mr. Steffmann.
    I’m writting from Bogotá, Colombia.
    My grandmother is writting a book and I’m editing that.
    I would like to use your font ‚Chopin Script‘ for the tittle and the chapter’s tittles.
    Would you give me some license? How is the process?
    Thank you very much and greetings from South America.



  263. Paul Miller sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I would like to take one of your fonts (Chelsea) and extend the character set to include all the MUFI characters ( and also to alter it’s design slightly.

    The resulting font would be released as a free font under the SIL open font license ( and marked as a derivative work with yourself as the original author, both in the documentation and in the license and description field of the font itself.

    A previous example of my work can be found at if you are interested.

    Are you OK with my creating a derivative of your work?


    Paul J. Miller

  264. Mason Magleby sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I love your Honeyscript font and would love to use it for a logo on my website. I see that it is free for personal use. How do I get commercial license for the font?



  265. Brandi sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I create items for a virtual community. I recently found your font „Coaster“ and was wondering if I could use this font commercially? It’s very nice and exactly what I am looking for!

    Thank you!

  266. Susanna sagt:

    Good morning Mr. Steffmann,
    hope you’re doing good. I’m a tattoo artist and I’d love to use one of your fonts (still undecided among few of them, they’re all so beautiful!) for my business cards, banner for conventions and to put my name on the pictures of my works on websites.
    I just wish to know what is your policy for these particular use.
    Thank you for your time!

  267. Aline Peters sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,

    I’m a Belgian self employed and I love your Honey script font. I have downloaded it on my personal pc and I have also read the personal and commercial license. But I would just like to ask you directly the question because the creation is yours. Would you allow me to use your beautiful font for my logo as a registered trademark at the OBPI? Maybe, later, I would print it on flyers or other supports. So it may be for a broader use. How is the best practice: your agreement, a donation, a contract with you?
    Thanks a lot for your response. Hoping that you’ll create more of these fabulous fonts.

    Best regards

  268. Claire Ridgewood sagt:

    Lieber Herr Steffmann,

    Ich liebe ihre Schrift „Cardinal“ und würde diese gerne für den Titel meines E-Buches benutzen. Dürfte ich das tun? Und wenn schon, wieviel würde es mir kosten?

    Vielen herzlichen Dank.

    C. R.

  269. Jim Thompson sagt:

    Hi Mr Steffmann,

    I love your work. I am a designer and I am interested in working with your lovely Verve font for 2 title cards in a friend’s film.

    Thanks for all that you do.

  270. Hallo Herr Steffmann –

    Gruesse aus Melbourne! Ich wuerde gerne das grosse N fuer ein „head banner“ fuer eine Eco-philosophie Lese-gruppe verwenden.

    Anstelle von dem „N“ :

    Waere das immernoch was Sie als „privater Gebrauch definieren?


  271. Giacomo sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,
    i would like to purchase a commercial license for your font Deutsche Zierschrift. Please let me know if that’s possible.

    thank you

  272. ezequiel sales sagt:

    Boa noite Mr. Steffmann
    Primeiramente quero te parabenizar pelo seu talento e pela humildade de liberar as fontes, sou brasileiro e estou montando uma marca de camisetas para jovens, gostaria de saber se posso usar a fonte ( prisma) para uma arte, creio que as fonte nao sao para uso comerciais, mas gostei muito, caso nao autorize mesmo assim agradeço pois tem um belo portifólio, nunca vi nada igual.

    Ezequiel sales

    Muito obrigado

  273. Anthony San Nicolas sagt:

    Hi Mr Steffmann,
    I love your font „Old London“. I was wondering if I would be able to use your font in my logo for my clothing brand?

  274. Qiuyi HU sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am writing to request the usage of the font you designed:
    Marketing Script font family (
    I am from a Japanese cosmetics company and I would like to use your font on the package design.
    I would be really appreciated if you can allow me to use these fonts.
    Thank you very much!

    Best regards,
    Qiuyi HU

  275. Kaden Powers sagt:

    Good afternoon Mr. Steffmann,

    I am interested in purchasing one of your fonts. The font is named Cloister Black. I am wanting to use the font for a logo I am creating for a business I am starting.

    Have a nice day and I hope to hear back from you soon.

  276. Tanja sagt:

    Lieber Herr Steffmann,
    ich würde gerne Ihre Schriften in einem kleinen Tourismus-Magazin im Allgäu verwenden, das kostenlos für Gäste ausliegt.

    Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Antwort.
    Mit besten Grüßen

  277. Kinoshita Hiroko sagt:

    Dear Mr.Dieter Steffmann

    It sends a letter from Japan. My name is Kinoshita Hiroko.
    I am a homemaker, and glass crafts instructor. A student is the just small classroom of several people.
    The craft is a carvings glass.

    I love your font „Victorian Initials“.
    In addition, I respect you who made many splendid fonts including KaiserzeitGotisch and Royal Initialen.

    When I carve an initial to glass, I introduce your font to a student, and may I carve it?
    In addition, I think the work which I engraved on glass to want to do sale.
    A part of the sales wants to do contribution.
    I am glad if I can have permission.

    Many thanks,
    Kinoshita Hiroko

  278. Brandon Olmedo sagt:

    Hello sir,
    I am a graphic designer and one of my friends is starting a company. We really like your font Saddlebag. What do we have to do to get your permission to use it on shirts, buisness cards, etc. Thank you so much for your time, hope to hear back soon.

    Thank You, Brandon Olmedo

  279. Seung Choi sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann

    I am a young designer that would like to request your permission to use your Old London and Olde English fonts on a design for my upcoming clothing brand. I have fallen in love with your unique fonts and i cant find anything else like it. Your work is very appreciated and the incredible attention to detail is apparent.

    Thank you, Seung Choi

  280. Liz Hedgecock sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,
    I found your font Campanile on and it is perfect for the cover of a novella I’ve written (a mystery set in the 1880s). I saw that Campanile is available for personal use – is there a way that I could obtain permission to use it on the front cover and chapter headings?
    Many thanks for your time,
    Liz Hedgecock

  281. WCost sagt:


    I am interested in using your font for our diplomas at a University. Most of our printing is done in house, but we use a third party vendor for our larger diplomas. Do we need to purchase a license so that our third party vendor can use it for our larger diplomas?

  282. Roy sagt:

    You are very talented. Your fonts are ‚glorious‘ and I feel fortunate that you have invested so much time toward crafting and preserving them .. fonts that others would never promulgate simply because of poor economics … not only that … but you have been so generous as to provide these rare fonts as a free public service

    Thank You for making the world a better place .. your efforts are keenly appreciated

  283. Iranardo da Silva sagt:

    Eine Kommentar für Dieter Steffmann

    Hello, Mr. Steffmann.

    I am a 33-year-old Brazilian guy, although living in Italy that always had and still has a passion for calligraphy. I would like to know why it is so difficult to submit a font through a limited-time computer program such as FontLab, Fontographer and even Scanahand, just to mention some? I am especially a lover of Blackletter as for personal reasons, so I installed a lot of them on my computer, but I sadly found out that your font Courtrai (what a pity!) capital letters A and O have not got all variants with diacritical marks at all, at least I cannot see it, if they there are. Then my question is: can I add diacritical marks to these letters of the Courtrai family, as an example, through the Programs mentioned above? Should I rename the font or still use the original name?

    I am making these questions because I do not want to get involved in legal problems of any kind. There are a lot of fonts out there in the Net that are incomplete and still they sell it as free and complete. It is so wrong that they do it, but it is worse when they do it for money, even when it comes from a professional calligrapher, typographer or typesetter. In the website you said that fonts are to be free to everyone, but it seems that it is not all fontmakers‘ thoughts. I am of this view too and I completely agree in number, grade and gender, as to say, with you.

    One more thing: I added you and the creator, Maximilian Bloch to my Facebook page and he has on Google+ addressed me to your site to write all my doubts about Fonts, but beyond of it I would like to add you two guys to my page, but how do I do this? I added you first but I never got an answer.
    Your fonts are so wonderful that I want some tips on how to improve on this field, just for free, without having any problems when doing it.

    The last thing: I am having a problem of font and character map display on webpage with the passage of tab from another very inactive and no background at all. The lower Ads gray bar takes almost over half of the page and all buttons, font displays, names, and everything else get mixed up. Help me please.

    Best regards
    Iranardo da Silva

  284. Majed Zein sagt:

    Hello Sir,
    I’m using your font „Old London“ for my typography class project, I’m requested to make a specimen. But I need more information about it, such as founders, publishers, date of publishing, usages, some basic information only. Thank you.

  285. Castillo Thomas sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,

    I am a young French guy, I just created my first board game and would like to commercialize it.
    I would like to use font „Marker Felt“ to the name of the game.

    I have seen at this address:
    the trade is permitted, is that this is also the case for my project?

    I am willing to pay for its use but I can not find somewhere for to pay the font.

    This font is very well for my game, thank you for having created.

    Thank you very much and Thanks a lot for your response.

    Best regards.

  286. Arika Goldschmid sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann! I work in the clearance dept. at Warner Bros. Television in the USA, and one of our scripted television series would like to request permission to use one your Kalender font in some signage they’re created for use in the show. Typically, we’d send our standard release form to the copyright owners/ font designers for these types of requests. Would it be possible to contact me with your direct email address, so I can send our release to you to review? My email address is Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
    Arika Goldschmid
    Clearance Manager

  287. Jeff Orlando sagt:

    Hello. Thanks for making your fonts available.

    I operate a website at where users can try lots of different fonts and dingbats, adjust colors and sizes, apply effects, create mashups with their own photos and clipart, and post directly to Facebook, email, or download. Nothing is sold at Fontwire and fonts are not downloadable however advertising is present.

    I’m requesting permission to post a collection of your fonts in a dedicated area of Fontwire as I have done for other font authors. ( example: )

    Each font will include a link to 1001fonts if the user want to download it.

    Thank You

  288. Hello,

    Many site have your font, „BELSHAW,“ listed as free for commercial use. But I get a warning using it in Abobe Illustrator Is it free? If not how much?

    Thank you!

  289. Winston Menzies sagt:

    I am writing a Christian booklet primarily to be given away in our prison ministry but will be sold occasionally. The book is only 43 pages and will only be using it for drop down caps for the first letter in the 11 chapters first paragraphs. Would there be a charge for this and how do I go about getting the caps downloaded The one I am interested in is „Goudy Initialen.“ I will be sure to give proper credits for the caps.
    Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

  290. Winston Menzies sagt:

    Where do I go on your site to find the Goudy Initialen font. I don’t read Germam but can find it if you tell me where to look.

  291. Olivia sagt:

    Mr. Steffman, would it be okay if I used your American Text font to create new characters/glyphs for a new language I am making? It’s for a fantasy book I am writing. Some of the glyphs will remain the same (such as n, o, etc). Of course I would give you credit for the original font and state that my glyphs were based off of yours.

    Thank you!

  292. H sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann! Greetings from New Zealand!

    I’m a graphic designer/photographer, recently I came across your Old London typeface and love it! I want to use this font commercially for clothing I’m looking at getting screen printed. Just wondering what I need to do to be able to use this font for commercial use?

    Thank you!

  293. Mio Suzuki sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman,

    First of all, I would like to respect and appreciate your beautiful work.
    I am a designer dealing with products like small decorations for home, things that mainly children use in their party. They may be like some flags, table decorations and so on.
    I would like to ask you if I can get your permission using your font with my design work.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    best regards,

    Mio from Japan

  294. Ida Kim sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffman

    Would it be possible for me to use your PRISMA font for commercial purposes? I am a small business owner and i love your fonts.

    Kind Regards

    Ida Kim

  295. Sara Genta sagt:

    Hello Herr Steffmann,
    Thank you for Sharing these fonts and images. I am curious about the history of the zodiac icons. May I use your Gemini image of the two boys in tunics on a label for an oil product I mixed for nail fungus. I am a nurse who specializes in foot care.
    I would like to sell this product to supplement my retirement after divorcing and raising three children.
    Many thanks,
    Sara Genta

  296. Alex sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman,

    Sorry to bother you, please accept my sincere apologies.

    I am a young entrepreneur and just decide to start my small business.

    I look for free fonts for my first design work on the internet to start my business. I found your Medici Text font is great and I love it very much. I want to use it in my design work, so I write to you to ask would you tell me whether I can use the font for commercial purpose for free?

    Have a great day!!!



  297. Raúl García sagt:

    Hallo Mr. Steffmann,
    I am spanish photographer and i start with stock photography, i want to use one of your font (Honey screept) on my (few stock photos), just to put on photo (some txt), and would like to ask for your permission on using (Honey script) for this purpose.

    regards. Raúl García

  298. Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    Thank you for your beautiful fonts. I am an artist from Washington state, USA. I am working with a writer to illustrate a set of children’s books that the writer will publish as gifts for her 6 children and 12 grandchildren. Her project is on a very small budget. The writer does not have plans to sell the books at this time. I would like to ask for your permission to use your beautiful font named „zierinitialen1“ for use in the book titles. The titles would be written on the book covers, the book spines, and the title pages.

    Also, may I ask if you would consider giving your permission for your font to be used for the same purpose if she happens to make the books for sale someday? Thank you again for making your beautiful fonts available and I am sorry not to write you in German.


  299. Alice sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I would like to use your font ‚Cloister Black‘ as a header for some certificates that I need to print out as a company – no commercial use is intended, tho.

    I have downloaded your font from under a 100% free license. I want to make sure that I am allowed to operate as described above.

    Best regards,

  300. David Ducker sagt:

    Hello Herr Steffmann, greetings from England :)
    I am sorry to add to the others‘ list of requests. I downloaded your ‚Belshaw‘ font from a website with the understanding it was free for commercial use.
    I was hoping you could confirm this is the case before my mobile quiz game goes live, it will be free to download with accreditation (I can provide more details).

    Kind regards,
    David Ducker

  301. Hello Mr. Steffmann.
    Can I use your font „Medici Text“ for a Logotype? The logotype is for a small shop.

  302. basile fournier sagt:

    Dear Dieter, I’m a french graphic design student, and I’m using one of your fonts for a project in class, I use the „Moderne Fraktur“ and I was wandering if you could tell me more about this font, when did you made it, why did you made it, and every informations that you can give me on this font. Thank you very much for your time.

  303. Lynne sagt:

    I’m wondering if I would be allowed to use your font Kaiserzeit Gotisch in a yearly planner – the font would be used for the names of the months and numerical dates. I am offering the planner free for people to download. Thank you!

  304. Lindsey L sagt:


    I am a jewelry designer and wanted to use your font, Honey Script in part of my logo if that is allowable.

    Thank you for all of your lovely work!


    • miho sagt:

      Dear Dieter

      Hello. my name is miho.
      I am studying design.
      My friend is composing on the piano. She says she wants to make music CD at her own expense and sell it. I will design the CD jacket with her help. I love your grasskarten and would you please let me use it for the title of the CD title? Nice to meet you.

      Thank you so much for your time,Miho

  305. Julian Perricone sagt:

    Dear Dieter,

    I am a 19 year old boy looking to sell some of my homemade Christmas sweets commercially. I was hoping to make a packaging label and use your font „Cardinal“ for my brand name. It is such a beautiful font, and it perfectly captures the image that I want for my product. I would love to know if I can use the font.

    Hope you had a nice holiday season!

    Best wishes,


  306. Ricky Frame sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    My name is Ricky and I work at a self book publisher. I have a client that would like to use your font „Goudy Medieval“ for a graphic novel. Is it possible to purchase a commercial license for this font? And if so how much would that cost?

    Thank you so much for your time,

  307. Klaus Bösecke sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,

    Ich würde gern Ihren Old London Font kommerziell nutzen. Ich bin Einzelunternehmer und habe eine kleine Firma. Unter anderem gestalte und verkaufe ich auch T-Shirts und Ihr Font würde sich für einige Shirts hervorragend eignen. Ich hatte Sie schon einmal vor Jahren genau wegen diesem Font angeschrieben und Sie gaben mir die Erlaubnis ihn kommerziell zu nutzen, allerdings für ein anderes Projekt (Webseite).

    Viele Grüße,
    Klaus Bösecke

  308. Liam Carragher sagt:


    I am getting married in July and my future wife loves your font „Marketing Script“. We were wondering if we can pay a fee to alter the capital A?

    Many thanks in advance,


  309. Ramy O sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,
    I love the fonts you created, and I also love how generous (and responsive) you are to all the people who have asked permission to use them for free.
    I also am asking your permission to use your fonts, specifically Cloister Black and Medici Text. I plan to use Medici Text on stickers I will give out for free. And I plan to use Cloister Black on business cards for a non-profit organization.
    The sticker will say „Freedom“ using Medici Text, and will have my Arabic calligraphy of the word „hurriya“ which is the Arabic translation of freedom/liberty.

    Google Translation:
    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,
    Ich liebe die Schriften, die Sie erstellt haben, und ich liebe auch, wie großzügig (und reagierend) Sie zu allen Leuten sind, die um die Erlaubnis gebeten haben, sie für freies zu verwenden.
    Ich bitte auch um Ihre Erlaubnis, Ihre Schriftarten, speziell Kloster Schwarz und Medici Text zu verwenden. Ich plane, Medici Text auf Aufklebern zu verwenden, die ich für freies heraus geben werde. Und ich plane, Cloister Black auf Visitenkarten für eine Non-Profit-Organisation zu verwenden.
    Der Aufkleber sagt „Freiheit“ mit Medici Text und hat meine arabische Kalligraphie des Wortes „hurriya“, das die arabische Übersetzung von Freiheit / von Freiheit ist.

    Vielen Dank

  310. Alice Roncier sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,

    My team and I are in the process of shooting a student film as part of our final national exam. We which to use your SADDLEBAG Font which we found on the DaFont website, accordingly; it will not be used in a commercial project.
    Could you assure us that the font is free of use ? And give us the authorization to use it in the project ?

    If you need any further details concerning the project feel free to contact me and I will happily answer any of your questions.

  311. Chris sagt:


    We have a client interested in purchasing a license to your „Blackletter“ font style for commercial Mobile App use. How much would this cost? Also would this a one time purchase or is the cost annual? Thanks.

  312. I would like to inquire about purchasing Quentincaps for use in our school. Can you provide information. Thank you.

  313. Silvia Collino sagt:

    hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I am a graphic designer with a passion for cosplay. A group of friend ask me to realize a logo for a cosplay event for free.
    I fall in love with your Cardinal Regular, and I think it will be perfect for that.
    But i see that is not for commercial use.
    Can i use it for this event?
    Thank you for your wonderfull work!
    Best regards
    Silvia Collino

  314. Vlad Lukyanov sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a young entrepreneur trying to achieve the American. Your font „Honey Script“ is absolutely unique and fits perfectly fine one of my designs! Is there any possible way that you could allow me to include it on my product? If it would be possible, once my product is ready for sale, I would love to give you credit on my website.

    Best Regards,


  315. Jeanette sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I have fallen in love with your Goudy Initialen font. I would like ask your permission to use on some commercial print on demand designs.
    I don’t know how else to get permission or know if I can purchase.

    Thanks kindly,

  316. Patrick Nelson sagt:

    I am in love with Benjamin Franklin (the font, not the dead guy.) I was wondering if you would allow me to use it for my western novel and website. Please? It conveys such flavor. Great work.

    Thabk you for your time.

  317. Ernest Bailey sagt:

    I am sorry I don’t speak German. I would like to use your font for commercial use. I am starting a t shirt company. Fraktur Shawdowed is the font I would like to use. I would use the font for my company logo on:
    1. Company website
    2. Business cards
    3. T shirts
    4. Hats, and
    5. Hooded sweatshirts.
    Please let me know how much that would cost. I am just one person trying to start a business that will get me ahead and I have chosen your font to be used in my logo because it is a beautiful font. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

  318. Jessie sagt:

    Really liked your westminster gotisch font and realized just now it is free for non commercial use.
    I want to use it for a book cover,
    Is there a way I can use it somehow?

  319. Patrick M sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I have always admired your Cloister Black typography since I was a student (when I first saw it in an anime).

    Now as a young professional, I have designed a mobile game out of a hobby and I would like to use it for such application for commercial use. Is there a way I may be able to do so? The font really looks perfect with its medieval style and decorous curves and imposing edges.

    Thank you for your time. :)


  320. Patrick M sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I’ve always admired your Cloister Black typography since I was a student. I remember seeing it in an anime. :)

    Now as a young professional, I have designed a mobile game out of a hobby. Is there a way to use the font to such application commercially? The font really looks perfect with its medieval style and decorous curves and imposing edges.

    Thank you for your time. :)

    ~ K

  321. Hong sagt:

    Dear Mr.Steffmann.
    Greetings Mr. Steffmann. I am a student who learns graphic design(especially game graphic), and I have been looking for fonts to use in game that I hope to make. And then, I discovered your font(Verve) on website-dafont. I think it is very suitable my project. But I don’t know that it was allowed to use for free on personal commercial project.. Can I use your font permission for commercial projects? If I can’t use your font for free, Would you tell me how i can buy this font? It is very important to me.

    Best regards,

  322. Courton M sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I believe i speak for everyone here when i say that your work is simply brilliant. I am a young designer currently making music for fun on soundcloud. Ive been a fan of your Middle Saxony Text font for some time now and was humbly wondering if i could use it in my logo for my music. Your work to me exemplifies balance between Detail and simplicity. Would it be okay to use this font in my Music branding? It would be an extreme honor.
    You can find my work at

    Thank you for your time,

    Best Regards
    – Courton M

  323. Alexander Oleynik sagt:

    Großartige Arbeit geleistet! Respekt

  324. Abigail Snow sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman,

    I am writing on a behalf of a client who is using one of your fonts and have an inquiry concerning transfer of the license in connection with a sale of assets.

    Thank you in advance for contacting me to discuss this matter.

    Cordially, Abigail Snow

  325. RCapuno sagt:

    Dear Mr.Steffmann,

    I’m working for an Honorary Philippine Consulate and would like to use Old English and Pen Tweaks. Would you allow us to use it for our business cards and letterheads?

    You have such great collection!

    Hope to hear your favorable reply and thanks in advance!

    Kind regards,

    Ms. R. Capuno

  326. Sir, sorry, I don’t speak nor write German.
    I have a genealogical book and I am trying to match a Germanic and or Old English text.
    I’m not sure how I can get a PDF file to you. I would like to ask if you think your Becket-Kanzlie would match it?
    The image is from an old Cincinnati, Ohio, USA newspaper so I know the German type may not be truly German.

  327. Fer sagt:

    Herr Steffmann, would you like add „ñ“ and „Ñ“ in all your excellent fonts?

  328. Genna Greco sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I am a graphic designer and photographer interested in using your font Cloister Black for an upcoming project I am working on for a local musician. Is there way for me to purchase for commercial use? Thank for your time and for your amazing work!

  329. Charlotte Masala sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I’m a graphic design working in a packaging agency based in Paris. I wanted to know if your „HoneyScript-Light.ttf“ font is free for commercial use on packaging ( cosmetic market ). Amazing work by the way.
    Best Regards,

  330. Nico Langthaler sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,

    Ihre Duerer Gotisch Schriftart wäre perfekt für unser Grafik studio, wir möchten unser Logo damit gerne machen und die Schrift wäre ein wenig abgeändert bzw. „auf alt“ gemacht. Wir finden auch keine alternative die an Ihre Schrift kommt. Es würde uns sehr freuen von Ihnen zu hören.

  331. Willian Ricardo sagt:

    hello,mr. Dieter
    i’m a huge fan of your work and i really love the blackletter font
    i wish you give me the permission to use it for commercial purpose because i want to start my own clothing line and your blackletter font would be perfect for me.


  332. Sarah sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,
    I am working on a project for an elementary school and am wondering if I could use your Marker Felt Thin font in their newsletter. Do you have a commercial license fee for this font?

  333. Paul Owens sagt:

    Dear Dieter Steffmann,
    I would like to use your font called „Germania“ for the front cover of a book which I am publishing. Is this font free to use for commercial use or is their a cost?

    Many thanks Dieter

  334. Edward Greenlee sagt:

    I am a self-published author. The publishing assistance company that pinted my first three books used a Cardinal font that only I can find through Although, I will use the font mostly for artistic purposes for book covers and title pages, my stories will be for profit. I am certainly willing to pay for the font.

  335. Alicia Escorcia sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann
    I am about to start a new small business of essential oils in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, as i am looking for an extra income for the arrival of my son . I´ve been working on my logo and i really love your font „Titania“, it looks and expresses what i had in mind, so i was wondering if you would permit me to use it for this commercial purpose. It would go in the logo and possibly for the headings on: my new facebook site, labels and small printed information. Of course, I am more than happy to credit your fine font designs on my website with a link back to your website. Please let me know what you think about it.

    Best regards,
    Alicia Escorcia

  336. Liem Pham sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I’d like to ask for your permission of using the font of HoneyScript. The final product will be an announcement card 3″x6″ size with the word „Thank you Doctor“ using HoneyScript font and it’s commercial used. Please let me know either I can pay a fee for commercial license or not. Thank you and have a great day!

  337. Paul Donnini sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    We would also like to use one Roman Antique as our logo font, if you could provide approval for this we would be very grateful. Thank you for being a very generous font developer, and hope you keep on trekking, taking beautiful photos of the places I may never see, and giving us all great stories, cheers!

  338. Julita Wasilewska and Darren Healy sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann,
    We are looking to create angels in plaster molds and would like to use your zierschrift font on these as a logo. It will be for commercial use. Kindly grant us this privileged so that we may adorn the angels. We look forward to sending you a photo

    kind regards,
    Julita Wasilewska and Darren Healy

  339. leigh amoraal sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Dieter Steffmann,

    I am screen printing some shirts, to be sold at an upcoming markets and was wondering if I could please use your font „Germania“ for this. As they are being sold it would be classed as commercial use so I though I had better ask permission.

    Thank you in advance,

  340. Mary Nesnay sagt:

    Dear Mr. Dieter Steffmann,

    Greetings from America! I am starting my own business, which will be making custom historical trading cards. I came across your beautifully designed fonts, Chopin Script and Ben Franklin, and wanted to ask you for permission to use them on the cards and my website. Your fonts have such a wonderful historic feel and would very much increase the aesthetics of the cards. I can email you a designed card, if you would like, so you can see how I would want to use it. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you for your time.

    Mary Nesnay

  341. J. Engle sagt:

    Good Afternoon, Sir.

    Can I please have permission to use Devinne Swash font for some signage in a private counseling office in St. Louis, MO (i.e. for commercial use but not for distribution).

    Thanks and Warm Regards,

  342. Lindsey Kent sagt:

    Good Morning Mr. Steffmann,

    I love your Forelle font and would be most grateful if you would allow us to use it within a picture book that we are currently designing – we are self publishing so this would go to sale via print and book download. If you could please let me know if we need to purchase any commercial usage from you. Many thanks.

  343. Hello,

    My name is Devin Meierding and I am with Committee Films, a television production house out of Minneapolis, Minnesota in the United States. We cam across your „Honey Script“ font and would love to use it in a television production we are working on.

    Please advise as to how you we may be able to obtain the commercial license for this font.

    Thank you so much, I look forward to connecting with you further.

  344. Sarene C. sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I work for a small clothing company out of North Carolina, USA. I came across your „Honey Script“ font and we would love to use that font for stitching the name of the jacket or vest on the inside of it. The garments will be sold and distributed throughout the U.S. Please let me know if you will allow this or how/if I can purchase a commercial license to use the font. It would work wonderfully for our brand!

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you! Take care.

  345. Patricia Turner sagt:

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to use you Prisma font to put on Tshirts that I plan to sell locally in Minneapolis. Is this possible and how much is a license?

  346. Hans-Georg Karmann sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann, ich bin über die Frakturschriftenseite auf Ihre Webseite gekommen.
    Ich muss da Kritik üben:
    Wenn man schon Schriftproben ins Internet stellt, sollten selbige tunlichst fehlerfrei sein. Es ist in den Frakturschriften nicht ins Belieben des Schreibers gestellt, welches s er schreibt, das runde, oder das lange.
    Das runde gehört NUR an das Ende eines Wortes, allerdings auch an das Ende eines Wortes in zusammengesetzten Wörtern wie in „Wirtshaus“ (hier mit zwei runden s).
    In allen anderen Fällen MUSS das lange s verwendet werden. Vor allem steht es NIE am Anfang eines Wortes, wie es in einigen Schriftproben zu sehen ist. Dies ist ein Rechtschreibfehler wie alle anderen Rechtschreibfehler auch. Wer nicht Fraktur schreiben kann, sollte es lernen – oder lassen!
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    • Dieter sagt:

      Sehr geehrter Herr Karmann,
      ich nehme Ihre Hinweise zur Kenntnis. Ich bin Jahrgang 1947 und mit der Fraktur „aufgewachsen“. Als gelernter Schriftsetzer !962-1965 habe ich die Regeln verinnerlicht, die zudem auch im Duden nachzuschlagen sind. Durch Diabetes II bedingt, ist mein Sehvermögen seit 2 Jahren stark beschädigt (Lasern, Spritzen). Ich kann nicht nachvollziehen, weshalb Sie mir Regeln vermitteln wollen, die ich aus meiner Sicht seit mindestens 1962 beherrsche und anwende!
      Mit freundlichen Grüßen
      Dieter Steffmann
      Marburger Straße 93a
      D-57223 Kreuztal

  347. Sam sagt:

    Hello Sir,

    We would like to use Iglesia font commercially and kindly ask your permission for that. We are small size start up doing t-shirt printing business. We plan to use the font on shirts and hoodies.
    Thank you very much,
    Best regards,

  348. Eva Cerna sagt:

    Dear mr. Steffmann,
    we just found Plakat Fraktur and other fonts you produced and we have to say that you are real professional. Just wow! Fonts looks very clean and seems like there is a big portion of perfectionism in it. Unfortunatelly we can´t find licence subscription for commercial purposes on your website. We would like to use some of your fonts for commercial presentation for fishing boats (carousells, stickers).
    Please let me know about this issue.

    Have a great day! Eva and Peter.

  349. Kasey-Lee Gariepy sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I have found your Canterbury font and am in love with it. I am planning on starting up my own clothing line and would love for this font to be used in the logo and/or printed on shirts,hoodies, jeans etc. it would be greatly appreciated if I could get your permission to do so. Absolutely marvoulous work!


  350. Arsen Vidakovic sagt:

    Greetings, Mr. Steffmann
    I would like to ask permission to use your font „Goudy Initialen „, „Plastische Plakat Antiqua“ and „AnnStone“ for some art on a youtube channel I am preparing to launch in the near future.
    I plan to use your fonts on banner art and thumbnail art I will make in hopes of better conveying the intentions and mood of the channel.

  351. M D sagt:

    Hello i contacted you on facebook, i am releasing a music single on Itunes/Amazon and would like to use your font „Old London“ on the CD cover. Is it possible we can use it ? Or purchase a license from you to allow us to use it ? It is not a huge project but we just love the way the font looks.

  352. Aurora Simionato sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    ich bin eine italienische Studentin aus IUSVE Universität und ich habe für meine lettering Arbeit Ihren Canterbury Font gewählt.
    Könnten Sie mir sagen, an welche Architektur- oder Designreferenzen haben Sie während Ihres Entwurfs inspiriert?

    Ich danke Ihnen im Voraus,
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Aurora Simionato

  353. Martine sagt:

    Guten Tag Herr Steffmann
    Personal oder Commercial?
    Wir würden für die Trainingsanzüge unseres Sportvereins evtl. gerne die Schriftart Devinne Swash verwenden. Diese Anzüge werden zwar verkauft, aber nur an Vereinsmitglieder und nur zum Selbstkostenpreis. Ist das nun schon eine kommerzielle Verwendung? Und wie frei darf man die Schriftart Devinne Swash benützen? Auf einer Webseite hiess es „free for commercial use“, bei einer anderen war es unklar.
    Vielen Dank und freundliche Grüsse

  354. adrianne Choi sagt:

    Dear, Mr Stef fmann

    I’m making an album cover for my friend’s indie band.
    The album cover is not printed.(Only on the Internet)
    I love your Honey Script Font.
    Is it possible to use it?

    Thank you very much.

  355. Francisco José Ramírez sagt:

    Hello Mr. Stefmann, im designing a videogame just in a final proyect of the career and i want to know if i can use the Goudy Medieval for it. The game never will go to the market, its just a proyect but i need your confirmation for use it. Thanks! And sorry my bad english.

  356. Tiffanie Tinsley sagt:


    My team is interested in using a font you have created, Honey Script Semibold located on We are seeking commercial usage on for this font. Would you be able to provide cost and a license that would attached to this font when available? Below I have provided you with a list of usage our team will need.

    100 Desktop CPUs
    Commercial Print
    In-Store Point of Sale Display
    Static Digital

    Should you have any questions please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you!

    Thank you,

    Tiffanie Tinsley |​ Production Coordinator
    1999​ Bryan​ Street​ | ​18th Floor​ | ​Dallas,​ TX​ 75201
    P 214.259.4147 F 214.259.3201

  357. Mariana sagt:

    Hello Sir,

    We would like to use „Cardinal“ font commercially to put on a brazilian book cover.
    Can I use your font?

    Best regards,


  358. Daniel Liser sagt:

    First of all I must say I love all your fonts, youre truly a great artist!
    My name is Daniel, and im a young student that has a dream to start a clothing line.
    I would really like to use your old london font as my logo for my company.
    i think the young people would love it and it will give my t-shirts a fresh stylish look.
    thank you so much for the oppertunity.
    Best regards,
    Daniel Liser

  359. Teigan Lemons sagt:


    Quentin Caps located on We are seeking commercial usage on this font. Would you be able to provide a license that would be attached to this font when available?
    Thank you for your beautiful fonts!

  360. Deanna Lange sagt:

    I’m starting a clothing line and really loved your Old London font but I saw it was listed for personal use only. Is there any way I could go about purchasing a license to use the font commercially.

    Thank you!

  361. Amara Ivancic sagt:

    Dear Mr. Stefmann,

    I am a current senior at Shawnee Mission East High School in Kansas and I am a part of our yearbook. I came across your font „Fette Kanzlei“ on the website and I would absolutely love if I could use it in one of my upcoming designs. Please let me know if that is alright. Please let me know!

    Kindest Regards, Amara

  362. Jennifer Svare sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    Thank you for creating such beautiful fonts! I am making tiny medieval banners and need an Old English font. Your Old English is amazing and I would love to use it for my saying on the banner that a little knight or mermaid will hold. May I have your permission? I will be personally making and selling these (on a stopper for a coffee lid) at a local craft bazaar. I would greatly appreciate your permission, and I greatly appreciate your fonts – they are incredible!

  363. Rose sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I wanted to express how beautiful your fonts are. I would like to use the Roycroft Initials found on for commercial purposes for a side business to earn extra income. I have a job, but need extra cash to make ends meet. I would like your permission to use your font for names on frames.

    Warmest Regards.


  364. Holly Diane Hathaway sagt:

    Mr Steffman, I recently downloaded Blackletter font from Fontspace. It claims to be free for personal and commercial use. I just want to double check that I am allowed to use this font commercially. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Holly D

  365. Peter sagt:

    Gott grüß die Kunst. (y)

    Hab auch noch Letter für Letter Seiten gebaut. Nach Lehrzeit/Bund dann mitbekommen, wie in Lehrfirma alle Setzkästen nach und nach entsorgt wurden. ;-/

    Später dann Fotosatz, Meister – 2009 in Rente.

  366. Hello there,

    I’m trying to find out if I can use your font Hoedown Shadow as the logo for my podcast and my online membership Academy. It would be for commercial use due to the membership (teaching modern homesteading and how to grow, raise, and preserve your own food) being a paid membership site. I’m finding conflicting information on rather or not it is indeed licensed to use for commercial use.

    Thank you for any help on clarification.

  367. Christie Koekemoer sagt:

    Good day Sir,

    I am new to selling finished digital products online. Money is still tight. May I use your font Campanile in my work? It’s a very vital part in the card design.

    Looking forward to your response and thank you for the good work you have done!


  368. Ben Ward sagt:

    Guten tag Herr Steffmann,

    We would like to use your font Nougat in a logo design for a commercially available video game. The game is a racing title and is suitable for all ages. Please do let me know if you’re willing to allow this use of your font.

    Thank you very much for your time, and thank you for your excellent work in designing these beautiful fonts.

    Ben Ward

  369. Alfonso sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I’m here only to say thank you for your great work and great fonts.

    Best regards.

  370. Janusz Korzeniowski sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I would like to use Your fonts in Museum Project
    The idea is to cut Alte Schwabacher out of plywood by laser
    and use it as a Typographic type
    to cower it with paint and print it with kids
    using Gutenberg like press
    In Poland this type was used news papers in XVII century

    The point is I’m missing some polish letters that aper i original text.
    Can I extend Your font by polish elements of letters ?
    Just for this project ? – to cut out of wood by a machine to print in the old way

  371. Jack sagt:


    I am writing to say your comments are amazing, I am a young entrepreneur looking to get out of full time work and start his dream. this being making tshirts, would you allow me to use one or more of your fonts for this? I would be very Grateful.

    Many thanks

  372. Francisco Francisco sagt:


    I would like to know if I can use your text „English Towne“ as part of a tee shirt design. I have art with roses, and your text compliments the art well. Thank you in advance, and very nice work !


  373. Dear mr. Steffmann,

    I started a little cosmetics company by my own, and when researching for my branding, specially the font, I came across the Koenigsberger Gotisch on a free font site. I absolutely was in love with the style and really connected the brand to the font.
    May I use it as the branding for my products?

    Best regards,
    Rayan Fleming

  374. Ramses Bernhardt sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    Ich arbeite gerade an einem Western-Spiel und würde gerne Ihre Schriftart „Saddlebag“ im Logo verwenden. Wäre das für Sie in Ordnung?

    Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Ramses Bernhardt

  375. Anthony Jones sagt:

    Hi Mr. Steffmann,

    I am writing to you in regards to your fonts „Olde English“ and „Cloister Black“ as I would like permission to use these great fonts for commercial use for my independent clothing brand.

    I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


  376. Lauren sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am writing to ask permission to use your fonts commercially in my small papercraft and vinyl business.

    Thank you,

  377. EZEQUIEL sagt:


  378. Louise Booth sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Steffmann! I really adore your fonts & was wondering if I could some of them on some fun custom t-shirts Im designing to wear to an upcoming festival. Keep up the great work!



  379. Ryan Daw sagt:

    I am small freelance desinger in Alberta, Canada. I do design work on the side to help fund our missions work. I really love the Marketing Script and it would work perfectly for the logo I am creating. I wanted to confirm I am free to do this or is there a fee for the licensing. I downloaded it from and it says free. I looked in the download and didn’t see a readme file so I wanted to be certain and not assume. Thank you so much for your time and for creating such useful and quality content.


  380. Tarek Khalil sagt:

    We would like to use the Iglesia Light font for our clothing brand on some of our shirts. Is that okay for you or would you like a commercial license payment?

  381. Trisha Shockley sagt:

    Hello Sir!
    I am writing you from Mineola, Texas!
    I have found some of your amazing fonts and would like to use some of them in my logo and on my website. What to I have to do to be able to do that?
    I am interested in the following fonts: Honey Script, Campanile, Cardinal, Augusta, Romantiques, & Cruickshank? Many of your styles fit with my aesthetics.
    Thanks So Much! Trisha Shockley ~ Wild Mae

  382. Ramon sagt:

    Hey I wanted to know if I could use your Grusskarten Gotisch font for my main logo I wanted to start becoming a graphic designer and I wanted to have it used for free commercial use?

  383. Giovanna Anderson sagt:

    Hello sir,
    I’m working on a television documentary series and would like permission to use your Black Letter font for a background set dressing piece that appears only once in the series. Will you please email me for details, and so that I may send a license agreement?

    Thank you,

  384. Yang Dong sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann
    I am a freelance graphic designer. I would like to thank you for being an incredible source of inspiration to me. I found your font collection at and have fallen in love with many of them like Saddlebag, Verve, DS Lemiesz and etc.. I am in the startup stage of designing for print on demand products. I would like to ask your permission for commercial use of your fonts for my designs for products like mugs and t-shirts. Thank you for your fabulous work and hope you have wonderful times during your hikes!
    Wishing you all the best,
    Yang Dong

  385. Robin sagt:

    Hello, Mr. Steffmann

    On you stated:

    For all these reasons I am giving out my fonts to everyone for free for commercial purposes without any restrictions and I hope you enjoy in these fonts as much as I and many other font-friends around the world do!

    Here on your site you stated:

    lawrence hynes sagt:
    16. Dezember 2012 um 06:41
    Mr Steffmann, does your free fonts mean that they are completely free or are there limitations? Thank you.

    Dieter sagt:
    16. Dezember 2012 um 18:45
    The fonts are free for private use only.

    So, where is the truth? Are your free for commercial use fonts and dingbats on really free for commercial use?

    You distribute for free very nice dingbat fonts. Do any and every image of any and every free dingbgat font really free any copyright? Are your images of the public domain, are you sure that the images you use are free?

    Some of the designers on dafont and 1001font use copyrighted images for their dingbat fonts and distribute those fonts as free for commercial use. It is bad.

    Best regards,

  386. July Barcenas sagt:

    hello Mr. Steffmann

    I have found fascinating the designs of their sources, and I have not been able to avoid falling in love with one in specific, because it is perfectly what I was looking for for a project in which I work.
    It is a comic project, which will not have royalties, much less, it will be free to read to any public, my question is could I use the source „penelope“ for the logo of such a project? I remain attentive to your answer, thank you very much.

  387. JJ Cunningham sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I think your work is gorgeous! Amazing what you have done and what you can do with your new limitations. I am learning how to digitize fonts and pictures into embroidery files. There is a possibility the embroidery file font will be sold as an embroidery font. Then there is a possibility the embroidery font will be sold on a finished piece, material, shirt, etc. I am confused by the comments on your permission for your fonts. So I thought I would throw my hat in the ring with questions!

    Thank you,
    JJ Cunningham

    • JJ Cunningham sagt:

      And the questions would be, is this allowed? Either put the digitized font on a final piece to sell? Or am I allowed to digitize the font to sell as a digitized embroidery font?

      Thank you.

  388. Mona Tessema sagt:

    Mr Dieter,

    I would like to use your Honey Script for commercial use. How can I get a license? Please let me know, thank you!

  389. Zeca Moraes sagt:

    Hello mr. Steffmann.
    Since you’re an expert in the field I would like to ask you a question that burdens me for some time. Do you know any font or fonts for superimposed monograms, like the famous Johann Sebastian Bach monogram?
    Thanks for offering publicly your so fine work.

  390. Jhon Escapeti sagt:

    I would like to buy your Old London for an exclusive and comercial use. Please let me know, thank you!

  391. John Carvalho sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann:
    I do Letterpress printing (rather amateur). I would like permission to use your DS Bradley to make some wood type (individual letters) for handset printing. I imagine I would mostly use it for initial caps. My work is mostly on my handmade paper, and the few small books I have done are very limited editions. I do get some sales, but definitely do not make a living at it. I would be happy to send you a copy of whatever I end up printing with your DS Bradley.
    You do beautiful work.

  392. Mark Gardner sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman:

    We’d like to use your font Coaster for commercial use. This would be for a series of Pride posters.

  393. Benjamin LeMar sagt:

    Konichiwa from Japan Mr.Steffman,

    I just wanted to thank you. You legacy of design typesetting is a true gift. Some of your letter forms are just beyond brilliant.

    Thank you for your time.
    Kind Regards,

    Benjamin LeMar
    Design Director
    FUTURE ⌘
    Hiroshima, JAPAN

  394. Denis sagt:

    Hello, Mr. Steffmann.
    I am a graphic designer from Russia. I would like permission to use your gorgeous DS HermannGotisch font to create a graphic logo for a commercial organization? Can I modify this font and make it Cyrillic?
    Thank You

  395. Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    We have fallen in love with your fonts.

    Thus, I am enquiring on behalf of the creative team at an advertising agency in San Francisco, California if you would be amenable to granting us permission to use Titania font for commercial purposes in a logo lockup for an advertising campaign for a corporate client.

    Usage of the font would span multiple media (including but not limited to TV commercials, online commercials, social, print advertising, outdoor billboards, in-store point-of-sale). Please note that we may want to modify the typeface slightly.

    If you wish to grant us permission, would you be able to enter into a font licensing agreement with our company (we would be open to discussing a fee for the licensing).

    Many thanks,

    Carrell McCarthy

  396. Crystal Nadeau sagt:


    I am currently trying to design a logo for my small, sustainable farm so I can sell my produce in local farmers markets and small grocery stores.

    Part of the logo design I have made works well with your ‚Benjamin Franklin‘ font. The phrases that would incorporate your font are ‚Family Farms‘ and the words ‚and Vineyards‘.

    We do not sell wine. We produce table grapes, fresh eggs, and seasonally grown produce only. Our farm is designed on less than 5 acres and the only employees are my husband and I.

    I was wondering how I could go about getting permission to use your font for our farms logo.

  397. Kevin Tuck sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,
    May I say how very much I like your beautiful font, Cardinal. May I request your permission to use this font for the title of a book which I am helping a friend to produce? The title is „The Chronicle of the Early Britons“ – the font would be used only for the title and nowhere else. The book is a factual history book that we are preparing for a small charity. I am happy to send you a copy of the book after publication if you wish.

  398. Dear Mr Steffmann,

    Thank you for your beautiful fonts! What a pleasure to scroll down the list of your lovely type!! I’m a textile artist (and Mom!) venturing into the world of print and would love to use a few of your Germanic fonts to create funny cards featuring Krampus. I’d love to use Germania, Augusta, and Sesame. The cards would be for sale, so would it be possible to get a license for them? Please let me know if that is possible. I’d love to send you a finished card for the holidays!!

  399. Lindsay sagt:

    Thank you so very kindly for your contributions to the art of type

  400. Karen sagt:

    Hi Deiter Steffmann,

    I am Karen from Gold Coast, Australia. I think your fonts are fantastic. I am hoping to use your font Arabesque Initialen for a commercial book project nearing completion for a health promotion book on the topic of whole foods, nutrition and well being.

    I would like to use your delightful type font: Arabesque Initialen for a fancy letter L!

    However I am hoping to confirm if you give permission for it to be used for free for a commercial project? Also are you able to forward a copy of your commercial license agreement to ensure I have your permission. Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards,
    Karen Martin

  401. Anthony Turco sagt:

    Hello Herr Steffmann,

    I am working on a commercial product for a table-top roleplaying game, and I would love to be able to use your Deutsche Zierschrift font for a single image (to simulate a newspaper header). Could I please use your font for my commercial product?

    Thank you for your consideration and talent,
    Anthony Turco

  402. Tamsin Sharp sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann

    I’d like to request to use your font English Towne which we downloaded from DaFonts for a music project we’re working on.

    A musician that I represent would like to use the font on her merch and we were wondering if we needed to licence the font or whether it was free to use?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.



  403. Shuellen Miranda sagt:

    Hello, good morning, I’m a typography student and I’m doing some work on your source „Westminster Gotisch“ and wanted to know more about the history of this source.

  404. Savannah sagt:


    I am wanting to use your font Titania for graphics that will hang in a public museum. I was wondering if I had permission to use it for free?

    I would very much appreciate it. I admire your work.

    I hope you respond.


  405. Dioronel Joshua Porio Maka Kea sagt:

    Hi Deiter Steffmann,

    I really love your font Deutsche Zierschrift. Im wondering if I could use this font for commercial use. Im a 20 year old boy from Sydney, Australia. My dream is to become a fashion designer, with your font Deutsche Zierschrift I believe it will help me get to where I want to get to in the near future. Do i have your permission to trademark one letter as well. It will be branded on most of my garments. Please help me fulfill my dream.

    Kind Regards
    D. Porio Maka K.

  406. Joni sagt:

    Hi Deiter Steffmann,

    I was wondering if I could use your Hoedown font commercially? Is there a place I can purchase the font?

    Thank you!

  407. Manuel sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I really like your Augusta font. I was wondering if it would be okay to use it for commercial purposes.
    I can send you all the details by mail if you would so.

    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards.

  408. K.Jansen sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,
    danke für die schöne kostenlose Schrift „Gabrielle“ auf dafont.
    Dort steht, dass sie 100 % kostenlos sei.
    Darf ich sie für kommerzielle Zwecke nutzen?
    Ich möchte gerne Schlüsselanhänger damit beplotten und dann in einem kleinen Kreis verkaufen.
    Herzliche Grüsse
    K. Jansen

  409. Cara sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I’m requesting for your permission to use the Roman Antique font for my logo font. Thank you for making such a great font!

    Hope to hear from you soon,

  410. TAl H sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am working on Jewelry company.
    I would love to include your fonts Prince Valiant at my engraved jewel.
    Would be okay to use it for commercial purposes?
    What should I do or how to get your permission.

    Thank you

  411. Lissett Pedrero sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I am graphic Designer from Mexico and I would appreciate to know if I could use of one of your wonderful fonts Honey Script in a comercial book. I would use it for the names of the chapters.
    Would be okay to use it for commercial purposes?
    What should I do or how to get your permission.
    Thanks for your time
    Best regards,

    Lissett Pedrero

  412. Pier-Luc Lavoie sagt:

    Good day Mr. Steffmann,

    I am part of a newly formed heavy metal band and one of your fonts „spoke to me“, I find it incredibly gorgeous and would love to use it for our band’s logo.

    Would it be possible to do so? and if so : what are the conditions?
    It will of course be on our futur album(s) and merchandise(t-shirts)
    (for what it’s worth, I don’t think we’ll ever make a profit with this group; most likely we’ll make just enough to pay for our expenses(gas and food when playing shows, etc), if even then. But if we ever become popular and end up making a profit from this group, I’ll contact you to let you know)

    I hope to hear back from you soon, as I’d really love to use your font for our music project.



  413. Sean sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a freelance graphic designer currently working on a project that I feel your font Prisma would be perfect for. Could I please get your permission to use Prisma as the header font in this commercial project?

    Thank you for your work and your time,

  414. Hello Dieter,
    I am a member of a small Irish band in the US. We are looking for a few Celtic fonts to use on our website and for our cd covers, biz cards and such. We are mainly just a few friends who get together to enjoy playing our music and love to share that joy with others.
    Your font Celtic Hand is one we would like to use. Please inform me as to how we can get your permission to use your font for our commercial items.
    Thank you!
    Sue Lee Ringwelski

  415. Hi Sir! i want to use the Beckett-Kanzlei Font, my question is: Do i need to pay or is it free? i’m asking because there is another font like yours called Beckett but you have to pay for it , maybe yours is a redesign or something but i want to know if i can use it to evoid legal problems in the future, Thanks

  416. Tabea Straub sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,

    ich bin gerade dabei mir ein kleines zweites Standbein mit dem Entwerfen von Hochzeitspapeterie aufzubauen. Ihre Schrift „Honey Script“ gefällt mir sehr, sehr gut. Ich würde sie gerne in meine Website, Visitenkarte, Logo etc. integrieren. Sie soll nicht Bestandteil der Papeterie werden, die ich verkaufe, sondern nur im Rahmen meines Corperate Designs verwendet werden.

    Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie mir dies gestatten würden.

    Wünsche Ihnen ein schönes Wochenende – bei uns in BaWü strahlt erfreulicherweise endlich mal wieder die Sonne.

    Freundliche Grüße,
    Tabea Straub

  417. Greetings, Mr. Steffmann,
    I am currently working on a project that I feel your font Cloister Black would be perfect for. temet nosce „know thyself“
    this is my first time ever doing a anything for commercial use.
    I have gotten into a lot of self motivation books and hope to share my passion for self discipline.there for i am asking if I can please get your permission to use Cloister Black.

  418. Ahmed Yosri sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann your great fonts on 1001fonts some of it has that permission:
    Free For Commercial Use License (FFC) , is that mean i can use this fonts for a business environment, including: – business cards, logos, advertising, websites, mobile apps for companies – t-shirts, books, apparel that will be sold for money – flyers, posters for events that charge admission – freelance graphic design work – anything that will generate direct or indirect income

    i can use it directly or i need your permission and
    and if i need your permission please give it to me
    thanks for your great effort

  419. Chris Scott sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann. I would like to use the CloisterBlack font on a short online video. Would this be ok?


  420. Jessika aparecida ricardo silva sagt:

    Hi Mr. Steffmann, how ar u?

    I am writing to you in regards to your font Campanile“ as I would like permission to use these great fonts for commercial use for my independent clothing brand.

    I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

    Thanks u ^^

  421. Frieder Krug sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,
    hätte gerne (privat) den Font FRAKTUR benutzt, läßt sich leider nicht Downloaden, Meldung
    Satz sei unvollständig kann ihn also nicht laden.
    Gibt es da einen Trick?
    Danke für ein e kurze Info
    F. K.

  422. Sue sagt:

    hi there

    Can we use the font „marker felt“ for small business use? I make cake toppers an would like to use your font.
    Thank you

  423. Daisy sagt:

    Hi there,

    I’d love to use your font as a logo for a musician.
    Please let me know if that would be okay. It would be used for social media and possibly for CD’s/Merch

    Thank you

  424. Hello, Sir, and Thank you!
    I have become a particular aficionado of your Old English Five font. It’s perfect for legal applications — at least in America (my country), given its inheritance from English Law.
    I use it in my court filings, and also in the title of my website, http://JudicialMisconduct.US.
    So, again I say: Thank You!
    — Walt Tuvell

  425. Jessika sagt:

    Hi Mr. Steffmann, how ar u?

    I am writing to you in regards to your font Cloister Black“ as I would like permission to use these great fonts for commercial use for my independent clothing brand.

    I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

    Thanks u ^^

  426. Thank you for the gift of your beautiful typefaces to the world. Every one I wanted to use to decorate my Scouting newsletter had your name on it! They are artful in a way that stands out among the rest.

    Best of luck with your diabetes and best wishes for many successful voyages.

  427. Javier Rebagliati sagt:

    Dear Herr Steffman,
    I love your fonts and I was wondering if I could use them for the website I’m creating. It’s my own project, but there’ll be a time when the fonts could be in products I sell or marketing products that land me some jobs.
    I’m designing the overall feel of the website and came across with your work while searching for adequate fonts. And your are more than adequate, they’re great! I still haven’t decided which one to use, because there are so many options to choose from and each of them gives the text a particular feeling and my website could go in one of many directions.
    I would like to know if I could use them for free or at least HoneyScript, which is one of my favorites. If not, I would like to know how could I buy it.
    Danke schön!

  428. Marie-Louise sagt:

    Hi Dieter

    I want to use your font Prisma to print on a totebag for sales. What are the rules regarding this?

  429. Bestbranding sagt:

    Good morning, sir. I used your font and I thought it was a good result, thank you.

  430. Shaira Marie sagt:

    Hello Mr. Herr Steffman,

    I came across your font, Titania, and found it like no other! I saw that it was only for personal use but I was wondering if I could use it for a website I’m creating with my friends. It’s our own passion project celebrating art, and there might come a time when the font could be in the future merchandise that we sell as well. I would like to know if I could use it for free. If not, I would like to know how could I purchase it.

    Thank you so much!

  431. Ana C. Rios sagt:


    I would like to use, with your permission, the font PRISMA, for commercial use. could you please grant me permission?

    Thank you,
    Ana C. Rios

  432. Ashley Contino sagt:

    Ashley Contino sagt:
    03. April 2019 um 21:13

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    My name is Ashley Contino and like so many others on your site, I would like to request permission to use your Prisma font on a television show called „Woman Up“ for Fox Studios.

    Please let me know if there are any legal/licensing forms you need signed.

    Thank you,

    • Ashley Contino sagt:

      My apologies but it appears some of my message did not come through.

      This request is for use of the Prisma font for the main title logo and credits on a Fox Television comedy called Woman Up.

      I’d like to inquire about pricing and licensing permission.

      Kind Regards,

  433. Ana sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman,

    I love, love your prisma font. I came across it on and even though it says it is 100% free, i want to verify if it would be ok to use it for commercial use.

    Thank you in advance,
    Ana C. Rios

  434. Collin Blair sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman

    I’m a small time Graphic Designer currently working album cover art for a local band. The band has fallen in love with your ANNSTONE font. I’m just wondering if I could get your permission to use it on the album cover art. The album will be sold although I don’t know have successful it will be. I can send you some demo’s of their music and some information about the band if you’d like. I’m big fan of your work and I hope to hear back from you.

    Thanks for your time and consideration!

  435. Alberto Sante Candelori sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman,

    I checked Your wonderful creations on this websites where it is written they are all free for commercial use and I wanted to make sure with you about it just to be on the safe side. I am planning to use one of your fonts for the title of my fantasy novel (epub) especially „carrick cap“, „acorn initials“, „annstone“, „arabesque initialen“, „ds-lettres-ombres-ornees“ and „elsevier caps“; I haven’t decided which one to use yet.
    Hoping to hear from You soon, I thank You for Your time and Your creativity.

    Yours faithfully,

    Alberto Sante Candelori.

  436. Alberto Sante Candelori sagt:

    Dear Mr. Dieter Steffmann,

    I found out your beautiful fonts on especially acorn initialen and goudy initialen and I was wondering if I coud use them free on my e-book. On the site it is written the fonts are free for commercial use but I wanted to make sure with you.
    Thanks for Your time.

    Best regards,

    Alberto Sante Candelori.

  437. Hello, We are a family run education resources supplier in the UK and would like to use your Coaster font on some stickers we’re trialling for teachers. How do we go about getting your authorisation to use the font commercially?

  438. Laura sagt:


    Can i use Old London for commercial use?
    It’s for a film.

    Thank you!

  439. Stephanie sagt:

    Hello! I would love to use your font for a tshirt for a musician friend!

  440. Ben Carey sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman.

    I’m creating a t shirt design for a summer conference helping people with severe disability. No profit will be made from the shirts. I would love to get your blessing to use Sans Serif Shaded.

    Thanks so much for your work.

  441. Vast Hung sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman.
    I find your font in this address( want to use this font to commercial.
    It for a decorative picture. Please contact me

  442. Clare Bradshaw sagt:

    Bitte erkundigen Sie sich bei mir, ob ich Ihre Schriften für folgende Zwecke verwenden kann.

    Ich bin Kreuzstichdesigner und möchte Kreuzstichdiagramme von Alphabeten erstellen und als nicht bearbeitbares PDF-Download im Etsy-Shop verkaufen.

    Ich frage mich, ob ich Ihre Schriftarten als Ausgangspunkt verwenden kann, um dies zu tun – ich würde die Schrift rastern. Nehmen Sie möglicherweise Änderungen vor (Hinzufügen von Bits / Ändern der Farbe usw.), bevor Sie mit einer dafür entwickelten Software eine Kreuzstichkarte erstellen. Der Endbenutzer würde die Zeichen in seinen eigenen Designs verwenden, um seine eigenen Wörter / Namen / Phrasen hinzuzufügen.
    Klar, da ich nicht beleidigen oder verärgern möchte, würde ich ganze Alphabete verkaufen, sondern als Kreuzstichvorlage.

    Herzliche Grüße und vielen Dank für Ihre Zeit,

    Clare Bradshaw

  443. Mateus Boga sagt:

    Hello, Mr. Steffmann

    I am an independent comic book artist, and I am working on a short comic called LISA, it’s about a lonely engineer who builds a robot girlfriend for himself. I came across your beautiful fonts and I wanted to ask if I can use your font „Cardinal“ for the logo of the comic. Here are some little previews of how it will look like:
    Patiently awaiting your response.

    Kind regards from Portugal.
    – Mateus Boga.

  444. Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am currently creating a lifestyle blog and would like to use your font for my logo. Would you let me know what the commercial usage rights and permissions/conditions are for this font? Thank you so much!

    Janet Dukelow

  445. Emilee sagt:

    Good morning Mr. Steffmann,

    I am starting a small home bakery in my community and I love your honey script light font for my logo. I was wondering if I may be able to use it for commercial use?

    Please let me know. Thank you in advance!

    Nevada, USA

  446. Beckett Kanzlei sagt:

    Greetings! It’s the Beckett Kanzlei Font freeel for commercial use?

  447. Tess sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a graphic designer/visual art student. I came across with your lovely fonts in the website Although the website stated you are giving out your fonts to everyone for free for commercial purposes without any restrictions, for my assurance, I would like to kindly ask for your permission of using the font Chopin Script commercially in my clients‘ projects such as logo-design and printed goods.

    Yours sincerely,
    Hong Kong

  448. Sophie sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I would like to use your typography: Plakat-Fraktur for a commercial book (comic strip) project that will be published. Is the use of this typography free of charge or could you tell me the price of the license?
    kind regards.
    Sophie C.

  449. Sakshi Dez sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman,

    I lovve all your fonts. I’m a surface pattern designer specializing in Indian motifs. I’d love to be able to use your „Viking“ font on my website, social media and publication of indian design coloring books. I’d be super grateful if you could please give me the license to use it.

    Lots of love and super grateful for your amazing creativity,
    Sakshi Dez

  450. Hansol sagt:


    I wonder it’s okay with commercial use on fette Egyptienne.

    It’s for product designs such as stickers and pouch and so on.

    and for package designs also.

    I will wait your answer ! thanks and I really like your great font.

  451. Hello Mr. Steffman. I have to say that your work is impeccable and I love the old font styles of history. Especially the Anglican and Prince Valiant.
    Now I am doing a book about Bible codes and those two styles are perfect to use in my material since I have checked the styles and nothing beats the classical ones on this topic.

    I have to ask you of permission to use your fonts in my book. Or at least buy permission from you.
    I will share images of my book on my upcoming website. I can give you a example of the 777 Holograph that has your style in its name. It’s truly magnificent when you styles are used on it.
    Send me a E-mail with you mail address and the Holograph will be sent.

  452. Spelled my name wrong there. But I found out I had access to a old blog and I reconstructed it into a short preview of my Bible codes.
    It has the 777 Holograph there with your font, but don’t worry I am not making money on that blog. If you wish I will change the font but it would be a shame.
    I will be looking forward to your response and the answer to my question.

    Here is the link for the preview:

  453. Barbara Tomlinson sagt:

    Good Morning Mr. Steffmann

    I am currently in the process of starting a machine embroidery digitizing business that will sell designs over the internet. I was looking for some interesting fonts to include on the site and fell in love with your Kaiserzeit Gotisch Font. I would like your permission to digitize the font with the intent of using it for wording in designs that are for sale as well as selling the alphabet as a package. The font would use the name you have given it and you would be credited as the artist of the font.

    Thank you for considering this request and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Barbara T

  454. Jose Madrid sagt:

    Hello, Mr. Steffmann,

    I hope you find this email well.

    I found the font Sans Serif Shaded and I really like it. I am designing my own brand and I would like to use your font for my logo and desings, is the font free for commercial use?

    Thank you very much.



  455. Thierry Merlotti sagt:

    Guten Tag Herr Steffmann

    Ich bin soeben daran, eine eigene Kleidermarke zu entwerfen und suche nach verschiedenen Schrifttypen für meinen Brand Namen. Soeben bin ich auf ihre „Designs“ gestossen und würde später gerne eines davon verwenden. Handelt sich um einen professionellen Zweck. (Mit verkauf etc.)
    Ich frage Sie hiermit ob ich eine der Schriften verwenden kann.

    Vielen Dank

    Thierry Merlotti

  456. Sam sagt:

    I’d like to potentially license Grusskarten for commercial use on a board game project.
    Is there a cost/credit associated?
    Thank you!

  457. Félix sagt:


    I downloaded your 2 fonts named Coaster and Baldur in Dafont. In that website it says these fonts are „100% free“, but I came here to take a look at your website and I found lots of people asking you permission to use your fonts since 2012.

    What are the licenses of your fonts nowadays?

    Are Coaster and Baldur 100% free to use even for commercial pourposes??

    I wait for your message. Thanks!

  458. Clayton McFarland sagt:

    Good Day Herr Steffmann,
    I have fallen in love with your Packard Antique font. However I cannot seem to find licencing info other than ‚free for personal use‘.
    I’m working on a self published gaming book to put online as a ‚pay what you want‘ document. People can have it for free but can leave donations if they like the work.

    Is there a licence for this type of use?

    Thank you for your time,
    – Clayton

  459. Hello,

    We are interested in using the Goudy Medieval font for a board game that we will produce. Please let us know if we have permission to use this font and/or how we can obtain a commercial license.

    Thank you!


  460. Lea sagt:

    Guten Tag Herr Steffmann,

    Ich bin ein großer Fan ihres Fonts: Deutsche Zierschrift. Ich versuche mein Glück eine Soße auf den Markt zu bringen. Der Schriftzug passt perfekt mit Ihrer Schrift zusammen. Nun meine Frage, wie es möglich wäre diese als Logo verwenden zu dürfen.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

  461. Blake Wyman sagt:

    I’ve been looking on and have greatly enjoyed your fonts, and would love to use ‘Nougat’ for a logo I plan to use in the future, possibly for promotional products like T-shirts, etc! I have a small online following, and would love to be able to make things like this for my fans, but want to make sure I have your permission first. I hope you’re doing well, and still check this from time to time. It seems that a lot of other people love your fonts as well!

  462. Oliver S sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I just found your beautiful fonts recently and I really enjoy writing with them.
    One of my favourite ones is „DRIFT WOOD“ but unfortunately doesn’t have numbers for some reason.
    There is any chance to have the complete version with numbers?

    Thank you again for all your fonts!

    Kind Regards,
    Oliver S.

  463. Pam sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr, ich möchte Sie bitten, eine Ihrer Schriftarten für nichtkommerzielle Zwecke zu verwenden. Ich möchte Ihre wundervollen Schriftarten als nichtkommerzielle Verwendung in Texturen in einem Spiel namens Second Life verwenden.
    Die Schriften werden nur in meiner eigenen Kreation verwendet und dürfen nicht kopiert oder modifiziert oder auf einen anderen Spieler / eine andere Person übertragen werden.
    Vielen Dank für eine Antwort

  464. Ph. M. sagt:

    I’m starting an interactive story and felt in love with your Kings Cross font.
    I’d like to use it in the logo and visuals I plan to make.
    It’s not commercial for now, I hope to make some money though.
    I see you don’t reply to comments since 2 years, I hope you’re fine.
    Thank you!

  465. Radu Hociung sagt:

    Hallo Mr. Dieter Steffmann
    I would like to request your approval to use free of charge your Drift Wood font from I would like to make a personal manufacturer stamp print based on your font to mark a little free library house I made myself (under umbrella of If you can give me an email I will send you more details and photos of my stamp draft and the little library house).
    Best regards from Romania
    Radu Hociung

  466. Diana sagt:

    Dear Mr Dieter,

    Happy New Year!

    I absolutely adore your ‚Honey Script‘ font! Before i use it, may I please check with you that it is OK to use when creating Pinterest pins?

    Pinterest pins are graphics that can often be re-pinned by other users many thousands of times over.

    Kind regards,

  467. Christine sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I hope this comment finds you well and healthy in 2020!
    I’writing to ask for permission to use your Sans Serif Shaded Font.
    At present I’m working on some graphics to be used for a small clothing company here in the UK.
    These graphics will be used on the company website and in a lookbook.
    Would it be possible to use the Sans Serif Shaded Font as I know you say for personal use only, so want to make sure it is ok.
    Thank you

  468. Cristóbal Espinoza sagt:

    Mr Steffmann,
    I realize you’ve said that your fonts aren’t for commercial use, but what your fonts at 1001fonts say is that they are free for commercial use. Could you clarify that?

  469. Jessica sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman

    I would have an urgent request…I am a freelance graphic designer who is working on two cover projects for two fantasy books. The books will be published on a self-publishing platform
    I fell in love with „Olde English“ and „Cardinal“. Could I use both as cover titles? Obviously, the copyright will be inserted in the colophone.

    Thank You for your time,

  470. Rakiat Gbadamosi sagt:

    Hello, we’d like to get permission to use this font:

    We are using it for a gameshow program. Please let us know what information you need to provide permission. Many thanks!

  471. 金千千 sagt:

    Hello, we’d like to get permission to use this font:
    We are using it for a private customized jewelry project. Please let us know what information you need to provide permission. Many thanks!

  472. Dear Mr. Steffmann

    We’re a french company and we’re developing a tool that provides medal engraving preview images. We would like to use your „Plum-script“ font but we would need to modify (some prints we propose are curved so we would need to adapt some caracters).
    Also, we would like to name it (in our website) ‚enfantine‘ in order to give it a french connotation. Obviously, we would quote the source and the licence autorisation.
    Thank you for your time and let us know what information you need to provide permission.
    Kind regards,


  473. R. Córdoba sagt:

    I’d like to use your kleis-fraktur font in this site:,
    an academic work.
    If there is any issue or you don’t want me to use it , please let me know and I’ll take the font out of the site immediately.
    Congratulations for your work.
    Best regards.

  474. Benjamin sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman.

    Like som many others i come to you for the request to use one of your fonts. It is Honey Script and it is used for price tags and to give out when people ask for phone number it will be written in this font. So it will never be sold as we only sell flowers.

    Kind regards

  475. Nory sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a desktop publisher/graphic designer who is currently looking for a job. With this said, I would love to use your fonts for my portfolio and various materials. I absolutely love your Hansa font. Your kind permission to use it on my business cards, website (under construction) and other documents is greatly appreciated. Who knows, Hansa could be my lucky charm and might get me a job asap.

    Best regards,
    PS: I’ve only seen your Hansa, but will absolutely browse thru all your font collection. You’re an awesome typographer. Thank you for your prompt response. Have a wonderful Hansa day!

  476. Tim sagt:

    Did you design Brain James Font Family? If so, may I use Brian James Condensed BOLD for a Tee design?
    This is not for a Stranger Things rip off BTW.
    Thank you.

  477. Kat sagt:

    Good afternoon Mr. Steffmann,

    It is incredible to see how fond people are of your fonts, reading the comments above. I am one of those people! I love the „prisma“ font and how retro it looks. I have been making some coffee mugs for private use but wanted to request your permission to use your fonts for commercial use. Thanks you :)

  478. Zeen sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I really like the font “Typographer Woodcut Initials One”.I would like to use some of your fonts for T-shirt designs. Would it be possible to receive permission to use this?
    I would like to sell these T-shirts, so I am happy to pay you for the rights to make the font.

    Thank you,

  479. Lori sagt:

    I am interested in using snowtop caps font for a small business commerical use.

    Please advise on fee for this or is this free as well?

    Thank you

  480. SAMAR DAKAK sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann, I really like your Royal initialen font 100%free font. Is it would be okay to use for commercial purposes. It would be for the purpose of some wording on an index of my book that I’m trying to start up. Hope to hear from you soon Mr. Steffmann



  481. Marcel Naumann sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann,

    Ich habe mir das Buch „Fraktur mon Amour“ schon vor einiger Zeit gekauft, leider habe ich die CD verlegt. Ich interessiere mich sehr für die Schrift, welche für das Buch auch als Cover schrift benutzt wurde. könnten sie mir bitte sagen wie diese heisst. Im Buch steht ein Link mit Koch_memorial, leider kann ich diesen Name auf der Download Seite nicht finden.

    vielen Dank

  482. Ralph Briones sagt:

    Hello Sir,

    Your fonts are beautiful. I was asking for permission to use you font Prisma for my Daughter small business logo. Please let me know if there is a cost to purchase a license. Thank you.

    Ralph Briones

  483. Michal sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,

    I would love to commercially use your „Cloister Black“ font for my apparel business. I am in love with it and I believe it works in perfect harmony with the design of the apparel thus I am here to ask for permission.

    Kindest regards,

  484. Luc Grandemange sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffman

    I would like to use your font DS Holzschrift for an album cover for a small swiss band called Temps des Nuits.
    The album will be sold on regular platforms and on a vinyl format in some music shops.
    We work for an independent swiss label and usually don’t really make much money by selling the records, it is mostly a way to help the music travel. Is it possible to buy and use the font and what would be your conditions?

    Thanks in advance,

    Kind Regards,

    Luc Grandemange

  485. greenleaf sagt:

    In advance, thank you for sharing your work.
    i will use the ‚Quentin Caps font‘ in commercial project with gratitude.
    Thank you again!


  486. Nathan Haney sagt:

    Hello Dieter Steffmann

    I really like your „cloister black“ font and would like to use it on some t-shirts that I would be selling. If it is ok with you, I would like to purchase the rights to use it.

    Thank you for your time.

  487. Shameeza sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I am wondering how do I go around purchasing a Commercial license for your beautiful fonts? I am starting up a small T-shirt business and am in love with your fonts.

    I appreciate if you guide me in the right path on how to get a commercial license.
    Thank you and stay safe!

  488. yogaa sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I want to ask, are your fonts free? I’m still a student and I started a small T-shirt business and fell in love with your font that is Hercules …. can I use it to design my clothes

  489. Matthew reed sagt:

    Hello sir
    I’ve used one of your fonts for some work and I got it from font space that says it’s 100% free I’m not sure if that means I can use it as a project for a book cover. Thought I’d ask
    Your body of work is incredible by the way big fan



  490. Austin sagt:

    Hello Dieter. I accidentally used one of your fonts for a period of time on some videos I made for commercial purposes (educational/non profit). I didn’t realize that the font was not allow for commercial purposes without your permission first as I thought all fonts on were completely free, until I read about them further yesterday. The videos are taken down now and being remade with different fonts but I am wondering if there is anything you require of me for past uses of the font. The font was „Roman Antique“.

    Thank you. is my contact if you do require anything. Thank you.

  491. Eka Wahyu Widarti sagt:

    Hello Sir,

    I am a freelance graphic designer based in Indonesia. I am requesting your permission to use your fonts ‚Titania‘, because I’m really fall in love with that font. I would use them for something that may directly bring income, I will be sure to credit you as the source for the font design and I would greatly appreciate you allowing me to use them.
    Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful fonts and for considering my request.

    Eka Wahyu

  492. Natasha sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I am a student whose about to start a small T-shirt business and I’m in love with your gorgeous ‚Subway‘ font. May i use the font for free or how can I get the license for commercial use?

    Thank u so much for you amazing work :)


  493. Maria del Mar sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann
    I hope you are well as I see that you do not answer on your website.
    We are creating an association for autoimmune diseases and we would like to use your Titania font in our logo. Would it be possible?
    Regards, and thank you very much

  494. AJ Wilcox sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann

    Hope this finds you well in current times. I am currently creating a you-tube channel and would like your authorisation to use your Duerer Gothisch, Grusskarten Gotisch and Colchester Black fonts in the creation of the Channel branding. Initially the channel will be non-commercial with a view to later monetisation, but as i am unsure how this would fall under the commercial/non-commercial usage i would rather ask for your permission.

    Thank- you for your time


  495. Dear Mr. Steffmann
    I am writing on behalf of a non profit research institute in Italy. We are organising an online course this September (which entails the payment of a participation fee) and we’d like to use your Fette Egyptienne font for our online communications and promotion of the course. May I ask you for your permission and what is the fee – if any – for the use of your typeface?
    Thank you and beste regards!

  496. Chelci sagt:

    I am looking to use your Belshaw font for commercial use. Where can I find more information on this? Thank you so much!

  497. Timur sagt:

    Looking for use your Kleist-Fraktur font for commecial use.
    Where i can get a license for that?

  498. Alexander sagt:

    Hi Mr Steffmann
    I hope you are doing well. I am sorry to hear of your health issues. My aunt lost her eyesight due to diabetes. She was an avid photographer. When her eyes started to go, she said „now I will become a lover of music“. I hope you are still able to go on hikes.

    we are small group of independent artists in Canada. We have spent several several weeks looking for fonts for the title credit sequence of short video we will release online. We found nothing. Finally, something clicked. We would very much love to use your font VERVE as it links together several historical and design periods without relating to one specifically. We would like to ask permission to use the font. Would happily credit you in the title sequence. Please let me know if this is possible, or if another arrangement can be reached.
    Thank you

  499. Jane sagt:

    You have a problem. Your fonts are listed on FONTMEME.COM as FREE which means completely free, not FREE FOR PERSONAL USE. This means that you need to get that site to change the designation, or accept the fact that people will use it for commercial purposes. Example >>font tags: medieval, gothic,
    blackletter, old english, free for commercial use
    font tags: brush, outline, free for commercial use
    I routinely use any font that is designed „free for commercial use“ for my business.


  500. Beth sagt:

    I am working with a non-profit, Epilepsy Foundation of Kentuckiana, and would like to use one of your fonts on their Gala flyer. I would be happy to credit you on the flyer. I would also be willing to purchase the font but I don’t know where or how to do that. Is this a possibility, and if so would you please provide that information as well, I would certainly appreciate it. Currently I’m looking specifically at the Estelle Contour font, but I have seen a couple others of yours that I like – Chocolate and Morgan. It would be up to the group to decide ultimately, not me. You are indeed talented.

  501. Lucas Henrique sagt:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Steffmann,

    Verzeihen Sie mir zunächst den von Google übersetzten deutschen Versuch.

    Ich bin ein Student der Spieleentwicklung in Brasilien. Ich plane, bald ein Spiel für Smartphones verfügbar zu machen. Wenn möglich, möchte ich die Schriftart Devinne Swash verwenden. Würdest du mir deine Erlaubnis geben?? Ich werde Ihrem Namen gebührende Anerkennung zollen und Ihr persönliches Blog angeben.

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und wunderschönen Arbeit.
    Ich werde auf eine Antwort warten. Danke dir.

  502. Alanna sagt:

    Hi Mr. Steffmann,

    I was wondering if you have a commercial license available to purchase for your Forelle font? I’m currently designing a book over and my client has fall in love with your font.

    Thank you.

  503. vince sagt:

    hi found your font on dafont quetin caps if i can use it for commercial use

  504. Alexandre sagt:

    Good morning,
    I tried top contact you by email regarding a commercial use of your fonts.
    Could you please come back to me when you have time to deeply talk about it?
    Thank you,

  505. elizabeth sagt:

    Hi Dieter,

    I am going to create a new message as my other one may get lost amongst the comments.

    I would like to use your Titania Font on my t-shirts/clothing to sell online. How do I purchase a commercial license, what is the cost and how long does the license last?


  506. J Perry sagt:

    Thank you for your awesome fonts! They were exactly what I was looking for.

  507. Francisca sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann

    I am a graphic designer and about 5 years ago I made a logo with one of your fonts, Royal Initialen, using only the letter J. The thing is that at that time it was a logo for a friend’s business and now I would like to ask your permission for that agency can make use of that letter of your typography as part of its logo.
    I would really appreciate your authorization.

    I thank you in advance and congratulate you for your great work.

    Regards, and thank you very much

  508. Dieter Steffmann Zunächst einmal entschuldigen Sie die Verwendung eines Übersetzers. Meine Anfrage wird etwas anders sein.
    Ich würde gerne Ihre Coaster-Schriftart mit Genehmigung auf meiner Retro-Reise-Website und meinem Blog verwenden. Vielen Dank im Voraus und entschuldigen Sie, dass Sie hier gestört wurden.

    First of all I apologize for using a translator. I would love to use your coaster font for the logo on my retro travel website with permission. Thank you in advance and sorry for bothering you here.

  509. Hello Mr Steffmann.Hope you doing well.
    I want to use Zierinitialen2 Regular Font for Christmas design.
    I will use it for the main „Christmas“ title, in the middle of the design.
    No alteration will be made. And will not be vectorized. And font will be listed back to you in readme.txt.
    I will use that design as part of the selling product. Can I use it for commercial use? It’s totally understandable if I cant.

  510. James Brown sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann!

    I discovered one of your fonts called „Marker Felt“ and I have been loving it inside a non-profit fan created magazine for a video game series. Would it be possible to print this magazine for the fans using this font? I am happy to donate towards it’s use as I would love to continue to use it in a second issue too etc to keep the stylings of the magazines consistent. Thank you so much for your consideration!


  511. Cherry Kong sagt:

    Dear Steffmann,

    First of all, I sincerely appreciate your hard work and sharing of your font.
    I am a doctoral student who writes a dissertation regarding Fascist Aesthetics in the U.S. I was researching some German texts which were written between 1920-1940, and I had to face a hard time.
    Because I do not understand German, I have to use the transfer program. However, since the text was written in Fraktur or Schwabacher or some unknown font, it doesn’t allow me to cut and paste. (I have to install the font first. ) I spent tons of time typing the letter one by one, and I figured out it is impossible because the readings are a lot.

    Would you please tell me the name of this writing’s font?
    I can attach the PDF file, but there is no section that I can attach.
    I am sorry, and it would be great if you can advise me.

    These are the primary readings that I have to transfer.

    Platon als Hüter des Lebens
    Hans F. K. Günther
    Z. F. Lehmanns—Verlag München

    Platon im Unterricht
    Hans Bogner
    Frankfurt am Main : M. Diesterweg

    Joachim Bannes
    Berlin und Leipzig
    Verlag von Walter de Gruyter & Co.

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards,
    Cherry Kong

  512. Jonathan Boyd sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I had previously downloaded your Goudy Medieval from
    It states in the accompanying download readme file that these fonts are free for commercial use. I wanted to confirm that this is accurate as your website states that your fonts are for private use only. You website links to however, so I am confused. Your input would be helpful.


  513. Rose sagt:

    I want to use your font „Old London Font“ in my commercial projects. It says commercial use on other sites but on here private use only. May I use this font commercially?

  514. Ewelina Kur sagt:

    Dear Stephan I got totally confused now. On Dafont your fonts are show as „100% free“, on you have stated that „I am giving out my fonts to everyone for free for commercial purposes without any restrictions and I hope you enjoy in these fonts as much as I and many other font-friends around the world do!“ and here I see that „The fonts are free for private use only.“ Can you please clarify how is this everything?
    Thanks for your work and sending best regards!

  515. Katrina sagt:

    Hi Dieter from Idaho, USA.
    I wanted to produce a shirt design with your font Fraktur Shadowed which would be for commercial use. Hoping it would become a success but I would need your permission to use as soon as possible. Please let me know and thank you!

  516. M. Ferreiro sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I am contacting you to ask for your permission on using KaiserzeitGotisch font in a boardgame project, we are a small starting studio that plan on using rpg board games as a learning device for philosophy, history and general social skills. We are going to crowd-fund our role playing books, boards and miniatures, and hopefully we’ll be able to generate in the future some revenue to pay young writers, illustrators and programmers in new projects and expand the studio.

    To our understanding that means that if we use your fonts (which we really like) on game logos or books (digital and physical) that would be commercial use, and therefore the permission or sale of licence.


    M. Ferreiro „Phorgador“

    • M. Ferreiro sagt:

      I am sorry to have disturbed you, I have now read your article on 1001fonts.
      We are really grateful for your creativity, work and view, we respect it and we think too that as creatives we should give more than virtual content or licences.

      We will honour your time and effort donation.


  517. Adler sagt:

    Hello, I am a solo creative developer making story to be used in a game and comicbook I am developing. I love 2 of your fonts and they are perfect for my story’s logo (Main Title), I am reaching out to ask for your permission to use yours fonts for the logo.

  518. Zeeshan sagt:

    Hope all is well. I had a couple of questions on your DS chocolade font.

  519. César Gabriel sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann.

    May I use the font Frederick for the title of a music video?

    I directed a music video for a local band in my hometown (Oaxaca, México) and I would like to write the title of the song with your font.

    The band is called Hexenbiest


  520. pramudya sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann, I really like your SUBWAY font. I was wondering if it would be okay to use for commercial purposes. It would be for the purpose some wording on my thrift shop label that I’m trying to start up. I did read that stating is 100% free for commercial, but can I use it for commercial use or is that out of the question? Hope to hear from you soon Mr. Steffmann.


  521. Syma sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am interested in using your font „Zallman Caps“ for a tattoo design but there is no „Y“ character. Is there a chance you have one created?

    Thank you!

  522. Maria sagt:

    Guten Abend,
    möchte Ihnen fragen ob ich darf das Schrift „Challenge Contour“ oder „Challenge Shadow“, modifizieren für ein Grafische-Layout für kommerziell Nutzung (Verpackung).
    Zum bei Spiele ich würde „Challenge Contour“ ohne Kontur nutzen. Es ist das von Ihnen Erlaubt?

    Liebe Grüsse

  523. F.Aygün sagt:

    Guten Abend Herr Steffmann,
    wollte fragen ob ich die Schrift „Augusta“ für die kommerzielle Nutzung nutzen.

    Liebe Grüsse

  524. Alex Smith sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I work at MGM Resorts International and I’m writing to ask permission for commercial use for the font Romantiques. We would like to use it in an invite to a gaming event held at Bellagio Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. Thank you for your time and your beautiful work.

    ~Alex Smith

  525. Danny sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Steffmann,

    I notice you haven’t replied to a comment since 2017, and that comment was about eye surgery you were having. I hope that went well for you. I’m not sure if you’re still alive but whether you are or are not I tip my hat to you and thank you for the wonderful font you designed called „Honey Script“ (you may already be guessing what my question is for you :) . . . I currently lack the funds to hire a graphic designer or pay for commercial fonts, so I assembled a list of free fonts as candidates to use as part of a logo I’m designing for my start-up lighting business. I showed my list to a friend and he said your font is by far the best – it reminds him of „The Brady Bunch“ old TV show. May I have permission to use this font for my logo? I think it would be great for the vibe I want and would love to honor your great work.

    Thank you again,

  526. Danny sagt:

    May I please use your „Honey Script“ font for my logo?

    (This is Danny who asked whether you’re alive in another comment. You responded via email and I’m writing here because I’m not sure you saw my email response, thanks and sorry to send you so many messages)

  527. June sagt:

    Hello. Mr. Steffmann
    Can I use your Blackletter font on my commercial logo?

    Sorry. I don’t speak English, so I write it through Google’s translator.

  528. Matthew Pluma sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I hope this finds you well.

    I have been in the process of creating a logo for my brand and would like your express consent to use the Olde English type font for (hopefully) commercial use. Your fonts are spectacular and the Olde English font speaks to me in a personal way. Thank you for your consideration.

  529. Oscar Jacobsson sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann

    I’m a small independent artist and I’m on a very low budget, which means I can’t afford an artwork designer to create artwork for me. Because of this, I would like to ask you if it’s okay for me to use one of your fonts for free and for commercial purposes. You will be credited in my music video. Thank you very much

  530. Oscar Jacobsson sagt:

    Hello mr Steffmann

    I am an independent artist and Im on very low budget so i can not hire an artwork designer for my project. I would like to use one of your fonts for my artwork, for commercial purposes. You will be credited on my youtube video. Thank you

  531. Mike livingstone sagt:

    Veröffentlichen von Inhalten auf Ihrer Website

    Ich hoffe, dass es dir gut geht. Ich wollte nur eine kurze E-Mail senden, um Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass wir nach Websites suchen, die sich auf Gastbeiträge mit einem Do-Follow-Glücksspiel-Link beziehen. Wenn dies etwas ist, möchten Sie einen Gastbeitrag auf Ihrer Website veröffentlichen, lassen Sie mich einfach wissen, wie viel Sie für einen Gastbeitrag verlangen?

    Wenn Sie keine Links zu der oben genannten Anfrage akzeptieren, geben Sie bitte auch einen Preis für allgemeine Gastbeiträge an.

    Skype: shanker2020
    Telegramm: 9966160005
    WhatsApp-Nummer: 9966160005

    Vielen Dank“

  532. Nico sagt:

    Werte Herr Steffmann,

    Ich schätze, Sie sind ein vielbeschäftiger Mann, darum will ich gar nicht ihre Zeit zu viel in Anpruch nehmen.

    ich habe ihre Beschreibung auf der Internetseite durchgelesen.
    Ihre Großzügigkeit ist wundervoll. Ich möchte mich bedanken, denn ich werde ihre Schrift „Moderne Fraktur“ in meinem Roman verwenden.

    Ich werde das nicht vergessen.

  533. Chris W sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a graphic designer from Atlanta, Ga. I’ve searched and searched for your fonts and I must say that they are amazing. The Kaiserzeit Gotisch is definitely my favorite. I wanted to know if I could use it for my students and incorporate it in a logo? I will even provide a donation if to you or somewhere of your choosing.

    Thank you so much!

  534. Alice Yeung sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I am a designer from Hong Kong. I have seen your font on DaFont. Your Font is amazing and very match my next project. I would like to ask you approve me for commercial use Blackletter and Kaiserzeit Gotisch font in my next project, Thank you so much.

  535. Hello, I am the administrator of I hope you will share your Fonts to get more visitors and downloads. The site provides you with unlimited space to share and more that you can enjoy.

  536. Christie Ioncheva sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    I’m designer from Bulgaria and I have a project for e-shop for clothes for a friend of mine. I would like to use if possible your font Brock Script D for the titles of the categories and pages.
    This font:

    I won’t be using it as main font and text font, but the titles of pages and categories would really look great with it. You have done amazing work with your fonts and have a great talent.
    How can I buy a license for using it in the website?
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Have a beautiful day. I look forward to hearing from you.

  537. Greetings Mr. Steffmann,

    I hope all is well in the fatherland. Its rare to come across a man of the trades so principled as you are, who recognizes the paradoxes today created by free enterprises and intangible goods and services. This will definitely be the philosophical challenge of societies in the 21st century- considering robotics, social credit score algorithms, government mandated insurance, etc.

    The ethics that a hard days work deserves a fair days pay is not lost for common folk. I would be more than willing to buy a license to use your „Fette Egyptienne“ font, but in order for me to be respectful of your vital principles, I must only humbly ask for your permission to use it sir. May I please use it for my online bookstore and related merchandise? We are in the same fight in spirit.

    For honour and glory,
    Christopher Roth

  538. Jonathan C. Prato Ropero sagt:

    Greetings Mr. Steffmann,

    I’m a designer from Colombia and I’m making a logo for an entrepreneurship of a friend of mine. I would really appreciate if you allow me to use your font Deutsche Zierschrift, more specifically the letter V, as the logo idea is a seal of wax.

    I’ve found it in: …, and it’s says 100% free for use, but the download .ZIP file does not have any license related file on it.

    I will just use the letter V, as the seal would really look amazing with your font. You have an unbelievable talent and you’ve done an amazing work with your fonts.
    I would really appreciate if you could tell me how can I buy a license for using it in the logo? or how can I get any kind of permission for it’s commercial use?

    Thank you very much.

    I look forward for your response and hope this message finds you well sir.
    Jonathan C. Prato Ropero

  539. ray meza sagt:

    Hi, I think your klarrissa font is lovely. I have a freelancing illustrator job for a book called andrew at the opera and I would like to know if I can have your permission to use it if it is sold and distributed in florida.

  540. Banshee Kahnanesgi sagt:

    Greetings M.Steffman,
    I’m currently working on a comic and needed a font for an item (one of the character’s book) in the story, I saw yours and I was wondering if it was ok with you if i use one for this purpose. May I ?
    I wish you a wonderful day/evening.

  541. Lina sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    Maybe you have better things to do than responding to this message, sorry for bothering you. I graduated from my masters degree when the sanitary crisis began (I’m a data scientist), since then I have not be able to find a job, so I am trying to find other ways to earn a living. Specifically, I’m starting to sell digital planners, journals and similar products, and I usually design them with an old-fashioned style and your fonts are very beautiful and perfect for my planners! I would like to ask your permission to use your fonts, and more specifically if I coud embbed them on pdf files (as I’m selling digital documents) if possible.
    Thank you for your time and consideration, have a nice day!

  542. Deker Daily sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I am writing to express my admiration for your font „Moderne Fraktur“ and to formally request permission to use this font for commercial purposes, specifically for use in an upcoming music video. I look forward to hearing from you!

  543. Ria sagt:


    i just wanted to confirm that your typography font Cardinal, is free for commercial use?

  544. Edelbrockeed sagt:

    bride, Julie d’Angenne.

  545. Kévin sagt:


    I would like to use Augusta font within the framework of a non-profit association. We are a role-playing association of about 15 people called „Pluie & Sortilèges“ and would like to use your font for our flyers.
    Thank you for your comeback.


  546. Hiroki Sunami sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann.

    May i have your permission to use your Caslon Antique fonts on my LINE application stickers.

    Thank you.

  547. Tyler Miller sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I’m the associate pastor of a church in Delaware, and I’m wondering if we can use the Prisma font in print materials, on our website and social media pages, and in t-shirts that we would sell. Please let me know at your earliest convenience, and feel free to reply with any questions.

    Thanks so much!

  548. Hi
    please may I use your Alte Caps font for my custom pottery items please?
    many thanks, Dan

  549. Alecia Herning sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann.

    I would love to have permission to use your font, Im am a small dice maker, I make dice for rollplaying games. I would like to use Morris Roman as my numbers. I love your work. Please let me know at your earliest convenience, and feel free to reply with any questions.

    Please let me know at your earliest convenience, and feel free to reply with any questions.

    Thank you so much!

  550. Adam Misner sagt:

    Hallo Mr. Steffmann,

    I’m an independent author and I’m about to publish a romance novel that alludes to fairy tales throughout, and I wanted to write „happily ever after“ with a font a little more magical than times new roman. I was wondering if I could use one of your fonts for the end of the book.

  551. Marra sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    My name is Marra. I’m a designer/illustrator. I was looking for a typeface to be used in my band’s music video and I found your font
    I notice that you stopped replying to people, and I have no idea whether you’re still alive or not. If you do, I hope you’re healthy and doing well. If you don’t, I hope for a peaceful rest for you in heaven.
    I know this message probably won’t get to you, but I still want to ask your permission to use one of your fonts for my band’s music video. If you receive this message and somehow have the time to reply, I would be happy to hear from you
    I also want to thank you for digitalizing the fonts.
    Best Regards,

  552. Hello,

    I am reaching out to you because I came across a font attributed to you called „Cruickshank“, and it is perfect for an illustration project I have been working on. The font is listed as free for personal use, but many times there is an option to pay the creator for a license to use the work for commercial use as well…I was really hoping perhaps this was the case. Please let me know if this is an option, and I will gladly pay for the opportunity to use your beautiful font. Thank you.

  553. damien dessane sagt:

    Dear Mr Steffmann,

    What is the origin of the font called Cardinal?
    It is very similar to a font seen on old postcard, I was wondering if an equivalent font existed in Germany at the turn of 19th century and what was its name then?


  554. Viktor sagt:

    Can l use this font in a copy paste font generator and if so how?

  555. prisda sagt:

    Hi, I would like to use your Titania font I downloaded from as a logo for my product. If they’re not free, please let me know how to purchase them for the commercial logo. Thank you

  556. Brian Mitchell sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I’m not sure if you are still replying to comments or not but I am writing to ask permission to use your font, Old London for a t-shirt design I have in mind.

    Thank you.

  557. Magnus Nielsen sagt:

    Hey Dieter Steffmann, saw your font you had made and it’s incredibly, really great work you did i have to say. I have a clothing brand where i design everything my self, therefore i would like to ask you if i could get your permission to use the font for a small collection, like on a cap. I wrote one of your answers was that you could give permission personal, and you just didn’t want to have all the font copy paste sites to use your font.

    Is it possible that I can get permission for my brand?
    – Magnus :)

  558. Hello Mr Steffman ,
    I’ve read that your font are free ,but in the way to protect the font shop if the font is not present on one of it I can ask for your permission to use.

    I made a search and seems your Titania Font it’s not sold by any store , may I use Titania for our commercial brand?

    Thank you in advance

  559. Moetual sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffman!

    We are MOETUAL, a graphic design studio from Indonesia and we would like to use one of your Font, TITANIA as a logo of our commercial project. We realised the license listed on is 100% free, but is it free for commercial use? If they’re not free, please let me know how to purchase them for the commercial logo. Thank you so much

  560. Nathan Godefroy sagt:

    Hi Mr Steffman,
    We are 2 artists creating a website to present our production. We really like your Augusta font. Is it possible to use it as the principal font of the website ?
    Is there something to pay ?
    Have a nice day

  561. Bernardo García Ramírez sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman,

    I am trying to publish my first fantasy novel with little money to spend on publishing. I’ve fallen in love with your Cardinal-Alternate font and can’t find anything else I like that much. Would it be possible to use your font for my maps and titles?

    Many thanks,
    Bernardo García

  562. Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I found your site when I was led to the font site and presented with your Old London font. It was listed as a font used in a „movie title“ item that I obtained for use with my drone videos to put on YouTube and possible other places.

    I would like permission to use this font commercially with my drone business. I am a small, single person operation and help support both for-profit and non-profit operations with drone videos and more and would love to be able to use it.

    While I come here to ask this, I will continue to explore your site in general. Myself and my wife has family ties back to Germany and this site draws on that.

    Thank you very much for your consideration and have a great day from the Great State of Texas

  563. Arleen Nebeker sagt:

    Hi hello there! I’m just reaching out to see if I could get your permission to use your font Art Nevou Caps that I found on dafont for a branding assignment I have in relation to a non-profit Art Gallery. Or if I could but commercial rights if I do decide to take it one step further. Looking forward to hearing from you!

  564. JUNSUB BYUN sagt:

    Hi, Mr. Steffmann

    I wonder if I can ask your permission for the commercial use of the font ‘Prisma’.
    This font is really impressive!
    Also, would it be possible to trasform this font if I use it to design a logo for my theatre company?

    Looking forward to hear from you!
    Thanks a lot.

    All best,


  565. Paul KE sagt:

    Hallo, Mr. Steffmann

    Ich bin Musiker und moechte den Schrift „Royal Initialen“ kommerziell gebrauchen. Darf ich es ohne Kosten in meinem Kunst verwenden?

    Paul KE

  566. Fernandes Siregar sagt:

    Hallo, Mr Steffmann

    I am a designer from Indonesia. I have seen your font on DaFont and 1001freefont.
    I’ve read that your font are free , I can ask your permission for the commercial use of the font ‘Old London Font’.

    Thank you
    Fernandes Siregar

  567. Marius sagt:

    Super Webseite! Machen sie weiter so

  568. Melanie sagt:

    Sehr schöne Seite;)

  569. Laurence LAMOULIE sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann, I would like to use one of your fonts (Old London or Grusskarten Gotisch) for a small series of wine-themed t-shirts and totebags that I will be marketing in France. I know your font is free on dafont, but I’d rather ask your permission. Many thanks in advance for your answer. Yours truly. Laurence

  570. Paack sagt:

    Es ist erstaunlich, wie weit sich die Technik in so kurzer Zeit entwickelt hat.

  571. Elise sagt:

    Is there a way to purchase a font for commercial use/small business?
    Thank you

  572. Ryan Huckabay sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    We are a small game/story publisher in the United States. We would like to use your Roman Antique font in some headings and titles in our games and books. May we have permission?

  573. Benjamin sagt:

    Hello, I am a graphic designer and I would like to use the Old London typeface for commercial purposes. Is it possible? I hope answer thanks

  574. Dan Merrill sagt:

    I downloaded your Honey Script font for my friend’s photography business logo, which I designed for him for free. Can he use the logo with your font for free, or does he have to pay for it’s use?

  575. Cher sagt:

    Hello good, I am an art student and I am doing my first comic to publish it online and maybe someday publish it.
    Could I use your Verve font for the cover?

    Thanks you so much for your time :)

  576. Andrea sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,

    I would like to know if your beautiful fonts on 1001 Fonts are truly free for commercial use. May I have your permission to use some of them (Anglican Text, Canterbury) for album artworks?

    Thank you!

  577. Hi, I would like to use your Subway font for a new pet brand called „The Licker Store“ based in NYC. Please let me know what I would have to do or if its for purchase.

  578. LAURENT sagt:

    Hallo Herr STEFMANN,

    Ich erlaube mir, Sie zu kontaktieren, um eine genaue Auskunft über die auf zum Download bereitgestellte Schriftart „deutsche_zierschrif“ zu erhalten.

    Es ist in der 100% kostenlosen Sektion. Ist das so, ist es frei von Rechten, was können wir daraus machen?

    Ist es möglich, es für einen Verein zu verwenden?

    Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Erläuterungen sowie für Ihre Arbeit.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

    Etienne Laurent

  579. Kanye sagt:

    Hello I’m starting a small business and I really love your font “Coaster” and was wondering what do I have to do to be able to make money with this font if it’s necessary.

  580. Silk sagt:

    Den Amiga 2000 kündigte Commodore erst 1987 an. Zeitgleich mit dem Verkaufsschlager Amiga 500.

  581. Matías Igor sagt:

    Hola Dieter, esperando que tenga un buen día quería preguntarle si podría usar su fuente Augusta Regular para uso comercial, estoy elaborando algunas sudaderas haciendo uso de tal fuente. Sin más que agregar le deseo buen día.

  582. Rsvi sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann, I’m a designer from Indonesia. I stumbled upon your Titania font on where it was listed as „100% free“. Thus I already used the font on my t-shirt design asked by a client. I hereby apologize for using your font on my commercial project since I had no idea about the license. Thank you.

  583. C Mann sagt:

    Hello Mr. Steffmann,
    I have a Youtube and a small business and I really love CloisterBlack. May I have your permission to use CloisterBlack on a Tshirt for Zodiac signs all 12?
    Thanks you so much for your time :)

  584. yubin sagt:

    Hello Mr. steffmann,
    I really love your font! So I want to ask you something.
    I am Korean, and I really really want to open my own online stationery store.
    And I want to make medieval Gothic alphabet sticker.
    Can I sell stickers by changing a lot of your font to my style?

    I will wait for your reply. Thank you so much and have nice day!

  585. Alex Howe sagt:

    Mr. Steffmann,

    I represent a small apparel company who would like to use your font „Honey Script“ for their company logo. Please provide permissions, or let me know if there is a price or process to follow in order for my client to use this font for commercial purposes.

    Best Regards!

  586. Victor Quispe sagt:

    Estimado Sr. Steffemann,
    Soy estudiante de diseño gráfico y he quedado muy encantado de su trabajo y de sus fuentes. En específico, de la tipografía ‚Titania‘. Cuenta con unos acabados muy elegantes y unos trazos muy gruesos, que evoca mucho a la estética de los 80’s y 90’s.
    El motivo de mi mensaje es para darme el atrevimiento de solicitarle el uso de su tipografía para la portada de un concierto; con la finalidad de recaudar fondos que ayudaría económicamente a un querido amigo mío y que este pueda pagar sus estudios Universitarios. Además de usarlo para la portada del concierto, tambien me gustaría usarlo como logotipo para la marca personal de mi amigo. Como mencione estoy muy encantado con su tipografía, y no quisiera faltarle el respeto sin pedirle el debido permiso de esta mismo.
    Saludos cordiales.
    Victor Quispe

  587. Maribel sagt:

    Good evening Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    Excuse me if my English is bad, I am using a translator.
    I hope you are doing very well. I am Maribel, and I am writing to ask you if I can use your typographies, since in 1001 font it indicates that it is for personal and commercial use, and reading on your page you mention that it is only for personal use. I wanted to use it to make prints on polo shirts, cups, notebooks, stickers and I would like to know if it is possible to use it for that commercial purpose. Thank you very much in advance.

  588. Cara sagt:

    Hi, I’m not asking for business stuff. I just want to say I admire your work. I found it a few days ago, and have been marveling over it. I think you may be dead now (though I hope not). You have extremely good taste and have made human culture far richer.

  589. Cidiclei Medeiros sagt:

    Mr Steffmann, hello! I found your Titania font and I’m using it on the cover of my social networks because it’s beautiful, but I don’t want to infringe your copyright, every place that makes reference to it says it’s totally free. I ask for your permission. You will find me as @vooimortal in google searches. All building everything alone and little by little, because I’m not a designer. And everything I post has to be original and the tools have to be free.

    • Cidiclei Medeiros sagt:

      It’s not all, I meant I’m I’m making the content of my networks myself. I liked Titania, too much! But I saw hola-script font, tanasch and rosckell. Please let me use them for commercial purposes, should my efforts succeed. Grateful. (I’m using google translator)

  590. Cidiclei Medeiros sagt:

    Mr Steffmann, I’m a professor of letters and I saw your Titania font, I downloaded it and used it on my social media covers, I ask for your permission to use it for commercial use if I can shine, I’m not a designer and I don’t want to do anything illegal . Many font sites say that it is completely free, but if the Lord does not give me permission, it would be horrible for me, but I undo everything. This fountain of yours I find it very beautiful.
    Thanks in advance.

  591. Hello Mr. Steffmann, sorry to bother you, but I ended up using one of your fonts, Titania. Some sites such as Fontes Memes and say that it is completely free, while specifies that for commercial use you have to ask for authorization from the Lord. I ask that you grant me your authorization to continue using it, if your answer is no, I have withdrawn it. With the Covid pandemic, many jobs were taken over, I am a Portuguese language, writing and literature teacher. Now I’m trying to get into the area of ​​creating digital content. I use everything free: Linux system, fonts, programs, everything. Your fonts are beautiful, but I only ask Titania, Queen of the Fairies. Please

  592. Flora Kok sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffman, I’m creating a music video for my band and intend to publish it on Youtube. Your font, Augusta, would be a perfect font for the credit texts. Do you consider this private or commercial use? Would you give us your permission to use the font?

    Kindly, Flora

  593. Dear Mr. Steffemann, your fonts are very beautiful. I’m starting to venture into the area of ​​digital content creation, I hope it works out! I think about creating shirt prints. I have a hard time finding looser fonts and I liked Titania, La Negrita, Marketing Script, Zierinitialen. Some sites say they are free, but I ask you for permission to use them. Thanks in advance.

  594. Elisa Harrison Garber sagt:

    Hello, Mr. Steffmann. I’m writing my first fantasy fiction novel and I was enchanted by your Romantik font. I was wondering if you would give me permission to use it in the print version of my book.

    I await your response.
    Sincerely, Miss Garber.

  595. Sylvia Hargrave sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,

    I hope you are doing well. I’m a writer and aspiring video game developer, working on my first narrative video game. In the game there is a robust, dynamic journal which the player carries, which updates based on the experiences that the protagonist has in the world. I would love to use your beautiful Prince Valiant font for the protagonist’s handwriting in that journal. Full credit would be given both in the legal section of the game for attribution with a link to your works, as well as in the scrolling credits of the game.

    This is for a commercial project, though as this is my first title, it is a passion project made out of love and funded by my own means. The same meticulous detail and quality that your fonts have is what I strive for with my own creations. It would mean a great deal if I could feature your work as the writing style of my game’s hero.

    Thank you so much for your time. I hope to hear from you.
    Sylvia Hargrave

  596. Developer sagt:

    Pueden todas las tipografías estar en todos los sitios que son gratis para uso comercial, pero aquí el señor en 2012, indica claramente que solo para fines de uso personal. He visto un mensaje del 2015 que indica que se pueden utilizar las fuentes para uso comercial, pero leyendo este blog, 1001Fonts, está mintiendo ya que han copiado el contenido de este blog y han puesto una licencia inventada. Así que no utilicen las fuentes para proyectos comerciales. Esa es mi definitiva respuesta con tanta investigación que he realizado.

  597. JINY sagt:

    Hello, Mr. Steffmann.
    First of all, I wonder if you are healthy. I wish you well.
    I want to use your ‚SUBWAY‘ font as my brand logo.
    I’m making a brand for dogs. I was wondering if it’s okay to use your beautiful handwriting for commercial use.
    I respect you for making a nice font. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time.

  598. Emeka Edozien sagt:


    I would like to use your very lovely font (kaiserzeit Botisch) for an image which is to be used for T shirts which I selling. On it says it’s a 100% free font. Does that mean that in using this font I can make slight changes? I however wanted to clarify this with you, and please let me know as I think this is an elegant font.


  599. Erick Martinez sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann,

    I’m part of a small indie game development team trying to publish our first game. We’ve really fallen in love with your Augusta font and can’t find variations on it that would do well. Would it be possible for us to use it for the game’s title?

    Many thanks,
    Erick Martinez and The Chronicles of Lussaria Team

  600. John sagt:

    Hello Dieter.

    Thanks you for making all of these wonderful typefaces.

    With your permission, I would like to use Snowtop Caps for a commercial project.

    All the best.

  601. FABIAN IRIME sagt:

    I am starting a clothing brand and I fell in love with your Old London font. Would you mind sending me a payment method so I can use it for commercial purposes or am I able to use the font for free?

    Warm welcomes from Fabian!

  602. Christina sagt:

    Hello Dieter.
    Thanks you for making all of these wonderful typefaces.
    We are a free laser design software, can we add your fonts to our software? Free for our users to use.
    All the best.

  603. Jasmine Lewis sagt:

    Hello I’ve found your font „Olde English“ on I would like to use this for commercial use, I own a hat company and the font would go perfect on one of my beanies am I allowed to use this font?

  604. Van eetvelde Céline sagt:

    Guten Tag Herr Steffmann,
    Wir sind eine kleine Struktur für französische Animationsfilme. Wir produzieren eine Serie von 10 Episoden von einigen Minuten Länge, es ist das allererste Projekt von Nikita, der Regisseurin. Die Animationstechnik ist Stop-Motion aus geschnittenem Papier. Wir würden gerne Cardinal im Titel und manchmal in einigen Hintergründen verwenden . Jede Episode erzählt kurz ein okzitanisches Märchen. Auf der Dafont-Website steht 100% free, ich würde Sie lieber fragen und Ihre Zustimmung haben, bevor wir merken, dass das Unsinn ist. Diese Arbeit wird auf dem regionalen okzitanischen Kanal ausgestrahlt. Im Voraus danke ich Ihnen für die Zeit, die Sie sich nehmen, um uns zu antworten.
    Und vielen Dank für Ihre Arbeit.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Hello Mr Steffmann,
    We are a small French animation film company. We’re making a series of 10 episodes lasting a few minutes each, the very first project of Nikita, the director. The animation technique is stop-motion paper cut-outs. We’d like to use Cardinal in the title and sometimes in some of the sets. Each episode briefly tells an Occitan tale. On the Dafont website, it says 100% free, so I’d rather ask you and get your agreement before we realise it’s nonsense. This work will be broadcast on the regional Occitan channel. Thank you in advance for taking the time to reply.
    And thank you for your work.


  605. Andi sagt:

    Hallo Herr Steffmann!

    Auf Ihrer Homepage steht, dass Ihre Schriften nur für die private Nutzung kostenlos sind. Bei 1001 Fonts steht bei Ihren Schriften allerdings, dass sie auch für den kommerziellen Gebrauch frei sind. Wurden dort falsche Informationen verbreitet? Ich würde gerne ein paar Ihrer Frakturschriften in meinem Buch verwenden und möchte wissen, ob ich das darf.

    MfG Andi

  606. Chrissy sagt:

    Ich habe auf eine Schriftart von Ihnen gefunden, die mir gefällt. Welche Lizenz muss ich von Ihnen erwerben, um diese Schriftart für eine Modemarke zu verwenden? Dank im Voraus.

  607. Ebru Ertas sagt:

    Dear Mr. Steffmann,
    First of all, I want to thank you for all your work.
    I absolutely love your fonts. I would like your permission to use your fonts to create graphics, birthday designs, digital downloads and other similar items that may help me generate a small income. I am looking forward to your answer, thank you very much in advance.
    Kind regards

  608. Alban jude sagt:

    Guten Tag Herr Willkommen. Mein Name ist Alban Jude, und ich möchte mein kleines Unternehmen als unabhängiger Autor und YouTuber unter der Marke „Arcance Fiction“ gründen. Ich wurde sehr von Ihrer Schriftart „Angel“, die ich auf Dafont gefunden habe und die als 100% kostenlos gekennzeichnet ist, angezogen. Dennoch würde ich gerne wissen, unter welchen Bedingungen ich sie nutzen darf? Ich habe bereits begonnen, Ihre Schriftart für nicht bezahlte Posts zu verwenden. Nun möchte ich jedoch einen Schritt weitergehen und Ihre Schriftart offiziell und in einem immer professionelleren Rahmen nutzen. Welche Anweisungen und Anforderungen haben Sie?

  609. Leticia Tobias sagt:

    Hello Mr Steffmann,

    I´am a graphic design, and i producing a cover album for a friend.
    We are small artist´s from a city in Brasil.

    I would like to use the font “Old English“ for commercial use.
    Can i use this font?

  610. Hello, Mr. Steffmann!

    I am a Brazilian designer and I was looking for fonts to create my logo until I found your Gotenburg font on 1001fonts. I thought about using it as a reference to create the logo symbol with the initials „feh“. By „reference“ I mean that I want to „clean up“ the details in the characters, make it less handwritten, something more digitalized, modern, I think you understand me. I want it to be as unorganized as possible.

    But I saw in your EULA, in item 3 more precisely, that I cannot modify the font.

    Would there be any problem in me continuing my creation process with your logo? I would not modify the font, I would create a logo based on these 3 characters of the font, with modifications.

    Thank you in advance for your feedback.

  611. Jonny Kristiansen sagt:

    I want to have my own font designed. Can you contact me for a further explanation? Sincerely, Jonny Kristiansen

  612. Binbing Li sagt:

    Hello, Mr. Steffmann, I am a novelist from China who may work as a cartoonist and animator in the future. I would like to use a font you have created, which has been published on ontpalace under the name Middle Saxony Text Font (URL link:) +Saxony+Text/), I saw that the copyright statement allows for free use for commercial purposes, so I would like to use this font as the title in my story. However, I am not sure if you have allowed this font to be used for commercial purposes?
    I really want to get your reply because I urgently need your authorization.

  613. IRWH sagt:

    Hi, I am using Old London font for a logo/wordmark for a website, please let me know if this is ok. or if it is possible to get something more official for using the font

  614. Hi! Hopefully you are doing well today.
    I am interested in using two of your fonts for some of my music promotional material. The two fonts are (1) Acorn Initials and (2) Mayflower Antique. At this point in time, I have only planned to use these fonts for single and/or album covers. Would I have permission to use these in a music single cover?
    I would also love to use these in merchandise in the future, because they are lovely, but am willing to ask separately.
    Thank you kindly, and have a great day!
    Very sincerely,
    Lillian Kopp

  615. Cécile Audoin sagt:


    I hope you enjoyed spring and summer the way you wanted this year.

    I would like to use one of your font (either Moderne Fraktur or Germania) for a postcard edition projet in Auvergne, France.
    The projet is directed by a non-profit artists small group willing to denounce the raise of nationalist ideas (and vote …) in our country. All the benefits of the selling will be used for printing postcards, flyers, posters etc. against extreme right, and/or for similar actions promoting this cause.
    I would definitely like to credit your name as the author of the font, considering the quality of your work.
    Also, I would like to send you one of these postcards, if you have any adress I could write to.
    Thank you for your answer.

    Best regards,


  616. Alan Avery sagt:

    Hey there!

    We are looking to revamp a design for the Logo of our Fantasy themed Company we are trying to get off the ground, and I am seeking permission to use the ‚Berry Rotunda‘, as it listed as Public Domain, and OFL, but want to reach out to confirm that it is available to use, and also thank you for the Beautiful works you have created over the years. Truly, I love your Fonts!

    Hope you are well, and have a great day!

  617. Angela V sagt:


    We are interested in using Viking Medium font on a mock-up logo in a film to be worn on actor’s apparel. And possibly for the opening credits.

    Please let me know if this is approved, and your preferred credit in the end credits of the film.

    Kind regards,
    Angela V.

  618. Witchling sagt:

    Hello Dieter! I am making a business and I have fallen in love with your beautiful fonts, especially „Cardinal“. I was wondering if I could have permission to use the font for my logo. (Commercial use) I would of course credit you!

    Hope to hear back from you soon!

  619. Filip A. sagt:


    I am an indie game developer and I really like many of your fonts. I especially like Baldur font. I would like to ask for the permission to use the font comercially, if at all possible, please.

    Kind regards,
    Filip A.

  620. Rev S sagt:


    I am a great admirer of your typographic creations, and I am currently writing some stories and would like to know if I am allowed to use two of your fonts in my book that I intend to publish: one font would be used for the title on the cover of the book – with small modification to suit the layout – and the other for some parts of the text of the story inside the book.

    Thank you very much for all the beautiful work you’ve created I truly love your fonts!
    Kind Regards

  621. Musso Alexandre sagt:

    Bonjour, comment utiliser votre police Fette Trump Deutsch pour un logo de marque de vêtements ?

    A. Musso

  622. Musso Alexandre sagt:

    Hallo, wie verwende ich die Schriftart Fette Trump Deutsch für das Logo einer Bekleidungsmarke?

    A. Musso

  623. Aden sagt:

    Hello Dieter Steffmann,

    I hope this message finds you well. We are interested in using your font „Coaster“ for branding purposes for our commercial coffee shop. We truly admire your work, and this particular font would be a perfect fit for our brand’s aesthetic.

    Could you kindly confirm if we have your permission to use „Coaster“ for this commercial purpose? We just want to make sure it is fine to proceed.

    Thank you for your amazing contribution to the design community, and we truly appreciate the effort and creativity behind your font collection.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Kind regards,

  624. Brendon Hannaford sagt:

    Good day Mr. Steffmann,

    Well, I’m sure you can guess what I’m about to ask you. I hope you’re not tired of this all by now!

    I am starting a very small operation, called „Sigil Electroncis,“ in Los Angeles, California. My intention is to digitize VHS tapes, sell refurbished/modified vintage video equipment, and sell other boutique electronics.

    Your fonts are excellent, I really appreciate all the hard work it must have taken to make them. Cardinal and Roman Antique are of particular interest to me. May I use your fonts for this (small) commercial venture?


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